Erasing history...


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Did the war not happen?

We'll get to "apparently not" soon enough.

And I've seen three of the monuments personally (spend time in NOLA every year). Had not even heard of the fourth ..that "freedom monument" or whatever it was called. The one ole MR focused on, of course.


Well-Known Member
Except for who cares? You don't even live in New Orleans, why should you have any say so about their decorations? I don't understand why you care about a city you don't even live in.

On another note, they are looking for homes for these statues and monuments. You could take ol' Jeff Davis and put him in your yard, then nobody could say a thing about it. Or they could, but you could tell them to piss up a rope and enjoy their frustration.

I think you should buy that statue.
here is a hint, he is an angry old white bigot who revers the ideals of the confederacy including white supremacy.

You have no knowledge of my family roots or history. Presumptuous much? :coffee:

I'll wait until they tear some down closer to home...transportation will be a lot less money.

If you cannot see it, is it really there? Who would ever know? :whistle:

Erase the names on streets and buildings, remove the statues and monuments, remove from school curricula and ...there ya are.


So you are on intellectual par with a 2 year old? I mean seriously, if you cant see it, it isn't there? you are really special

We'll get to "apparently not" soon enough.

And I've seen three of the monuments personally (spend time in NOLA every year). Had not even heard of the fourth ..that "freedom monument" or whatever it was called. The one ole MR focused on, of course.
I guess I have to say it again, GOD DAMN you are stupid. The article you started this thread with was about the LIBERTY MONUMNET being taken down.
Perhaps the most controversial of all is the Liberty Monument, which was erected in honor of The Crescent City White League which attempted to overthrow the biracial government of New Orleans back in 1874.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I guess I have to say it again, GOD DAMN you are stupid. The article you started this thread with was about the LIBERTY MONUMNET being taken down.

Damn you one stupid boy. Mo.

Now, the city has decided that it will continue to shed its reminders of segregation by removing four prominent Confederate and white supremacist monuments that were standing in public spaces.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We'll get to "apparently not" soon enough.

Well, let's think about that:

If the Civil War never happened, does that mean blacks were never slaves? Or does it mean they still are?

Buh-leeve me, the Civil War isn't going to ever go away. Like, EVER. If you think white southerners want to live in the antebellum past, get a load of black people - they have organizations wholly dedicated to keeping the slave culture alive and thriving. I keep waiting for everyone to get over it, but neither side seems to be willing to do that.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I keep waiting for everyone to get over it, but neither side seems to be willing to do that.

The pendulum swings back and forth. It's currently swung in the direction of eliminating monuments, street names, building names, textbook content, etc.


New Member
Except for who cares? You don't even live in New Orleans, why should you have any say so about their decorations? I don't understand why you care about a city you don't even live in.

Where were the cries of individualism when Katrina hit?

I can see where others in America believe that they can have a say. IT is due to the fact that without other American's tax dollars, New Orleans would be the next Atlantis (without the benefit of being an "advanced" civilization)


Learn the history of the monument if you are going to defend it.

I can't speak for anyone else on this, but I'm not defending the monument; I'm defending free speech and rejecting censorship; even when that speech offends me or I disagree with it – ESPECIALLY if I disagree with it or if it offends me.

I’d like to think that most people in this country would look at that monument and be reminded of a place this country should never go again. I would also think that some will look at it and believe blacks should be slaves. The latter are fools; because we all know we will never go back to slavery in this country; no matter how many monuments or statues exist. If you’re weak-minded enough to believe those monuments have the power to return us to those days, you’re a bigger fool that I took you for.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I can't speak for anyone else on this, but I'm not defending the monument; I'm defending free speech and rejecting censorship; even when that speech offends me or I disagree with it – ESPECIALLY if I disagree with it or if it offends me.

I’d like to think that most people in this country would look at that monument and be reminded of a place this country should never go again. I would also think that some will look at it and believe blacks should be slaves. The latter are fools; because we all know we will never go back to slavery in this country; no matter how many monuments or statues exist. If you’re weak-minded enough to believe those monuments have the power to return us to those days, you’re a bigger fool that I took you for.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I can't speak for anyone else on this, but I'm not defending the monument; I'm defending free speech and rejecting censorship; even when that speech offends me or I disagree with it – ESPECIALLY if I disagree with it or if it offends me.

Monuments and statues in public venues aren't "speech". Removing them isn't "censorship". If they were on private property, I would wholeheartedly agree with you.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What is it then...exactly?

It is. Monuments are symbolic. Symbolism is communication is speech.

The one was about white supremacy. it celebrated it, right? I bet they could have traded that one for keeping PT's. Maybe even Davis's and Lee's? But, no. Gotta have ALL or nothing. And that's what happened. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What is it then...exactly?

Who, exactly, is being "censored"? The sculptors who created the monuments? The long dead subjects of the art themselves?

Let's say a group decides that all the MLK Jr. Blvds are a negative reflection on Dr. King because of their proximity to ghetto drug #### holes, and they successfully petition to have King's name removed from those streets. Is that censorship? Is it a violation of free speech? Is it erasing history?


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for anyone else on this, but I'm not defending the monument; I'm defending free speech and rejecting censorship; even when that speech offends me or I disagree with it – ESPECIALLY if I disagree with it or if it offends me.

I’d like to think that most people in this country would look at that monument and be reminded of a place this country should never go again. I would also think that some will look at it and believe blacks should be slaves. The latter are fools; because we all know we will never go back to slavery in this country; no matter how many monuments or statues exist. If you’re weak-minded enough to believe those monuments have the power to return us to those days, you’re a bigger fool that I took you for.

This was "speech" when it was erected, and it is "speech" that it is being taken down. The community in question decided to take down these statues, just like they once decided to put them up. Its really pretty simple.

Monuments and statues in public venues aren't "speech". Removing them isn't "censorship". If they were on private property, I would wholeheartedly agree with you.
while they might be speech its not censorship to take them down. it is part of our process.
Who, exactly, is being "censored"? The sculptors who created the monuments? The long dead subjects of the art themselves?

Let's say a group decides that all the MLK Jr. Blvds are a negative reflection on Dr. King because of their proximity to ghetto drug #### holes, and they successfully petition to have King's name removed from those streets. Is that censorship? Is it a violation of free speech? Is it erasing history?

Monuments on public property are subject to the opinion of the public. If the public chooses to go through the legal process to take them down then so be it. Its funny watching Gilligan go all "just like the commies" while he ignores our countries history of toppling monuments and holding it up as evidence as winning

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Who, exactly, is being "censored"? The sculptors who created the monuments? The long dead subjects of the art themselves?

Let's say a group decides that all the MLK Jr. Blvds are a negative reflection on Dr. King because of their proximity to ghetto drug #### holes, and they successfully petition to have King's name removed from those streets. Is that censorship? Is it a violation of free speech? Is it erasing history?

That's BRILLIANT. There, gift wrapped for some GOP'er to gab ahold and say "Look, I'm all about content of character over color of skin. That's MY MLK. And I think it is a travesty that roads in his name are mocked in this manner. We HAVE to fix these neighborhoods and not put his name back up until his dreams are realized. It's a pathetic bit of pandering to put his name up like its going to magically transform the neighborhoods. Anyone who wants the name over real progress is for style over substance and huffs farts..."


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
The one was about white supremacy. it celebrated it, right?

Apparently so. Never heard of that one before the recent news. I care not a wit about that one. It's the various monuments or other references to historical figures that I'm focused on.

Those monuments to slaveholders in downtown DC...they're next to go, I'm sure.


New Member
That's BRILLIANT. There, gift wrapped for some GOP'er to gab ahold and say "Look, I'm all about content of character over color of skin. That's MY MLK. And I think it is a travesty that roads in his name are mocked in this manner. We HAVE to fix these neighborhoods and not put his name back up until his dreams are realized. It's a pathetic bit of pandering to put his name up like its going to magically transform the neighborhoods. Anyone who wants the name over real progress is for style over substance and huffs farts..."

Agree with everything here EXCEPT the bolded part.

What happened to personal accountability? Why is it not the responsibility of the people living within these communities to fix their problems? If it was MY community then I would be all in to fix it and make it a better place.

Personal accountability and accountability to your community..... what happened to it? :shrug: