Father reports son to police...


Well-Known Member
... because your son will now be a registered sex offender

That's something to think about. Not sure going to the police is the right thing to do.
Certainly something has to be done, but having a son on the sex-offender list for life is a serious matter.

Then again we don't know the son's background and what other things he has gotten into.
I suppose sitting here no one can make such a decision, we would have to walk a mile in this father's shoes.
Wouldn't it be nice if one could trust the police to give this son a night in jail to ponder his situation without a record of it.
Well!! that wouldn't happen. Once the police are involved they have a duty.

Notifying the women would embarrass and mortify them. Make them lose their security, but they really should pull their shades down.
Not sure I would tell them. Other than getting them to lower their shades --what good would it do?

I think I would handle this in house, unless there were more to it than just pictures, and sneaking around violating people's privacy.
Tough decision, but once the police are involved thing get rough.
Then you have to wonder if you feel like paying a lawyer to defend the son you just turned in.


Unto dust we shall return
That father just proved that he can never be trusted to protect his child. Call the police? Really? If a son of mine were to have done this, a simple father son beating with a stern warning on future behavior would have sufficed. A parent should never call the police on their child. NEVER. That shows nothing but a boot licking mentally towards the state. "See, I'm a good boy and turned on my own son." Yup, certain people are easily programmed.
As a matter of fact, I might even help the boy bury the body, if necessary.

Not sure I'd make myself an accessory to a felony, son or not, but one thing is for sure: it is never a good idea to talk to the police. Period. It can never help you, and might hurt you. The risk is not worth it.
Wow. I'm honestly really surprised to see so many willing to sweep it under the rug because after all it is their son and well he's a good kid and geez it would be just awful for this 15 year old to be on record for documenting his elicit efforts to stalk his female neighbors in order to catch them in various forms of undress and capture on video their private moments. After all he is only 15, it won't progress he'll soon outgrow it.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I'm honestly really surprised to see so many willing to sweep it under the rug because after all it is their son and well he's a good kid and geez it would be just awful for this 15 year old to be on record for documenting his elicit efforts to stalk his female neighbors in order to catch them in various forms of undress and capture on video their private moments. After all he is only 15, it won't progress he'll soon outgrow it.

I certainly do not believe that it should be swept under the rug. There should be punishment, I am just not sure the punishment of having a record to carry for the rest of his life is a punishment that fits the crime.
I don't know if being a sex offender is something that a juvenile carries through adulthood or not.
Might like to know it before I turned him in if that was my decision.

Perhaps your statement that he is only 15 and will outgrow it is true.
Should he then carry this record for life?

By the way do you have a son?
I certainly do not believe that it should be swept under the rug. There should be punishment, I am just not sure the punishment of having a record to carry for the rest of his life is a punishment that fits the crime.
I don't know if being a sex offender is something that a juvenile carries through adulthood or not.
Might like to know it before I turned him in if that was my decision.

Perhaps your statement that he is only 15 and will outgrow it is true.
Should he then carry this record for life?

By the way do you have a son?
I do have a son. I do believe that if I had direct and undeniable evidence of deviant behavior affecting the well-being of my neighbors it would be my moral obligation to notify the authorities. I consider preying on neighborhood women in order to capture candid photos and videos is indeed a red flag of sexual aggression that if left unchecked could lead to more aggressive behavior as his testosterone levels increase.


Well-Known Member
I do have a son. I do believe that if I had direct and undeniable evidence of deviant behavior affecting the well-being of my neighbors it would be my moral obligation to notify the authorities. I consider preying on neighborhood women in order to capture candid photos and videos is indeed a red flag of sexual aggression that if left unchecked could lead to more aggressive behavior as his testosterone levels increase.

I do not advocate leaving the problem unchecked.
I just am not convinced that going to the police is the way to check it.
Again, we do not know the history of this boy.He may have other problems or previous incidents.
I do not advocate leaving the problem unchecked.
I just am not convinced that going to the police is the way to check it.
Again, we do not know the history of this boy.He may have other problems or previous incidents.
I believe that contacting any of the women would result in at least one contacting the police. I also believe that seeking professional help would also result in the police being contacted because after all a crime has been repeatedly committed and documented with undisputable evidence. So based on all of the information as provided/suggested in this thread I believe it is a parents place to take the lead. I believe it would do a disservice to set and example of "it will all be okay or go away as long as you don't get caught by the police". If a parent knows his kid has broken the law and harmed others then why shouldn't the parent mentor the process of accepting the consequences and responsibilites of choices made by a person who is old enough at 15 to know what he was doing was wrong?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We're talking about a peeping Tom - a teenage one at that. I don't consider that sexually deviant behavior. I mean, yeah, if he carries that into adulthood he is a creep who needs some supervision. But a kid... This is nothing new.

If he has other behavior issues, that's worth making a big deal out of. But peeping is rather harmless in the grand scheme of sex crimes. If this is all it is, I would think the shame of having to face the women he's peeped at would be enough to make him quit being a douche.

That said, why are women getting undressed in front of an open window anyway? I'm curious how much effort this kid had to go to in order to peep on them.


New Member
What you just said is that if your son killed someone, you would help him cover it up. Yep, you are mental. And I'm putting you on Ignore. I can't waste anymore braincells on your nonsense.
Wow, what a coward. You sure can dish it out at times, yet you sit all high and mighty dispensing judgement on others. You don't know if I was referring to the body a stray cat, chipmunk, or a neighbor's dog.
Yes, I might go to great extremes to protect a son, or daughter, from the "state". That was the point to the post. I definitely would not rat him/her out to the police and sure as hell wouldn't answer any questions about any questioned activity. A child must know that they have a "safe" place to go to at all times. Call it a sanctuary. If the law though, through investigative means, finds reason to apprehend a son/daughter fine, but they will get no help from me.

The difference between Dad's/Mom's punishment and the state's punishment is this... Individualized, violent corrective behavior modification, me vs. Public slap on the wrist by the law, criminal record, lawyer fees, etc.

Madam Blue

New Member
I don't think I could ever rat one of my kids out to the police. Just think about it, your kid will hate you for the rest of his life.


One Nation Under God
Wow, what a coward. You sure can dish it out at times, yet you sit all high and mighty dispensing judgement on others. You don't know if I was referring to the body a stray cat, chipmunk, or a neighbor's dog.
Yes, I might go to great extremes to protect a son, or daughter, from the "state". That was the point to the post. I definitely would not rat him/her out to the police and sure as hell wouldn't answer any questions about any questioned activity. A child must know that they have a "safe" place to go to at all times. Call it a sanctuary. If the law though, through investigative means, finds reason to apprehend a son/daughter fine, but they will get no help from me.

The difference between Dad's/Mom's punishment and the state's punishment is this... Individualized, violent corrective behavior modification, me vs. Public slap on the wrist by the law, criminal record, lawyer fees, etc.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I don't think I could ever rat one of my kids out to the police. Just think about it, your kid will hate you for the rest of his life.

If that's the case, then the kid has plenty of other issues than guilt. When I was 16, my dad knew very little, and was wrong just about always. In my 20's, newly married and getting established, he knew some stuff, and was right on a few things. In my 30's with kids, up to today in my early 60's, it turns out that he was right about most everything during my life.

IMHO, dad did not do the wrong thing, if not to just scare the crap out of Jr. Humiliation and humbleness in acknowledging a wrong can go a long way.


Well-Known Member
If that's the case, then the kid has plenty of other issues than guilt. When I was 16, my dad knew very little, and was wrong just about always. In my 20's, newly married and getting established, he knew some stuff, and was right on a few things. In my 30's with kids, up to today in my early 60's, it turns out that he was right about most everything during my life.

IMHO, dad did not do the wrong thing, if not to just scare the crap out of Jr. Humiliation and humbleness in acknowledging a wrong can go a long way.

Different strokes for different folks.

Daddy Goody Two Shoes has made his decision. It would not be mine, unless the kid had put the pictures on facebook or displayed them to his friends.
Then his actions would be in order. Until then I would be sure it never happened again by my kid, and he would be punished in home.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The motivation behind not involving the police isn't because my kids would hate me. God knows, I never gave a damn about that. :lol: And frankly, kids should be worried what their parents think of them, not the other way around.

It's mostly because I think this is a comparatively minor thing, not terribly out of the ordinary, and he would be more horrified by having to face the women he peeped on than anything the cops could do to him. If one of the women wanted to call the police, well, kid should have thought of that before he went peeping.


Well-Known Member
The motivation behind not involving the police isn't because my kids would hate me. God knows, I never gave a damn about that. :lol: And frankly, kids should be worried what their parents think of them, not the other way around.

It's mostly because I think this is a comparatively minor thing, not terribly out of the ordinary, and he would be more horrified by having to face the women he peeped on than anything the cops could do to him. If one of the women wanted to call the police, well, kid should have thought of that before he went peeping.

I would not tell the women. IMO all that would do would be to take away their secure feeling in their home.
I might tell them in a conversational way that they should get some blinds.
I cannot understand a woman who does not pull their blinds anyway. Geez, that is basic.
Maybe they wanted to be seen.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Different strokes for different folks.

Daddy Goody Two Shoes has made his decision. It would not be mine, unless the kid had put the pictures on facebook or displayed them to his friends.
Then his actions would be in order. Until then I would be sure it never happened again by my kid, and he would be punished in home.

OK. You can say that, but how would you know that it would never happen again? And, just curious, what kind of punishment? Grounding,and for how long, with no electronic access without your supervision?

These women - could have been your wife, daughter, grand daughter - have been violated. This kid, and hopefully his parents names, should never be published because he is a minor. They still have to live with this stigma. That should be punishment enough, just the mental knowledge that this could come out somewhere.