Fahrenheit 9/11 Thread...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
Furthermore, I think that calling this person a retard is absolutely below anybody here and offensive.
Really? Let me tell you what I think is offensive: your little liberal cohorts with avatars of Nazi Bush and GI Joke. You're pretty quick to jump on a word (which DOES have a meaning other than "mentally handicapped", btw) yet reeeeeeal slow to condemn your komrades for their blatant ugliness. So as low and offensive as YOUR people are, you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing anyone else.


Originally posted by Spoiled
The people hes accused of being evil does, part of the axis of evil and nations invaded have been primarily of one 'race' (arab/muslim)
'Muslim' is not a race, loser douche. There are asian muslims, white muslims, black muslims, etc. You are a ####ing tard.


New Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
Want me to make a comparison list of bush with hitler? here i go:

He invades a sovergn nation without the support of the international community that he has fought a war with previously

His people are holding others captive without any sort of trial "just because"

Much of europe doesnt support him

The people hes accused of being evil does, part of the axis of evil and nations invaded have been primarily of one 'race' (arab/muslim)

Now by no means is he Hitler, he has some similarities and for every similarity im sure there is a difference (he doesnt have the charisma Hitler did, that is for sure)...

God do these really matter honestly? You can compare ANYBODY to Hitler. Does this really matter?


Originally posted by tlatchaw
I thought he said we fought a war previously with the international community? :confused:
Good point, I think Leonardtown HS let him out a little early.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Really? Let me tell you what I think is offensive: your little liberal cohorts with avatars of Nazi Bush and GI Joke. You're pretty quick to jump on a word (which DOES have a meaning other than "mentally handicapped", btw) yet reeeeeeal slow to condemn your komrades for their blatant ugliness. So as low and offensive as YOUR people are, you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing anyone else.

Whew, you are on a roll today. I have called on fellow Democrats to stop the vile rhetoric that comes from some of their mouths. Just read what I have said about the avatars, etc. I just try to use diplomatic language and I don't consider what I said about your use of a word that I don't like ANYWHERE in society seemed to be diplomatic to me. I am sorry if it made you so upset.

You know alot of things that conservatives such as Bob Novak and Sean Hannity say seriously offend me. But you don't see me writing down every instance and looking for statements they have made. We have to learn as a society to keep our composures.


Active Member
Originally posted by rraley
God do these really matter honestly? You can compare ANYBODY to Hitler. Does this really matter?
no it doesnt, to me atleast...

Originally posted by vraiblonde
But that doesn't prop up his opinion that Bush is Hitler so, in typical liberal fashion, he told a lie.

I was responding to this post... Here is annother response to it... Find anywhere that i stated bush WAS/IS hitler? You cant because i didnt... My avatar was simply making a statement that they both suck


Originally posted by Spoiled
Much of europe doesnt support him

Since when does Europe have the best interests of the United States at heart? Almost every UN advocated international treaty is now designed to hamstring the US economically and benefit other nations. The EU was conceived primarily to battle US economic might. News flash - we aren't going to get international support for anything we do that increases US security economically or militarily.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
I have called on fellow Democrats to stop the vile rhetoric that comes from some of their mouths.
Okay, but they're not going to and you vote them into office anyway.

I am perfectly comfortable being lumped in with Bush, Cheney, Rice, etc. Can you say the same about Ted Kennedy and Al Gore? Not to mention Valentino and Spoiled?


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Okay, but they're not going to and you vote them into office anyway.

I am perfectly comfortable being lumped in with Bush, Cheney, Rice, etc. Can you say the same about Ted Kennedy and Al Gore? Not to mention Valentino and Spoiled?
i dont consider my self a democrat, i am independant that wants bush gone with left views...


Originally posted by sifl
Since when does Europe have the best interests of the United States at heart? Almost every UN advocated international treaty is now designed to hamstring the US economically and benefit other nations. The EU was conceived primarily to battle US economic might. News flash - we aren't going to get international support for anything we do that increases US security economically or militarily.

News Flash, sifl does not always think before he posts...

sifl shows the love


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
God do these really matter honestly? You can compare ANYBODY to Hitler. Does this really matter?
Yes, it does. Maybe it doesn't matter to you or the rest of the immature screamers that think they can say and do anything without repurcussion, but it DOES matter to me.

And THIS is why Kerry doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected - because his most vocal supporters are left-wing wackadoodles. But you all keep on spewing - the more you do, the less votes Kerry will get. :yay:


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
What's stupid is you. Public schools never renamed french fries. The only place they were "renamed" is in the White House mess and maybe a few privately owned restaurants.

Typical liberal screwball. Making it up as you go along.

As for this comment, you are a LIAR

Other places, INCLUDING public schoolS did rename them... Typical conservative misinformation...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
i dont consider my self a democrat, i am independant that wants bush gone with left views...
You're about as "independent" as a puppet on a string.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
For crying out loud...

conservatives such as Bob Novak

You don't even know the players let alone what team they are on.

Novak is a classic GOP Republican. Think Rockefeller. Think Wall street. Think GHW Bush. You will be hard pressed to associate him with the conservative movement and he is a constant critic of W.