Feminists Reality On Dating


Well-Known Member
Yeah so many of these younger women think they are the prize .... and bring NOTHING else to the relationship
NOT to bust on women - but data shows that women DO tend to overestimate their attractiveness, at least, superficially.
Dating apps and surveys show that while men might consider themselves a five or a six, a very lopsided portion of the women consider themselves much higher. When asked about men in general, women grade men as below average.

Recently, Bumble had to change their rules - originally, only women could initiate. But it wasn't going anywhere. All of the women were swiping on the same tiny portion of men, and regarding the other 95% as below average. Well, you're going to lose male subscribers if all the women are only interested in the top 2 percent.

And that comes out in these videos. Women have been angry that these top guys are nailing all of the women swiping on them - whatever "number" they are - but - they aren't interested in a relationship with any of them. And it stems from - at least, from the women SUBSCRIBERS - that they rate THEMSELVES much higher than they rate the men. They consequently state they believe they're entitled to royal treatment from "mids" (I had to ask my kids what that meant).

Gonna be a lotta unhappy campers. You know, I hate that life is set so that when you finally figure stuff out - you're old and life is nearing the end.
But truth is, a lot of stuff doesn't matter. If they make you happy, treat you well, MAKE YOU LAUGH - you can love someone no matter what their "number" is. Thank God my wife and I learned that.


PREMO Member
NOT to bust on women - but data shows that women DO tend to overestimate their attractiveness, at least, superficially.

I do not expect that you have watched any of the doz's of videos I have posted up, but today's women I'm talking 20 - 35 generally will call themselves a 10 .. just because they are the prize and seeing themselves as anything LESS is just demeaning and insulting

Delusional Feminists Think They're ALL 10s And Get HUMBLED​

OMG this fat chick is so fuc king ugly .... and girl 5 is the only honest one rating herself a 6.5 and the other 304's jump her crap



Well-Known Member
There must be this stigma I don't get, where "average" in looks is considered terrible.

By definition, in ANY category - half of the world is "below average". An overwhelming portion of people are CLOSE to average, either above or below.

It's like - are you smart? Average? A genius? Well - average intelligence is a 5. Genius is 10. Smart is between 5 and 10.
Chances are, you don't actually KNOW a bona fide genius.

And you don't actually KNOW a person who's a 10, in looks.


Well-Known Member
I do not expect that you have watched any of the doz's of videos I have posted up, but today's women I'm talking 20 - 35 generally will call themselves a 10 .. just because they are the prize and seeing themselves as anything LESS is just demeaning and insulting

Delusional Feminists Think They're ALL 10s And Get HUMBLED​

OMG this fat chick is so fuc king ugly .... and girl 5 is the only honest one rating herself a 6.5 and the other 304's jump her crap

I don't know if you saw the video where the guy interviewed a woman on the street and asked her how she rated Lizzo. Naturally, she said "10. Lizzo's a 10."

Then the guy says something to the effect of "You remind me of Lizzo."

That woman was MAD!



Well-Known Member
Why should a man beat his brains out trying to please a woman who thinks her sht doesn't stink when there are so many out there who are not like that and are perfectly happy with a good man. Beautiful women are fun to look at, but are they easy to live with? If they are not leave them to live with themselves.
Can you name more than 2?


Just sneakin' around....
but I assure you there are many good women around.
I was just going to say.... I have a hard time believing that this many women are this badly off and this jaded. I'm not directly exposed to this age group or locale (most seem to be city girls), so YMMV. I'm starting to think this is just another "me too" craze and if you're not making an "oh poor me" video, you're just not important. All about the clicks.


Well-Known Member
I am no longer in the market I found mine 61 years ago, but I assure you there are many good women around.
I'm not saying I don't believe you, and I'll grant you that my vision may be just a tad colored by social media, but here's the thing: I had a good marriage for 20 years. She didn't create drama, I had peace; she was a good listener, and to the best of my knowledge, was loyal.

But she was old school; she was raised to be a wife and mother. By their own admissions, women in this day and age are not. They want the wedding; that is the prize. It's like capture the flag. They want the babies, but they are not prepared to work within the frame of a marriage, or to function as a mother as well as a wife. In fact, women are still being vilified for choosing to be wives and mothers. "You should be free to choose whatever path you want to in life - as long as we feminists approve of your choice."

But we've had going on 40 years of social media influence, and to paraphrase an old saying "negative makes it around the world before positive has gotten out of bed."


Well-Known Member
I was just going to say.... I have a hard time believing that this many women are this badly off and this jaded. I'm not directly exposed to this age group or locale (most seem to be city girls), so YMMV. I'm starting to think this is just another "me too" craze and if you're not making an "oh poor me" video, you're just not important. All about the clicks.
Yeah, except the #metoo, while on the surface was a "craze," it has had a profound affect on our society and relations between the sexes.

Can you still say "sex?" The list of words and phrases on social media that you're not allowed to say is encyclopedic.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Average looks and low self esteem have served me well. These types of women weren't prevalent when I was growing up, but many, many of them did think they were above average. Those are the ones who you find out have been divorced, after their high school dream date finally got tired of putting up with their crap, and their men have moved on to someone who wasn't so needy and demanding.


Well-Known Member
It was World War 2 that destroyed so many women.
When they went to work each day in the war effort and became used to that pay check coming in.
It was after that when it became necessary for both the husband and wife to work and farm out the kids for someone else to raise. Today it is almost impossible for a man to earn enough to pay for that $300,000 dollar house, the2 -$50,000 dollar cars and the $15 dollar New York strip steak without the wife working.
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Well-Known Member
It was World War 2 that destroyed so many women.
When they went to work each day in the war effort and became used to that pay check coming in.
It was after that when it became necessary for both the husband and wife to work and farm out the kids for someone else to raise. Today it is almost impossible for a man to earn enough to pay for that $300,000 dollar house, the2 -$50,000 dollar cars and the $15 dollar New York strip steak without the wife working.
Almost impossible? That is some funny s**t, it certainly isn't if you get away from working for someone or something instead of yourself. Signing up for an employee number is a sure way to keep you and your family down. I learned that early on, most folks are too afraid and lazy to keep their livelihood in their own hands even though the rewards far exceed what you will receive as an employee.


PREMO Member
Girl Why You Twerking .....

why are you do controlling

