Favorite Forumite


Cleopatra Jones
workin hard said:
IRL or on the forums?

Either. Jabba's not on the forums enough these days to have much of a forum "persona" but she's one of my all time favorite people in real life.

I've seen nomoney a few times in real life but not enough to have a real personal involvement with her. We've got a "special" forum bond..... :lol: She's the one person that will make me laugh out loud at least once a day.


pixiegirl said:
Who's your favorite? I'm bored....

Mine hands down is Pete. In the real world he's the tall male version of me.

Nomoney is a close second cause she shoots from the hip and makes me giggle.

nomoney said:
my faves are Pete and otter cause they make me snickle

workin hard said:
IRL or on the forums? Either way it is Pete

elaine said:
Impossible to pick just one but since I have to pick it is Pete

carolinagirl said:
:yeahthat: mine changes daily. Today it is Pete because of his post in "I hate" :lol:

sowhat said:
PeteWhat; haga qué:shrug:DoWhat:shrug:SoWhat:shrug:

DoWhat said:

JabbaJawz said:
I love that comment. The tall version... :biggrin:

:love: You also have my vote Pete, I could never love another forumite like I love you, sugarbearbunnyface. :blushing:

RoseRed said:
:fixed: :mad:


Right Where I Belong
Too many to pick from but some of my favorites:


...not in any particular order.:biggrin:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
It's really hard to pick a favorite. A lot of really creative, intelligent and funny folk live here in Southern MD!!

I do know that when certain forumites post, I am sure to read the threads... (the reverse is true also and I will avoid the threads in their entirety ...:yikes:)

I just feel surrounded by greatness :diva: :diva: :diva:



Pea Brain
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
:sad: You won't hold it against me that I'm the president and founder of the O-Ta fan club will you?
Not unless you're the one who controls his drooling.
virgovictoria said:
It's really hard to pick a favorite. A lot of really creative, intelligent and funny folk live here in Southern MD!!

I do know that when certain forumites post, I am sure to read the threads... (the reverse is true also and I will avoid the threads in their entirety ...:yikes:)

I just feel surrounded by greatness :diva: :diva: :diva:


I changed my post...:huggy: