Feminists Reality On Dating


Well-Known Member
It was and has been a very short time in human history where women could be “just housewives”. And I quote that because as challenging as some might think to keep a home with children - nearly all the women in my family have said - yeah, not that hard.

Because it beats being a scrub woman or working in the matchstick factory ten hours a day. Only SINCE WW2 were Americans - and others - prosperous enough to have a wife stay at home.


PREMO Member
It was and has been a very short time in human history where women could be “just housewives”.

Wasn't a ' house wife ' taking care of the entire household, cooking and cleaning, wrangling the children ? maybe some seamstress work or some such on the side ? Or thinking a Farm the husband was tending the fields and live stock and such while the wife was in the house, perhaps feeding the chickens

I've been watching Ms Scarlett and the Duke ... Victorian England - but of course the woman has a very non traditional role as a Private Detective

My point is her house keeper is a single woman who does all the domestic stuff while the protagonist is working


Well-Known Member
Many people used to have housekeepers.
But that was back before welfare and LBJ's Great Society.
Women who used to be paid as housekeepers are now collecting welfare and raising their grandchildren so that their daughters can do more breeding.
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..if momma ain't happy...
I used to tell my 3 boys, and the 4 neighbor boys, that girls could be evil, and the boys needed to watch their backs.

One of the neighbor boys asked his mom "But mom, isn't Mrs (***) a girl?"

Poor kids, scared for life. But, most are married, and we all love the girls they choose.


Well-Known Member
Boy Friend

See that space? That's the 'friend zone'.
The "friend zone" is where a girl friend a guy would like to have benefits with thinks, acts, and treats said guy like a female friend. The longer a guy is in the friend zone, the more he begins to think, act, and behave like a woman.

After all, that's what Mom told him he should do in order to get the girl. Dad, if he was around, didn't contradict her because presumably, he wanted to get some.


PREMO Member