Favorite Forumite

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
otter said:
Can't really say, 98% of the people here bring something to the table here, whether it makes me laff or think(..or drool). Hows that for a cop-out?? :lmao:

In IRL, enjoy Kwiilia, Pete, Jazz, Christy, Kwillia, Sharon, 2A, DoWhat, Steve, Pix, Chasey, Mary Catherine, Bres, Tex, Vrai, Larry, VV, Kyle..hell, enjoy em all, just can't remember everyone.
:yeahthat: And add Otter and Catt. You guys are the bomb-diggity. :kiss:

Everybody brings their unique perspective on life to this forum and I enjoy it immensely. I've met some of the most incredible people from here that I never in a million years would have otherwise and am honored to call them my friends. :huggy:

Some on here make me laugh, others to think, some are true buddies, and then there are those few that get me shaking my head in dumbfounded amazement. :lol:
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Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
K_Jo said:
Otter is my favorite.
<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNskw006' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_4_135.gif' alt='Kiss Ass' border=0></a>



Favs I haven’t met: DoWhat, Otter, and Bogart-- They always make me laugh! :lol:

And since this isn’t the “Who’s the Funniest Forumite Poll” (see surveys), Vrai and Kizzy make me think with some of their posts.
Kingvjack is crass, but I can’t help wondering what the heck he’ll think of next for shock value.

Favs I have met: nomoney and kwillia—hands down always have me laughing!

Favs IRL to hang out with: CMC122, CableChick, Jabba, fddog, nomoney (Ok....well, everyone--It's just too hard to decide.)

Favs I’d like to meet: Otter and DoWhat

I think that covers it.


b*tch rocket
otter said:
In IRL, enjoy Kwiilia, Pete, Jazz, Christy, Kwillia, Sharon, DoWhat, Steve, Pix, Chasey, Mary Catherine, Bres, Tex, Vrai, Larry..hell, enjoy em all, just can't remember everyone.
:love: :gigolo: :really:
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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
appyday said:
I have a few of my favorites....Kwillia, Jazz, Otter, Nomo always put a smile on my face with their funny sayings...on the serious note I like Catt, Prep, Jazz, Jay

Jazz made two lists :flowers:
Aw...thanks sweetie. :blushing: I still want to go trail riding with you. Maybe next week when I get back from Boston.

Some other forumites who are my favorites and I've met IRL:

Airgasm, BadGirl, RoseRed, Appyday, Vince, Morgie, migtig, mainman, BuddyLee, elaine, Ken King (my birthday buddy :huggy: ), DoWhat, chaotic, Ponytail, Katie, ylexot, huntr1, dymphna, Tomcat, AC/DC

All incredible people in my book that have added so much to my life and I'm so very blessed to know you all. :huggy:


Nothing to see here
jazz lady said:
Aw...thanks sweetie. :blushing: I still want to go trail riding with you. Maybe next week when I get back from Boston.

Some other forumites who are my favorites and I've met IRL:

Airgasm, BadGirl, RoseRed, Appyday, Vince, Morgie, migtig, mainman, BuddyLee, elaine, Ken King (my birthday buddy :huggy: ), DoWhat, chaotic, Ponytail, Katie, ylexot, huntr1, dymphna, Tomcat, AC/DC

All incredible people in my book that have added so much to my life and I'm so very blessed to know you all. :huggy:

I see I forgot some others...Shoulda just said I enjoy everyone I met..


jazz lady said:
Aw...thanks sweetie. :blushing: I still want to go trail riding with you. Maybe next week when I get back from Boston.

Some other forumites who are my favorites and I've met IRL:

Airgasm, BadGirl, RoseRed, Appyday, Vince, Morgie, migtig, mainman, BuddyLee, elaine, Ken King (my birthday buddy :huggy: ), DoWhat, chaotic, Ponytail, Katie, ylexot, huntr1, dymphna, Tomcat, AC/DC

All incredible people in my book that have added so much to my life and I'm so very blessed to know you all. :huggy:

Goodbye cruel world :drama: