Fellas: The Ultimate Decision!!


Cleopatra Jones
vraiblonde said:
:killingme :roflmao:

:whew: :snort:

:razz: I put in the disclaimer that I still have my moments thanks to PMS. Christy has the radar too. I can't tell you how many emails I've gotten that say "I love it when you're PMSing" and she's never been wrong. :lmao: We can all thank baby G.


Look my ass glows!
Qurious said:
you are playing Madden 07 on your PS2/Xbox360 (or watching the Redskins)... at the very moment that you are staging your comeback from 20 pts down to win a touchdown w/ the ball...4th quarter 4 mins to go....

your woman says to you... "we need to talk"

what is your response?!?!?!?!? :popcorn:

I just gotta ask, how old is this guy? :whistle:
I just don't get the fascination/addiction w/X-Box games or any other for that matter. Seems to me they are a replacement for inter-action w/humans. If anything is MORE important than conversing w/your mate, partner or another human yous got a problem! Now ifn I was running in a marathon or having open heart surgery


Qurious said:
you are playing Madden 07 on your PS2/Xbox360 (or watching the Redskins)... at the very moment that you are staging your comeback from 20 pts down to win a touchdown w/ the ball...4th quarter 4 mins to go....

your woman says to you... "we need to talk"

what is your response?!?!?!?!? :popcorn:

Just wondering (and I havn't read this entire thread)... why isn't she watching the game with you and routing the team on with you :shrug: Stuff like that is always better shared :shrug: If she's not into the game, explain it to her and if she's still not interested, lock her in a closet or something until the game is over and turn the tv up :shrug: After the game, deal with it all then :shrug:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
bresamil said:
Without going any further to see if this was addressed SHE'S PREGNANT she WILL be whacko from time to time. It happens. Deal with it.

Unless she's no longer pregnant then I vote for post partum depression or if you've switched girls - Bad Chain! Bad Bad Chain!

I haven't switched girls and she's still preggers. She was a whack-job before she was pregnant. As a matter of fact, if we hadn't found out she was pregnant that day, I was going to leave within a week. I knew it was going to explode before then, I just listened to the voices in my head screaming "let's see what happens! This is clinically intresting and I want input!," and "you love her, don't be a cold b****** and leave this soon, give things more of a chance."

I knew the pregnancy would make it worse. I decided to stick it out as long as I could anyway to see how things go; but I knew and still know that it's a pipe dream.

NOTE: It's not that I don't love her, or that I'm a saint by any means. Some things just aren't worth the headache for all involved and some people you work with just don't do what's neccessary to make them work.


Chain729 said:
I haven't switched girls and she's still preggers. She was a whack-job before she was pregnant. As a matter of fact, if we hadn't found out she was pregnant that day, I was going to leave within a week. I knew it was going to explode before then, I just listened to the voices in my head screaming "let's see what happens! This is clinically intresting and I want input!," and "you love her, don't be a cold b****** and leave this soon, give things more of a chance."

I knew the pregnancy would make it worse. I decided to stick it out as long as I could anyway to see how things go; but I knew and still know that it's a pipe dream.

NOTE: It's not that I don't love her, or that I'm a saint by any means. Some things just aren't worth the headache for all involved and some people you work with just don't do what's neccessary to make them work.

If she has access to the forums, we might be reading about you tomorrow.

Hatchet/axe through the skull. :dead:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Wenchy said:
If she has access to the forums, we might be reading about you tomorrow.

Hatchet/axe through the skull. :dead:

Nope. Computer at home is still not hooked up (moved in in Aug). She knows (and has for some time) that I post here from time to time, but has never used the forums. As odd as it is, since she usually watches everything I do like a hawk, and that she knows I'm a creature of habit (only use a few S/N's for everything personal from hotmail, to these boards, other boards, etc. and she knows all of them).

Everything that I've said she knows to be true. And I don't say anything without knowing it'll come around. When it does, I face it honestly.


dems4me said:
Just wondering (and I havn't read this entire thread)... why isn't she watching the game with you and routing the team on with you :shrug: Stuff like that is always better shared :shrug: If she's not into the game, explain it to her and if she's still not interested, lock her in a closet or something until the game is over and turn the tv up :shrug: After the game, deal with it all then :shrug:

This tread is still goin?

This Has to be the best response so far. :yay:

do not pm me or else i might let TL outa da closet. :killingme

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
dems4me said:
Just wondering (and I havn't read this entire thread)... why isn't she watching the game with you and routing the team on with you :shrug: Stuff like that is always better shared :shrug: If she's not into the game, explain it to her and if she's still not interested, lock her in a closet or something until the game is over and turn the tv up :shrug: After the game, deal with it all then :shrug:
I lub me some Dems. :huggy: