Feminists Reality On Dating


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The older I get, the more disgusted I get by female behavior, and the more I understand why men treated women they way they treated them (allegedly) in pre-first-wave feminism.

I follow this guy, but I have a difficult time processing his videos. I usually have to stop and go back and back to get what he's saying; probably because I'm old.

Having said that, he does lay out male and female behavior pretty well, and now, how those individual behaviors affect society. I wish I could get ahold of his materials to study in order to better understand his videos.



PREMO Member
Having said that, he does lay out male and female behavior pretty well, and now, how those individual behaviors affect society. I wish I could get ahold of his materials to study in order to better understand his videos.

Hoe Math is awesome ....
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PREMO Member
The older I get, the more disgusted I get by female behavior,

3rd Wave Feminism has made women Girl Boss crazy , in our day the movement was about equal treatment and not being groped by your boss or sexually harassed
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Well-Known Member
3rd Wave Feminism has made women Girl Boss crazy , in our day the movement was about equal treatment and not being groped by your boss or sexually harassed
Yeah, and I don't have an issue with equal treatment and not being sexually harassed. No one should have to put up with that.

Neither should any man have to worry that the slightest, most innocuous thing, even a look, can be misconstrued, and a man put on trial and summarily fired merely on a woman's say-so. Or incarcerated, or her word taken as gospel in the face of incontrovertible evidence.


PREMO Member
Neither should any man have to worry that the slightest, most innocuous thing, even a look, can be misconstrued, and a man put on trial and summarily fired merely on a woman's say-so.

yeah and not women are wondering ' where are the good men '

you told us

2. spent your 20's whoring around,
3. spent your 20's - mid 30's girl bossing - I don't NEED No Man

Great well guys Left You Alone, are NOT marrying whores, you are fun on a Friday night, but NOT wife material, and do not want Masculine Women we do not care about your money, status or career ... Oh and all those nice average guys whom you were NOT settling for, while getting ran through by all the CHADS of the world are still sitting in the friendzone where you put them


Well-Known Member
yeah and not women are wondering ' where are the good men '

you told us

2. spent your 20's whoring around,
3. spent your 20's - mid 30's girl bossing - I don't NEED No Man

Great well guys Left You Alone, are NOT marrying whores, you are fun on a Friday night, but NOT wife material, and do not want Masculine Women we do not care about your money, status or career ... Oh and all those nice average guys whom you were NOT settling for, while getting ran through by all the CHADS of the world are still sitting in the friendzone where you put them
And that's what THEY mean when they say "good men." They mean the 8's, 9's, and even the occasional 10 that THEY could get pre-wall, but who are no longer interested in them, now that they're post wall.

They only mean good guys in relation 5s, 6s, and 7s when they're so far post wall, they can see the end of this time on earth. You know, the 80-90% of us that have always been invisible to them.

Those are the guys they are suddenly willing to settle for, but only as a) a money-making scheme as they still try to move up, and/or b) a retirement plan when they give up any aspirations of hypergamy.

What we men mean by good guy is any man who is responsible, honest, trustworthy and loyal. Someone who is driven to take care of those he loves; protects and provides for them, and helps them out without needing it. A man will work long, hard hours at a dangerous job in order to provide for those in his care.

Men and women are generally not the same.


Well-Known Member
Somebody just sent me a joke video - it sounds way funnier when somebody tells it with an Aussie accent.

Q: What do you call a lesbian who's on fire?



PREMO Member
This is the most insane cope I have ever heard for a woman prostituting herself ever ....

If a guy wants to take her on a date she ' evaluates ' his personality, his energy / vibes financial status ..... if he is ' OK ' enough, you will PAY her $ 2700 dollar rent FOR THE DATE, with NO Guarantee of anything intimate, you are paying $ 2700 dollars for a chance she will ' feel ' good vibes and fuc you at the end of the night




Well-Known Member
This is the most insane cope I have ever heard for a woman prostituting herself ever ....

If a guy wants to take her on a date she ' evaluates ' his personality, his energy / vibes financial status ..... if he is ' OK ' enough, you will PAY her $ 2700 dollar rent FOR THE DATE, with NO Guarantee of anything intimate, you are paying $ 2700 dollars for a chance she will ' feel ' good vibes and fuc you at the end of the night


Sh*t, for that kind of money, there better be some kinky stuff going on.

There is a famous story about sex and money that has been attributed to a number of famous people over the decades, going all the way back to the 1930s, at least. A man asks a woman if she would be willing to sleep with him if he pays her an exorbitant sum. She replies affirmatively. He then names a paltry amount and asks if she would still be willing to sleep with him for the revised fee. The woman is greatly offended and replies as follows:

She: What kind of woman do you think I am?
He: We’ve already established that. Now we’re just haggling over the price.


Well-Known Member
I guess what I don't get in these is - any reasonable person with both a little humility and a good amount of confidence - and grasp - of their self-worth - wouldn't have so much trouble navigating all this. There shouldn't be any kind of need to justify for yourself the kind of treatment you would never tolerate in others.


Well-Known Member
This is the most insane cope I have ever heard for a woman prostituting herself ever ....

If a guy wants to take her on a date she ' evaluates ' his personality, his energy / vibes financial status ..... if he is ' OK ' enough, you will PAY her $ 2700 dollar rent FOR THE DATE, with NO Guarantee of anything intimate, you are paying $ 2700 dollars for a chance she will ' feel ' good vibes and fuc you at the end of the night


Almost 9 hours! I can't watch those when they're only 20 minutes. No way I can take listening to garden tools for that long.

I did watch it for a few minutes, however. That first 304 is a real pip, as my grandfather used to say.

You're starting to see this more and more on social media, where women are wanting to see bank statements, financial health statements, and most of all, wanting men to pay UP FRONT in either cash dollars and/or in necessities for them, their homes, their children, and whatnot.

Here's what I think: I feel like this is leading to a whole new area of contract law - in fact, a merger of contract law and family law.

You want a girlfriend? Here is a contract that sets forward the fees, length, terms and conditions, as well as limitations.

You want a wife? That costs extra.

I managed contracts for personnel services for the Navy for most of my career. I can't recall any exceptions, though there may have been one or two, but those were 5 year contracts that were renewable in a kind of mini recompete every year. Not a full-blown competition with RFPs and responses and so on, but nearly as much work. So basically, a provider of logistics and/or engineering and/or program management services won a 5-year contract, but at least in theory, they could lose the contract after year 1, year 2, and so on. I've seen it happen and have taken part in a couple of those.

In light of my experience, I've long viewed marriage as a contract between two people, with each contributing and receiving benefit from the marriage contract. As long as at least one party feels as though they are receiving at least a minimum "return" on the "investment" they make in the relationship, the marriage will last.

Given the fact that women initiate approximately 80% of divorces in this country, and the divorce rate is around 56%, AND with women citing "boredom" as a chief reason to end the relationship - as well as the fact that divorce tends to lead to a woman walking away with cash and prizes, as Joker puts it (since the judicial system is heavily weighted in favor of women), I have to question both what women are "investing" into the relationship, as well as what their expectations are as far as what they expect to derive from said relationship.

Some observers of such things have frequently noted that today's modern women see a relationship itself as "the prize." They have also remarked that women want the wedding, but are neither equipped for, or even desire the marriage. Additional, perhaps biologically driven - almost certainly, actually - they desire children, but are just as ill-equipped to raise them. In the same way, women get into the workforce - often right out of college - and suddenly they no longer want to work. And that's not just male and female observers saying so; it's women themselves.

They want to be strong, independent, make their own money, don't need no man, boss babe women - until the going gets hard - and all of a sudden, they're all "where are all the good men!?"

All the good men are off doing other things, complying with hundreds and hundreds of videos of women constantly telling men "we don't need you! Go away! Stop approaching us!"

So, men did, in highly statistically meaningful numbers, and now that a whole generation of women is losing its reproductive value as they age, the ordinary guys that women did not see when they were in their more fecund years are suddenly looking a lot better to women - but after years and years of being ignored or rejected in some really ugly, insulting ways (ask me how I know), those same women are looking for someone to start a family with and to provide for them and their spawn.

The problem is, and women tell on themselves in mass numbers, those exact same women will monkey branch on that guy; their hypergamous nature driving them to level up as far as providers.

That "I'm bored; I want a divorce" really means she found a guy who is at least a little more "exciting," and in theory, more capable as a provider and/or protector. In too many cases, that guy who is a 7-10 guy only wants one thing from her, and it's not a family - especially a pre-made one.

Carp...I better stop. I'm getting too fired up about this.

But yeah, marriage contracts. The Government is involved (heavily), they're enforceable as far as terms and conditions (as opposed to social media's nebulous "terms and conditions" or even the current system we're used to), and, done correctly, could give everyone what they want.

People might say "But BOP, what about love?"

What's love got to do with it?

Arranged marriages were the standard for many generations world-wide, and statistically, those seem to have a much better track record than what we've been dealing with for a much shorter time period. People actually fell in like, and even in love within the context of arranged marriages.

Within a contract marriage, both parties can theoretically get what they want.



Well-Known Member
Why should a man beat his brains out trying to please a woman who thinks her sht doesn't stink when there are so many out there who are not like that and are perfectly happy with a good man. Beautiful women are fun to look at, but are they easy to live with? If they are not leave them to live with themselves.


Well-Known Member
You know, when you're a little kid, hopefully you learn that when you're a tyrant and a pain in the ass to play with - it shouldn't be a surprise that the OTHER kids choose to play with someone else. Or even NO ONE.

But some people NEVER learn this -maybe it was because I was raised Catholic (I'm not Catholic now) - and that is, you generally believe that when things aren't working out, it's probably YOUR fault. So when the other kids don't want you to play in their games, maybe it's YOU. You know - and not THEM - "society" - the rest of the world - the male patriarchy - "racism".

Now granted, kids can be mean. Maybe they don't want to play with you because you're short, or ugly, or totally unathletic.
But maybe it's because you cry easily, or eat your boogers, or don't pay attention when the ball comes your way, or fuss because you might get dirty, or walk away in the middle of a game, or throw a tantrum if you lose.

SOMETIMES people aren't interested in your crap.


PREMO Member
Almost 9 hours! I can't watch those when they're only 20 minutes. No way I can take listening to garden tools for that long.

I did watch it for a few minutes, however. That first 304 is a real pip, as my grandfather used to say.

That is why I started the video at her introduction ... I was NOT Expecting anyone to watch beyond the initial introduction ...
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PREMO Member
Some observers of such things have frequently noted that today's modern women see a relationship itself as "the prize."

Yeah so many of these younger women think they are the prize .... and bring NOTHING else to the relationship
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