that isn't what evolution states ....
at least read up on the subject. By the way, nice job ignoring my argument and saying I said something I've never said (we came from apes).
I've never claimed science can prove there is no god. I'm just saying that science =/= faith.
I can't =) same as you or anyone else on the planet.
If you've understood that evolution is responsible for the initial creation, you've misunderstood the argument.
This whole discussion proves MY point. I haven't moved you and you haven't moved me. I haven't convinced you that God isn't fiction any more than you have convinced me that science is the end-all to our existence. The difference is I believe both are factual in explaining much of our universe. There are still a lot of questions I believe science will answer, but none of it will ever disprove the existence of God.
I'm not really sure what you're getting at here.
You wrote: "So please stop saying evolution is fraudulent because it omits something that you think it should cover."
First of all I never said evolution is fraudulent. I only said it does not provide an answer to life.
Secondly, it does no good to tell anyone to stop doing something just because you disagree.
Lastly, I'm not talking about Darwinism. In order for you to conclude that life was not a result of a creator then you have to conclude there was an evolutionary process that resulted in life. A process that was devoid of any intelligence; in other words, a spontaneous chaotic combustion of cosmic chemicals. Well, Life has an order to it; an intelligent process. It’s quite consistent and not chaotic. Its results are predictable which leads me to believe it didn’t occur as some random phenomenon through an evolutionary process. Now Darwinism is quite different. Once life was created it had a direction and a purpose that was driven, in an orderly way, by exact environmental conditions; conditions that just happen to be perfect for supporting such life. Hardly a result of some arbitrary chemical reactions. And another part of this is… the same science that can’t explain how life came to be is the same science that can’t explain God. Imagine that.