Originally posted by Voter2002
Liberal Spin features:
* Complain about status, but never offer any real solutions.
* Never answer direct questions, just spew canned statements.
* Twist laws to promote and support Liberal objectives.
* Maintain that more taxes for the "rich" will solve everything.
* Pretend that Liberal/Democrat leaders are all poor folk.
* Promote fake "data" to support "fake" positions.
* Deny responsibility for actions and blame on "conservatives".
* Ignore real issues and national needs because the "party" is more important.
* Offer false answers to every problem needing to be solved.
* Use "liberal" judges to attempt to change/bypass or create law.
* Bastardize congressional rules to block unwanted votes.
* Encourage the US to become subservient to the UN.
* Forget/deny their previous votes/positions when convenient.
* Gut the Military and then complain about inadequate resources.
* Create taxes & restrictions, assuming they are not included.
* Endorse by implication: "eco-terrorists" and "environmental whackos".
Speaking on myself only...
*never done.
*seems to be done by both sides, ie. loser douche, terrorist and so on
*never implied that I agreed.
*never implied that I agreed.
*never implied that I agreed.
*sometimes facts are not always pleasing, to either side.
*never done.
*seems to be done more by the right.
*just trying to help.
*never tried to change laws or anything of the sort.
*done by both sides.
*if something affects the whole country, shouldn't the UN be involved?
*not sure I have done that, but maybe???
*military is very important, but when it comes to the kind of fighting we are capable of, actual military personnel is not as important in high numbers.
*not sure about creating taxes.
*eco-terrorism has its place since lots of people will not pay attention unless violence is involved.
ps- keep driving the gas guzzler while our boys are over there dying for your coolness.