Erasing history...


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Growing or hit it's apogee under Obama? One of my hopes for his legacy is that his years and negativity he added to the issue will be looked back as the time most American's, black and white, said "ENOUGH". I mean, it has not translated into electoral success.

Quite the opposite.

I've got zero hope along those lines. None. It's growing vigorously, not receding.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I've got zero hope along those lines. None. It's growing vigorously, not receding.

So, the reality of GOP dominance, the de facto rejection of Obama-ism, consistently since 2010, the first chance the people had to say 'no', the election of Trump, none of that indicates a rejection if not a decline? I think it was the high water mark. I think that's clear.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
So, the reality of GOP dominance, the de facto rejection of Obama-ism, consistently since 2010, the first chance the people had to say 'no', the election of Trump, none of that indicates a rejection if not a decline? I think it was the high water mark. I think that's clear.

Nope; I see it differently. That "rejection" was tepid, at best. The race and "social justice" warriors continue to grow in strength and numbers.


Well-Known Member
There's no genocide in Chicago. That's absurd. There is a lot of drug trade violence but that's totally different.
AND the violence is chicago is not a taboo subject, its in the news all the time
I've read many books about all three of those gentlemen. Lee, in particular. You?
I have read plenty of books about them, but thats not at issue. the monuments and the reasons they were errected are. You choose to continue to wallow in your own ignorance instead of reading up on the subject you are so adamantly fighting over.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
AND the violence is chicago is not a taboo subject, its in the news all the time .

In all fairness, would you be willing to concede that it stinks and feels totally out of balance to a white guy, the incessant focus on how bad cops are, while 6,000 black kids a year are gunning one another down and it is NOT a national scandal compared to the focus on cops?


Well-Known Member
In all fairness, would you be willing to concede that it stinks and feels totally out of balance to a white guy, the incessant focus on how bad cops are, while 6,000 black kids a year are gunning one another down and it is NOT a national scandal compared to the focus on cops?

not to this white guy, but I understand the difference between random violence or violence you choose to be associated with and oppression at the hands of your government. BTW, who says its not a national scandal? Its on the news all of the time and the left is constantly using gun violence as the basis for seeking new forms of gun control.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
with and oppression at the hands of your government. rol.

Excellent point.

That said, if we're told better 100 guilty men go free rather than 1 innocent man go to jail, where's the balance? We can count on two hands the major cop incidents, by name, of the last couple years vs. an anonymous Sandy Hook per day over the drug trade.


Well-Known Member
Excellent point.

That said, if we're told better 100 guilty men go free rather than 1 innocent man go to jail, where's the balance? We can count on two hands the major cop incidents, by name, of the last couple years vs. an anonymous Sandy Hook per day over the drug trade.
what makes an individual murder standout? They tend to get lost in a see of other senseless acts. There has to be a story to make it a national interest.
I'll bite..why were they erected? Why were monuments to Jefferson and Washington erected?

wallow away. You really should have educated yourself prior to taking up your cause :yay:


New Member
AND the violence is chicago is not a taboo subject, its in the news all the time

The point is.... where is the outrage? Where are the movements? Where are the community leaders standing up and saying "We will take action to end this!"

Nowhere to be found! Sure, the news reports this BUT... where is the support from the community to end the violence?

I will tell you where..... NOWHERE! That is because it is an issue that no one will rally around because there is no one to inflame. It is black-on-black crime and there is no evil whitey to point a finger at and demonize.

My point is that social justice can be achieved if you take care of what is in your own house first. Worrying about a statue that should be removed (I agree with it) and ignoring to put focus on what is happening in the likes of Chicago, LA, etc. is just ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
The point is.... where is the outrage? Where are the movements? Where are the community leaders standing up and saying "We will take action to end this!"

Nowhere to be found! Sure, the news reports this BUT... where is the support from the community to end the violence?

I will tell you where..... NOWHERE! That is because it is an issue that no one will rally around because there is no one to inflame. It is black-on-black crime and there is no evil whitey to point a finger at and demonize

My point is that social justice can be achieved if you take care of what is in your own house first. Worrying about a statue that should be removed (I agree with it) and ignoring to put focus on what is happening in the likes of Chicago, LA, etc. is just ridiculous.
all you have to do is google 'march to end gun violence"

here are a couple RECENT examples