Fahrenheit 9/11 Thread...


Football addict
Originally posted by vraiblonde
What's stupid is you. Public schools never renamed french fries. The only place they were "renamed" is in the White House mess and maybe a few privately owned restaurants.

Typical liberal screwball. Making it up as you go along.

:yeahthat: The only other place not mentioned here was Congress. I think they are the one's that started the freedom fries thingy.:shrug:


So, let me get this right...

If someone does not know everything about everyone on this thread, they are retarded...

If someone has an opinion that is different from yours, they are a communist, terrorist, retard, liberal pansy or all of the above...

Just wanted to get this straight since it seems like nobody is allowed to have an opinion of their own unless it is the right wing, christian fundamentalist view. I could be wrong, and I am sure you will correct me, but geez, let people have a normal conversation for christ's sake, and acting like just because you know everything that you have to tell everyone over and over how stupid they are.

You know virtually nothing about me, and yet I am already someone that empathizes with Osama, Sadaam, Hitler and so on...sure...yeah that is me.


New Member
Originally posted by valentino
Just wanted to get this straight since it seems like nobody is allowed to have an opinion of their own unless it is the right wing, christian fundamentalist view.

I must disagree with you here. Many of the conservatives here are secular conservatives and they are not adherents to the Pat Robertson school of thought.

Just read the posts that they have given on gay marriage. It seems to me that they are more liberal on that issue than I am.


Originally posted by rraley
I must disagree with you here. Many of the conservatives here are secular conservatives and they are not adherents to the Pat Robertson school of thought.

Just read the posts that they have given on gay marriage. It seems to me that they are more liberal on that issue than I am.

I have seen more of the former than the latter, but I stand corrected...


Originally posted by valentino
So, let me get this right...

If someone does not know everything about everyone on this thread, they are retarded...

If someone has an opinion that is different from yours, they are a communist, terrorist, retard, liberal pansy or all of the above...

Just wanted to get this straight since it seems like nobody is allowed to have an opinion of their own unless it is the right wing, christian fundamentalist view. I could be wrong, and I am sure you will correct me, but geez, let people have a normal conversation for christ's sake, and acting like just because you know everything that you have to tell everyone over and over how stupid they are.

You know virtually nothing about me, and yet I am already someone that empathizes with Osama, Sadaam, Hitler and so on...sure...yeah that is me.
If you can't take the heat, get rid of your cute 'GI JOKE' avatar. Most people in this area are associated with the government/military and respect the hardships that the lifestyle entails. Speaking for myself, I find your avatar to be offensive and you to be a whiny douche.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
They did rename them at Leonardtown High School. Just FYI.
Maybe they did briefly - who cares? Retard declared that "public schools" renamed french fries, which is untrue. Now if he'd have said ONE public school did it, that might have been more accurate. But that doesn't prop up his opinion that Bush is Hitler so, in typical liberal fashion, he told a lie.

The fact is that the St. Mary's County Public Schools lunch menu DOES NOT include Freedom Fries and DOES include French Toast. That's a big renaming right there. :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Maybe they did briefly - who cares? Retard declared that "public schools" renamed french fries, which is untrue. Now if he'd have said ONE public school did it, that might have been more accurate. But that doesn't prop up his opinion that Bush is Hitler so, in typical liberal fashion, he told a lie.

The fact is that the St. Mary's County Public Schools lunch menu DOES NOT include Freedom Fries and DOES include French Toast. That's a big renaming right there. :rolleyes:

While his statements may have been misleading, he was speaking from personal experience. Furthermore, I think that calling this person a retard is absolutely below anybody here and offensive. It really has no place in our society of open exchange.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
Originally posted by rraley
While his statements may have been misleading, he was speaking from personal experience. Furthermore, I think that calling this person a retard is absolutely below anybody here and offensive. It really has no place in our society of open exchange.

but have you forgotten.....

Originally posted by valentino
So, let me get this right...

If someone does not know everything about everyone on this thread, they are retarded...

If someone has an opinion that is different from yours, they are a communist, terrorist, retard, liberal pansy or all of the above...

and don't forget the :dork: :dork: or the :bubble:


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by rraley
While his statements may have been misleading, he was speaking from personal experience. Furthermore, I think that calling this person a retard is absolutely below anybody here and offensive. It really has no place in our society of open exchange.

I happen to be on Vrai's side of this argument, but I too would like to see less name calling, particularly retard because my daughter is retarded and that one hits a little close to home.

Moron, Bigot, Facist, Psycho, etc are all fine, though! :biggrin: j/k


Originally posted by sifl
If you can't take the heat, get rid of your cute 'GI JOKE' avatar. Most people in this area are associated with the government/military and respect the hardships that the lifestyle entails. Speaking for myself, I find your avatar to be offensive and you to be a whiny douche.

I am associated with the government/military as well, does that mean I have to be an a-hole when someone has a differing opinion. I guess that is the majority...but lets try to be different, instead of following the herd all the time. I have a different opinion, so what...

I find your attitude and ignorance offensive, and let me know what I have said that is whiny, how it makes you feel better to talk down to someone you know virtually nothing about...??? How are we ever going to have a united front if we can never get past this childish bickering?

rraley, it is Bush...yes.
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Not dead yet.
Originally posted by valentino
but lets try to be different, instead of following the herd all the time.

Interesting perspective. Your perspective appears to be the herd mentality from my point of view because so far your arguments sound alot like what I have heard on the nightly news, CNN, and New York Times to name a few.


New Member
Originally posted by valentino
rraley, it is Bush...yes.

While that does not completely exonerate you, it is alot better than having an avatar of a regular Marine with "GI JOKE" written above him. I can at least deal with it as long as it President Bush, who never served in the Marines or anything except for the National Guard (which is fine, but no warrior hero; at least back in the 1960s when they didn't get shipped off). Still, I think that your avatar and Spoiled's avatar are a little over the top. We Democrats and left leaners should seek to win this election on the issues and not the politics of personal destruction.


Originally posted by sifl
None of you guys understand that it isn't that you have a different opinion that makes you loser douches.

Please, inform us loser douches what it is then...since we are so stupid, why don't you learn us sumfin':confused:


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Maybe they did briefly - who cares? Retard declared that "public schools" renamed french fries, which is untrue. Now if he'd have said ONE public school did it, that might have been more accurate. But that doesn't prop up his opinion that Bush is Hitler so, in typical liberal fashion, he told a lie.

The fact is that the St. Mary's County Public Schools lunch menu DOES NOT include Freedom Fries and DOES include French Toast. That's a big renaming right there. :rolleyes:
Want me to make a comparison list of bush with hitler? here i go:

He invades a sovergn nation without the support of the international community that he has fought a war with previously

His people are holding others captive without any sort of trial "just because"

Much of europe doesnt support him

The people hes accused of being evil does, part of the axis of evil and nations invaded have been primarily of one 'race' (arab/muslim)

Now by no means is he Hitler, he has some similarities and for every similarity im sure there is a difference (he doesnt have the charisma Hitler did, that is for sure)...

As for public schoolS not calling them freedom fries i have sources that say different...
See, there are more schools outside of st marys county


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Originally posted by valentino
I am associated with the government/military as well, does that mean I have to be an a-hole when someone has a differing opinion.

....uh Valintino....can you buy a clue? The picture of Bush on your avatar is of the President wearing a US Navy flight deck life vest and cranial helmet.....so how does that tie into being a GI Joke???:confused:

Typical liberal BS...take one image and twist it into something else......


Originally posted by rraley
While that does not completely exonerate you, it is alot better than having an avatar of a regular Marine with "GI JOKE" written above him. I can at least deal with it as long as it President Bush, who never served in the Marines or anything except for the National Guard (which is fine, but no warrior hero; at least back in the 1960s when they didn't get shipped off). Still, I think that your avatar and Spoiled's avatar are a little over the top. We Democrats and left leaners should seek to win this election on the issues and not the politics of personal destruction.

I will consider changing it, but I just thought people were allowed to have their own opinion on here...but I guess not. Bush offends me, and my opinion offends others, then they offend me...endless cycle.


It is a joke, get the F over it...Thanks for joining me in whining though...


Active Member
Originally posted by valentino
Please, inform us loser douches what it is then...since we are so stupid, why don't you learn us sumfin':confused:



Originally posted by Spoiled
He invades a sovergn nation without the support of the international community that he has fought a war with previously
When did George Bush invade a country he had fought a war with previously?