Erasing history...


which of those other monuments was specifically erected to honor bigotry and racism?

You can play with your strawmen all day

Let's start with the American flag. There is no bigger symbol that stood while this country butchered millions of Africans and Natives.

Next... Since Jefferson and Washington were a slave owners - DOWN WITH THEIR MONUMENTS.

You see... just because you don't see these structures as symbols of bigotry, doesn't mean someone else doesn't - so you can dispense with the strawman crap. This whole Confederacy crap is a strawman. The Confederacy is dead. Slavery in this country is dead. All we have is the history of those things. We have learned from it and moved on.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Then let's just take this to the extreme then... This entire country - in which you so comfortably live - was built on theft, and butchery, and bigotry. This land was stolen. The natives of this land were butchered so it could be occupied. And the bondage of a race of people was put in place to make for free labor to build this country. Every single historical marker to that effect (the flag, any state flag that may represent the cause of standing up this nation, our monuments that commemorate our founders, all tombstones cemeteries of revolutionary and civil war soldiers, etc…) should be, at a minimum, removed from sight. In fact, the phrase “The United States of America” is a reminder of the horrendous history of this country. Eliminate it all. We have become a people that can no longer bear the affliction of our past.

That's a fair start but then it has to conceded that the stars and stripes, ultimately, are also the banner the union survived under and moved forward under. Including women's emancipation and the modern civil rights achievements. It evolved and progressed and grew.


Well-Known Member
Then let's just take this to the extreme then... This entire country - in which you so comfortably live - was built on theft, and butchery, and bigotry. This land was stolen. The natives of this land were butchered so it could be occupied. And the bondage of a race of people was put in place to make for free labor to build this country. Every single historical marker to that effect (the flag, any state flag that may represent the cause of standing up this nation, our monuments that commemorate our founders, all tombstones cemeteries of revolutionary and civil war soldiers, etc…) should be, at a minimum, removed from sight. In fact, the phrase “The United States of America” is a reminder of the horrendous history of this country. Eliminate it all. We have become a people that can no longer bear the affliction of our past.

I figure you are being obtuse, but anyone who really feels that way should get the #### out.
Find themselves a country they can feel comfortable with.
This country has had their problems with blacks, but so has every country where they exist.
If they don't like this country maybe they should move out. It isn't like this isn't the best place in the world for them.


That's a fair start but then it has to conceded that the stars and stripes, ultimately, are also the banner the union survived under and moved forward under. Including women's emancipation and the modern civil rights achievements. It evolved and progressed and grew.

But, those memories are tough to get past. I imagine many in this country are just unable to look at that flag without being 'triggered' into some form of PTSD about their ancestors being brutally enslaved.


I figure you are being obtuse, but anyone who really feels that way should get the #### out.
Find themselves a country they can feel comfortable with.
This country has had their problems with blacks, but so has every country where they exist.
If they don't like this country maybe they should move out. It isn't like this isn't the best place in the world for them.

If the status quo is now to react to things that offend some by removing them from sight, then let's get it done now - all of it. It's obvious the people of this country have become too weak to bear looking at things that remind them of the evil this country has engaged in.

black dog

Free America
youre the one who created a thread to bitch about how your feelings are being hurt by NO deciding to take down a monument to white supremacy

I guess that would make the founders 'left' considering they tore down the statues of king George. And I guess GWB and the US marines are all 'left' since we lead a Sadam monument toppling tour of Iraq. :bigwhoop:

as for your last part, they made death threats to the companies contracted to take down these statues to the point that the city did it at night and had the people involved wearing bullet proof vests.

So 235+ years ago the right tore down a few statues,,, lol. It took you pussies long enough to bring it to the fore front.. and like I care about some dictators statues across the F'ing pond.
The city workers or contractors should have been tared and feathered, spineless to do it at night, but that's how the left works, you all run off the mouth until someone punches you in the face.
View attachment 118299


Well-Known Member
If the status quo is now to react to things that offend some by removing them from sight, then let's get it done now - all of it. It's obvious the people of this country have become too weak to bear looking at things that remind them of the evil this country has engaged in.

I don't agree.
People who have no problem with these things have grown too weak to tell these snowflake azz holes to go phuck themselves.


If I may ...
If I may ...

I guess that would make the founders 'left' considering they tore down the statues of king George.

You are one obtuse chicken vacuum. Apples and oranges. If you can't see and realize the difference ... but you are black and therefore, must lack some mental acuity, aka intelligence, aka IQ. Oh smack, did I just stereotype you?


Well-Known Member
Let's start with the American flag. There is no bigger symbol that stood while this country butchered millions of Africans and Natives.

Next... Since Jefferson and Washington were a slave owners - DOWN WITH THEIR MONUMENTS.

You see... just because you don't see these structures as symbols of bigotry, doesn't mean someone else doesn't - so you can dispense with the strawman crap. This whole Confederacy crap is a strawman. The Confederacy is dead. Slavery in this country is dead. All we have is the history of those things. We have learned from it and moved on.

Read up on the history of the liberty monument and why/when it was erected. Then read up on when and why the inscription was added. If a city can choose to do that the same city can damn well choose to take it down.

That's a fair start but then it has to conceded that the stars and stripes, ultimately, are also the banner the union survived under and moved forward under. Including women's emancipation and the modern civil rights achievements. It evolved and progressed and grew.
And the flag has changed over time too. It's
Not radially different, but if the people choose to change it, that's how it should be. We are lot subjects of our flag, we choose it as our symbol.

So 235+ years ago the right tore down a few statues,,, lol. It took you pussies long enough to bring it to the fore front.. and like I care about some dictators statues across the F'ing pond.
The city workers or contractors should have been tared and feathered, spineless to do it at night, but that's how the left works, you all run off the mouth until someone punches you in the face.
View attachment 118299
A lot of big talk for an internet toguhguy. :killingme
Btw, we tear down monuments all the time, it's not a left or right thing
If I may ...

You are one obtuse chicken vacuum. Apples and oranges. If you can't see and realize the difference ... but you are black and therefore, must lack some mental acuity, aka intelligence, aka IQ. Oh smack, did I just stereotype you?

If I may, you know what they say about assumptions. You made a lot of poor ones in that post

Larry Gude

Strung Out
But, those memories are tough to get past. I imagine many in this country are just unable to look at that flag without being 'triggered' into some form of PTSD about their ancestors being brutally enslaved.

Damn right they're tough to get past, especially when folks are constantly reminded of what was done to them in it's name AND other folks do plenty of stuff to make them feel like things haven't changed much.

Make America Great Again

To a 70 year old white guy, that means when white men were the boss, white men, up and down the socio economic reality, were always above a ###### or a woman or some damn queer.

To a 70 year old black guy or 70 year old woman or 70 year old queer, it means back to the time when, up and down the socio-economic reality, they were under any white man.

Louis CK does a brilliant bit about this, that every year white people add 100 years to how long ago slavery ended. That it was 400 years ago or longer, not 150. "Come on! Can't be get over it all NOW?" Then he illustrates that it was only two 75 year old ladies ago. :lol: He says white people are allowed to complain but black people get to complain more. The kicker is that blacks had it really tough and it's gonna take time but that whites suffered, too, that they took away all our slaves. :lol:

It's hilarious but it makes the point; none of us white boys had a grandpa who knew what it was like as a boy to need to be aware all the time, to try and not stand out. We didn't have grandpas who knew people, as a child, who were slaves or whose parents were. Who were SLAVES. That's two generations removed. In contrast, Sons of the Confederacy revere and fondly remember the lost cause that, at core, it's central feature, was a social system centered around slavery. I know a dude who told me he wants to retire to Corinth, Mississippi. Now, for a Civil war buff, Corinth is notable as the collection point before and after Shiloh. It was also noted as a #### hole back then, swampy, malarial, just a nasty place. So, knowing of it, I asked why.

He said "Because ######s still know to cross the street when a white man is coming" Blacks may well complain too much and, certainly, there is a race grievance industry that profits off of things NOT being good. However, it's not without reason.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Blacks may well complain too much and, certainly, there is a race grievance industry that profits off of things NOT being good. However, it's not without reason.

A growing grievance industry. An inverse relationship; as the 1800s slip farther and farther in to the past, the grievance activities and race-hustling keeps increasing in both intensity and frequency.



New Member
So concerned about a statue suggesting white supremacy that has been there... hurting no one..... for several decades.

Not a care in the world about senseless violence and genocide in Chicago and other cities RIGHT NOW!

Prioritize much???

I guess its easier to get attention by screaming about a statue then to deal with real "today" problems huh?


New Member
That's a taboo subject..not even allowed to mention it.

No. It just does not fit the agenda. It represents a real problem that will take thought and hard work to fix.

Easier to just bytch and moan about how other people need to remove a statue! That's true lib-prog work ethic there... :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A growing grievance industry. An inverse relationship; as the 1800s slip farther and farther in to the past, the grievance activities and race-hustling keeps increasing in both intensity and frequency.


Growing or hit it's apogee under Obama? One of my hopes for his legacy is that his years and negativity he added to the issue will be looked back as the time most American's, black and white, said "ENOUGH". I mean, it has not translated into electoral success.

Quite the opposite.