Fellas: The Ultimate Decision!!


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Okay. Here is MY truth. If I needed to work something through with my SO, I could and would say, "When you have a chance, let's sit down cause we need to talk - about some stuff that's bugging me" or whatever... "Finish your game - it didn't erupt instantaneously - it won't go away the same."

If I needed his immediate attention, I wouldn't need to ask. The tone and urgency in my voice would indicate it.

If my SO did something that violated the trust and sanctity of our relationship, there would be no game to finish. Or discussion to have. As I would punt the fukcer through a window, controllers included.
If I needed to have a "we need to talk" conversation with hubby... I would never think to begin it until after the game was over. I think any woman that feels so insecure in the relationship that she bases her value by comparing herself to the last 4 minutes of a game needs an enema...:jameo:


virgovictoria said:
Okay. Here is MY truth. If I needed to work something through with my SO, I could and would say, "When you have a chance, let's sit down cause we need to talk - about some stuff that's bugging me" or whatever... "Finish your game - it didn't erupt instantaneously - it won't go away the same."

If I needed his immediate attention, I wouldn't need to ask. The tone and urgency in my voice would indicate it.

If my SO did something that violated the trust and sanctity of our relationship, there would be no game to finish. Or discussion to have. As I would punt the fukcer through a window, controllers included.



Finishing last
First off, I don't do the sports thing. Unless of course I'm outside participating in it. Second of all, I'de probably be the one saying we need to talk. Then it's a matter of if she has the time to tear herself away from her precious computer! I mean sometimes I feel like all she wants me for is my body. I do have a brain you know!...

Oh wait a minute. Scratch that, I mean yeah I would pause the game!


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I'm starting to understand why that Q person doesn't have any long term relationships or any relationships at all.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
None of the above are emergencies and they can wait.

What if you were watching the season cliff-hanger of your favorite TV program, with 10 minutes left in the show, and hubby comes out and wants your attention?

How about if you're out with girlfriends and he calls your cell to tell you he wants to "talk"?

I think any woman (or man) who can't wait a few minutes is selfish and short-sighted. Wouldn't it be better to let him finish what he's doing so you can have his undivided attention?

I've been on that side where I'm wrapped up in something and "He" wants to talk! Oh My God! Are you serious! Can it wait? No, I want to talk to you now, it's very important! Give me 2 minutes. 2 minutes? What is so important that it's only going to take 2 minutes to talk about? Oh, I just wanted to know if you wanted beans or corn with dinner? What! I'm in the middle of closing the biggest deal of my career and you're bugging me about vegetables? You f####ng moron. His head drops and he slowly skulks away. He's such a drama queen. :wench:


Well-Known Member
Almost no conversation I want to hear begins with "We need to talk" because what it MEANS is, YOU need to listen. Husband OR wife, who wants that?

I really didn't know how to answer this, though, because there's really no chance I'd ever be playing on an X-Box or any kind of silly game machine. I don't think I've ever played a game on any machine where I wasn't willing to just drop it forever at a moment's notice. But I get the idea - say, it's the Super Bowl and the Redskins are actually WINNING - or it's the season or series finale with ten minutes left. Then, I wouldn't get mad - I'd just say, "in a few minutes". There'd probably be attitude, but if she's saying "we need to talk" there's already attitude.

I pretty much concur with Vrai on this - you'd have to be some kind of moronic schmuck to insist on interrupting someone in the middle of something they consider important to "talk". Almost nothing needs to be discussed immediately unless it's the house burning down or the baby choking. Since both of you know that, if she says this to you, you can let it wait.

The only time I have a problem with this is when one of us either : doesn't realize how important the thing is to the other (me, most of the time) or doesn't RESPECT how important the thing is to the other. I hate it when I'm on the phone listening to a LONG list of "Press 1 for..." and get interrupted because it looks like I'm just mindlessly sitting there with the phone in my ear. The respect thing bugs me the most but thankfully it doesn't happen that often.

I think if it was ME and my wife were playing X-Box, I personally might have a hard time "respecting" how important it is, because to me, it's a stupid game that you can stop playing forever at a moment's notice; it would be the equivlalent of interrupting someone watching the grass grow.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
PS2? Xbox? You're kidding right? I don't see where anyone would have time for this if they were in a serious relationship. You should see my honeydo list. :ohwell:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Dutch6 said:
PS2? Xbox? You're kidding right? I don't see where anyone would have time for this if they were in a serious relationship. You should see my honeydo list. :ohwell:
:lmao: Just yesterday I told my hubby he needed to build something to house the bikes so I can park my car in the garage. I never interrupt him with a "We need to talk" while he's working on anything or doing anything I think is important to him. As a matter of fact, I don't remember the last time I said "we need to talk."


vraiblonde said:
Can I just say?

If a woman was so immature and self-centered that she'd interrupt a game with 4 mins left in the 4th to "have a talk", the appropriate response to her is, "NO!" There is nothing so important that it won't wait for a few minutes.
:clap: I think you are wonderful and I know full well why Larry snagged you and you married to Larry, a great American, dedicated father, accomplished successful businessman, mediocre golfer and all around GREAT guy.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Pete said:
:clap: I think you are wonderful and I know full well why Larry snagged you and you married to Larry, a great American, dedicated father, accomplished successful businessman, mediocre golfer and all around GREAT guy.


Lem Putt
Dutch6 said:
PS2? Xbox? You're kidding right? I don't see where anyone would have time for this if they were in a serious relationship. You should see my honeydo list. :ohwell:
I guess that explains why you were zooming around Giant yesterday, too busy to acknowledge the presence of people around you.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
MMDad said:
I guess that explains why you were zooming around Giant yesterday, too busy to acknowledge the presence of people around you.
You were there and didn't say anything? :smack: I was on a mission and in a hurry. Sorry I missed you.


wandering aimlessly
Chain729 said:
And I think that any woman that thinks something that I said 2 weeks ago, or even 2 hours ago needs to be addressed right this minute is a whack-job.
Without going any further to see if this was addressed SHE'S PREGNANT she WILL be whacko from time to time. It happens. Deal with it.

Unless she's no longer pregnant then I vote for post partum depression or if you've switched girls - Bad Chain! Bad Bad Chain!


Cleopatra Jones
bresamil said:
Without going any further to see if this was addressed SHE'S PREGNANT she WILL be whacko from time to time. It happens. Deal with it.

Unless she's no longer pregnant then I vote for post partum depression or if you've switched girls - Bad Chain! Bad Bad Chain!

And a big HELL YEAH to that. I was a lunatic when I was pregnant with the youngest. Never in my life had I been so out of control but thought I was perfectly normal. :jameo: I still get to visit those times when I get PMS and someone plucks a nerve in just the right way. :lmao:

Seriously, pregnancy can do some whacky things to a woman and each pregnancy is totally different!