I have to admit, that my circle of really, really good girlfriends is pretty small. I have lots of friends that are girls, mind you, but few that really know what there is to know about me. I notice that my need to confide in my girlfields has narrowed as I've aged; when I was younger, I had no problem telling my girlfriends almost everything about me. Now, I prefer to be a little more cautious about what I say, and who I say it to.
Having said that, I really do enjoy my girlfriends and just wish I had more time to spend with them.
Ironically, my best girlfriend from 8th grade is someone that I absolutely adore. We rarely speak to one another (maybe one or two phonecalls every year or so, or a periodic card in the mail, and I haven't seen her in 15 years or so), but that doesn't mean that I don't think about her frequently and wonder what she's up to. She lives in CA, for the record.
My most recent best friend (going on 25 years!) is someone that lives 2 hours away, and we still rarely see each other. We only call each other about once a month. It's pretty sad, really. But I blame it on her being a stinkin' Liberal.