Erasing history...


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
The community in question decided to take down these statues,

You missed the part about the community opposition. I know there are some big words in take your time and ask for some help if you need to.

Almost three out of every four Louisiana residents oppose removing Confederate monuments and symbols from public space, according to a poll taken by LSU in February. Only 20 percent of people surveyed favored Confederate monument removal.


Well-Known Member
Apparently so. Never heard of that one before the recent news. I care not a wit about that one. It's the various monuments or other references to historical figures that I'm focused on.

Those monuments to slaveholders in downtown DC...they're next to go, I'm sure.
yet somehow keeping it up is supposed to serve some great historical value.....
You missed the part about the community opposition. I know there are some big words in take your time and ask for some help if you need to.

and I guess you missed the part where the city council voted unanimously to do this. I know that is a complex idea, but we have a representative democracy.


This was "speech" when it was erected, and it is "speech" that it is being taken down. The community in question decided to take down these statues, just like they once decided to put them up. Its really pretty simple.

And I've already stated that if the people of that district decided, through their local government, to remove these monuments/statues that is their right to do so. All I'm saying is once you go down this path of removing every stinking thing that offends you, it will eventually go to a place you will have a problem with.

It gets pretty pathetic that a person's entire being can be so deeply affected by an inanimate object, that they can't go on with their normal lives unless it's remove from the public eye.


Well-Known Member
And I've already stated that if the people of that district decided, through their local government, to remove these monuments/statues that is their right to do so. All I'm saying is once you go down this path of removing every stinking thing that offends you, it will eventually go to a place you will have a problem with.

It gets pretty pathetic that a person's entire being can be so deeply affected by an inanimate object, that they can't go on with their normal lives unless it's remove from the public eye.

its called living in a society. We all have things that are not the way we would like it. Sometimes enough others agree with our position and things change, other times not so much.
However, you might see it differently if the state decided to erect a monument to your inferiority and place it on public land.

So, you're going to be the decider as to what has historically value for the rest of us?

I am pretty sure it was the people of No who decided, not me.

black dog

Free America
its called living in a society. We all have things that are not the way we would like it. Sometimes enough others agree with our position and things change, other times not so much.
However, you might see it differently if the state decided to erect a monument to your inferiority and place it on public land.

I am pretty sure it was the people of No who decided, not me.

That's funny coming from you, what I have ever seen in my years is the left is the one who wants history changed and things removed from the public eyes and only their beliefs allowed. Care to show what monuments that the right has cried about and had removed? Along with that show us where the right and threatened a speaker with violence over free speech..
The next 7+ years are gonna be enjoyable..


Well-Known Member
You especially. #snowflake
youre the one who created a thread to bitch about how your feelings are being hurt by NO deciding to take down a monument to white supremacy
That's funny coming from you, what I have ever seen in my years is the left is the one who wants history changed and things removed from the public eyes and only their beliefs allowed. Care to show what monuments that the right has cried about and had removed? Along with that show us where the right and threatened a speaker with violence over free speech..
The next 7+ years are gonna be enjoyable..

I guess that would make the founders 'left' considering they tore down the statues of king George. And I guess GWB and the US marines are all 'left' since we lead a Sadam monument toppling tour of Iraq. :bigwhoop:

as for your last part, they made death threats to the companies contracted to take down these statues to the point that the city did it at night and had the people involved wearing bullet proof vests.


I guess that would make the founders 'left' considering they tore down the statues of king George. And I guess GWB and the US marines are all 'left' since we lead a Sadam monument toppling tour of Iraq. :bigwhoop:

Then let's just take this to the extreme then... This entire country - in which you so comfortably live - was built on theft, and butchery, and bigotry. This land was stolen. The natives of this land were butchered so it could be occupied. And the bondage of a race of people was put in place to make for free labor to build this country. Every single historical marker to that effect (the flag, any state flag that may represent the cause of standing up this nation, our monuments that commemorate our founders, all tombstones cemeteries of revolutionary and civil war soldiers, etc…) should be, at a minimum, removed from sight. In fact, the phrase “The United States of America” is a reminder of the horrendous history of this country. Eliminate it all. We have become a people that can no longer bear the affliction of our past.


Well-Known Member
Then let's just take this to the extreme then... This entire country - in which you so comfortably live - was built on theft, and butchery, and bigotry. This land was stolen. The natives of this land were butchered so it could be occupied. And the bondage of a race of people was put in place to make for free labor to build this country. Every single historical marker to that effect (the flag, any state flag that may represent the cause of standing up this nation, our monuments that commemorate our founders, all tombstones cemeteries of revolutionary and civil war soldiers, etc…) should be, at a minimum, removed from sight. In fact, the phrase “The United States of America” is a reminder of the horrendous history of this country. Eliminate it all. We have become a people that can no longer bear the affliction of our past.
which of those other monuments was specifically erected to honor bigotry and racism?

You can play with your strawmen all day, but it doesn't change or relate this situation. If the phrase was "the united states of America, as founded by gods one true and supreme white race...." you MIGHT have a point.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
youre the one who created a thread to bitch about how your feelings are being hurt .

Sorry snowflake. Nice attempt at redirection, but it failed. What I'm bitching about is the outsized influence that the hurt feewings of precious snowflakes like yourself seems to be proof of.
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