

Dancing Up A Storm
That NFC Championship game against your NY G-men.

He's said it over and over that he wanted to go out like Elway, with a Championship. Last season really burned him the way he declined due to injury. I think he could only sign with a team like the Vikings, a team on the cusp. That gives him at least a chance. I think he can take that team uphill from a year ago whereby they were rated near last in passing but 5th in rushing.

I have to admire your fiction; it's a hoot! :lmao:

I am of the opinion, that if Favre makes it out of the Green Bay/Vikings game alive, the LAST team he'd want to face is my NY Football Giants team! Hah!


Football addict
I have to admire your fiction; it's a hoot! :lmao:

I am of the opinion, that if Favre makes it out of the Green Bay/Vikings game alive, the LAST team he'd want to face is my NY Football Giants team! Hah!
Ah, you misinterpret.

He merely wants to win a Championship. Sure, there are some other notable reasons as we all know.

I smell an avatar bet coming on though.:popcorn:


New Member
I have to admire your fiction; it's a hoot! :lmao:

I am of the opinion, that if Favre makes it out of the Green Bay/Vikings game alive, the LAST team he'd want to face is my NY Football Giants team! Hah!

That monday night game is going to be great! The Stoy lines, the history, oh boy its going to be a good game. Its going to be even better when the game is played in GB.


New Member
ESPN guys are all over the Vikings for this move! Oh and he's going to start against KC, I think coming back after training camp was the plan all along!


Dancing Up A Storm
ESPN guys are all over the Vikings for this move! Oh and he's going to start against KC, I think coming back after training camp was the plan all along!

Speaking of the ESPN coverage of Favre's signing with the Vikings, did anyone notice the abundance of gray hair ALL OVER the dude's face and scalp, during the live conference?

Geeez, how about investing in a bottle of Just For Men?? :killingme


Football addict
Speaking of the ESPN coverage of Favre's signing with the Vikings, did anyone notice the abundance of gray hair ALL OVER the dude's face and scalp, during the live conference?

Geeez, how about investing in a bottle of Just For Men?? :killingme

...I thought you had gray hair too...

...when you had hair.:lol:



Dancing Up A Storm

...I thought you had gray hair too...

...when you had hair.:lol:


Here's to ya, "Grin on a Stick"! :buddies: At least I'm not competing for a dangerous job at 40, going against a bunch of 300lb monsters, who will be trying to tear my head off! :lol:


Speaking of the ESPN coverage of Favre's signing with the Vikings, did anyone notice the abundance of gray hair ALL OVER the dude's face and scalp, during the live conference?

Geeez, how about investing in a bottle of Just For Men?? :killingme



Football addict
Here's to ya, "Grin on a Stick"! :buddies: At least I'm not competing for a dangerous job at 40, going against a bunch of 300lb monsters, who will be trying to tear my head off! :lol:
Hell, I'd endure as much if I were getting paid 10-12 million and fame to boot.:lmao:


No Longer the Kid
I'm glad he's back. It will certainly make the season more interesting with a ton of storylines.

Who wants to see Tavaris Jackson behind center for another year anyway?

I thought Sage(sp) had beat out Jackson :confused:

Hell, I'd endure as much if I were getting paid 10-12 million and fame to boot.:lmao:

I'd endure a llittle more for that kind of loot than brett is :lmao:

I'd try an do oprah :drama:


New Member
I guess everyone know too that he has a small tear on his rotator cuff. I played baseball for years and also had a small tear on my rotator cuff and I can say that at time it can hurt like hell and the pain does not go away. Good Luck with that Brett!


They're out to get us
Very doubtful..

The guy has no regard for anyone but himself. Sad, because I was a fan, once.
Agreed. He's scum. He spoke with the Packers, told them his basic plans of when he'd retire, they drafted Rogers because of HIS influence, then he gets mad because he decides to play a few extra years and they don't want him anymore, because HE should decide when he finally steps down as Green Bay Packers starter. Mind you, he was sitting there about to retire anyway and then got offended that the Packers wanted him to make up his mind!

Then he FORCES them to trade or release him (wanting to go to the arch-rival Vikings), then FORCES the Jets to release him and promises them the only team he'd play for is the Vikings. Why the Vikings? Of ALL the teams in the NFL, the Vikings are the only team that Favre keeps targetting? Clearly he's looking to shove it to the Green Bay Packers and all their fans...when the entire reason for the dilemma is because he had them draft a QB! You don't waste a 1st round pick for years on the bench until they leave, you friggin play the guy! He had been on the bench for 2-3 years already and it was time to use him or lose him.

At this point in career Brett is not like the Brett of old, That's why I like Rogers over Brett. Plus he's sticking up a big middle finger to all GB fans by going to the Vikings.
Yup. Rogers is better now. And Favre is nothing but a crybaby asshat.

Agreed :yay:

They did the right thing when brett started playing his :bs: games. Even if he stayed, or they brought him back, you don't know what you got left when he does FINALLY go, and if Rodgers left, your really back to square one, and I do believe Rodgers would have left if they brought him back.
Yup. If Rodgers leaves, you lose a 1st round pick. If you try to trade Rodgers so he can move on in his career and grab another QB after, you won't get close to the value since nobody knows what Rodgers can do. It was a lose/lose situation for the Packers. They knew Rodgers wanted to start, while Favre's heart wasn't in the game with the whole will he or won't he retire BS. That's not the guy you want leading your organization.

No. He's not the Brett of old. Now, he is just old Brett. Which is better than 1/2 the starters in the league including our kid! :jameo:
He's not better than 1/2 the starters in the league. QB Rating = 21st. Threw the most INTs. 11th in yards, but 8th in attempts (22nd in YPA). He threw 4 more INTs than anyone else and the two closest to him had around 100 more attempts. The only person with a worse INT % was friggin Gus Frerotte, who probably barely qualified for being in the list of 32 QBs since he didn't start the full season. He had 5th highest completion % though. 30 sacks rated him 23rd in the league.

Campbell --> top in the league in INT % (1.2% to 4.2%), 6 INTs all year, rating was #19, 15th in completion %, only 16 fewer attempts than Favre and 200 fewer yards. 38 sacks behind a cruddy line, good for 27th. Only 13 TDs, good for 21st.

I'm not saying Campbell is better, but just compare the stats. Neither had a fumble lost last season (Favre fumbled 5 times, Campbell didn't fumble), so if you count up BAD plays that hurt your field position and make life more difficult on the defense...Favre had 22 + 30 = 52, Campbell had 38 + 6 = 44.

Favre doesn't have it in him anymore. He can possibly play like a top 15 QB for the first half of the season, maybe, and then he'll crash toward the end. When you're expecting a Super Bowl run, you can't afford to have a cannon like his behind center. He'll throw the game away, just like he did during his final playoff game in Green Bay!

Ok, here's my query:

What has Brett Favre have to prove? He's what, 40 years old, cannot nearly perform the way he did 10 - 12 seasons ago.

So, what's in it for him now? He can only go downhill, from hereon out, in my opinion. :popcorn:

What's in it for him? $25million over 2 seasons. Even if I didn't really want to play football anymore, if I was physically able to play I'd take that kind of money.
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Nothing to see here
I have it on good authority that Brett has a hangnail on his right middle toe and is considering retirement again. It is said he will make his decision and let the Vikes know on Sept. 10th.


Football addict
Agreed. He's scum. He spoke with the Packers, told them his basic plans of when he'd retire, they drafted Rogers because of HIS influence, then he gets mad because he decides to play a few extra years and they don't want him anymore, because HE should decide when he finally steps down as Green Bay Packers starter. Mind you, he was sitting there about to retire anyway and then got offended that the Packers wanted him to make up his mind!

Then he FORCES them to trade or release him (wanting to go to the arch-rival Vikings), then FORCES the Jets to release him and promises them the only team he'd play for is the Vikings. Why the Vikings? Of ALL the teams in the NFL, the Vikings are the only team that Favre keeps targetting? Clearly he's looking to shove it to the Green Bay Packers and all their fans...when the entire reason for the dilemma is because he had them draft a QB! You don't waste a 1st round pick for years on the bench until they leave, you friggin play the guy! He had been on the bench for 2-3 years already and it was time to use him or lose him.

Yup. Rogers is better now. And Favre is nothing but a crybaby asshat.

Yup. If Rodgers leaves, you lose a 1st round pick. If you try to trade Rodgers so he can move on in his career and grab another QB after, you won't get close to the value since nobody knows what Rodgers can do. It was a lose/lose situation for the Packers. They knew Rodgers wanted to start, while Favre's heart wasn't in the game with the whole will he or won't he retire BS. That's not the guy you want leading your organization.

He's not better than 1/2 the starters in the league. QB Rating = 21st. Threw the most INTs. 11th in yards, but 8th in attempts (22nd in YPA). He threw 4 more INTs than anyone else and the two closest to him had around 100 more attempts. The only person with a worse INT % was friggin Gus Frerotte, who probably barely qualified for being in the list of 32 QBs since he didn't start the full season. He had 5th highest completion % though. 30 sacks rated him 23rd in the league.

Campbell --> top in the league in INT % (1.2% to 4.2%), 6 INTs all year, rating was #19, 15th in completion %, only 16 fewer attempts than Favre and 200 fewer yards. 38 sacks behind a cruddy line, good for 27th. Only 13 TDs, good for 21st.

I'm not saying Campbell is better, but just compare the stats. Neither had a fumble lost last season (Favre fumbled 5 times, Campbell didn't fumble), so if you count up BAD plays that hurt your field position and make life more difficult on the defense...Favre had 22 + 30 = 52, Campbell had 38 + 6 = 44.

Favre doesn't have it in him anymore. He can possibly play like a top 15 QB for the first half of the season, maybe, and then he'll crash toward the end. When you're expecting a Super Bowl run, you can't afford to have a cannon like his behind center. He'll throw the game away, just like he did during his final playoff game in Green Bay!

What's in it for him? $25million over 2 seasons. Even if I didn't really want to play football anymore, if I was physically able to play I'd take that kind of money.
Wanna make a bet that the Vikings win more games than the Packers?

BTW, he was 6th in completions. 8th in attempts with a coach who made him chuck it 25+ even with the injury, despite having a stellar running game. 5th in percentage completed. 11th in yards. 9th in TD's.

NFL Stats: by Player Category

Favre won't be asked to chuck it downfield like he did for the J E T S. Minnesota will milk that ground game first and do it the right way.
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