Feminists Reality On Dating


Well-Known Member

Catcalling Is Crazy​

So you're in Commiefornia, in Cuckoo for Coca Puffs Central, Venice Beach, and with a homeless population that's quadrupled over the last decade and can't figure out that those guys are going to make you feel uncomfortable.

Given the fact that more and more officials in an increasing number of communities are accepting it as a fact of life and not even trying to do anything about it, and further given how mentally and emotionally unstable (to put it mildly) most of those vagrants are, those areas are not good places for women alone.



Well-Known Member
Fakebook friend is a long-haired academic in, I think, molecular biology, or something like that. Really smart dude, really excellent writer, except he gets paid by the word, or something. Not sure what brought this on, because most of his intermidable rants have to do with mRNA, C19, and all the rest.

To supplement the advice given to NEVER correct a woman who says, “Correct me if I’m wrong.”
Here are five other important X-linked characteristics:
1. The “we need to talk” gene. Everyone subjected to it knows it’s the “No, SHE needs to talk and talk and talk” gene.

2. The “I’m not telling you any problems I have so you can analyze them and devise a solution because, if you try that, then you will only have increased my number of problems” gene.

3. The “I know a 45” wide sofa at its narrowest dimension will fit through a 36” wide door set in the left hand wall at the very end of a hall narrower than the length of the sofa and opening onto to a stairway with a landing halfway up and if you hold up a tape measure and say it’s not possible then that only means you don’t want to do it” gene. I have seen EXACTLY this one and the proof she offered that it was so was that another guy didn’t want to move it, either. Later the other guy laughed and laughed and say, “I know! The only way that sofa was going to get through there was in pieces and I told her that” after which she asked me.

4. The “after you’ve gotten your guy hooked on trim, find out what things he really likes to do and then figure out how many ways you can use that fostered dependency to manipulate him or just destroy every simple pleasure in his life that doesn’t revolve around you” gene.

5. The “remember every single effing thing he’s ever said or done or should have said or done or ever failed to say or do and then bring it up when you need to distract him because he’s about to win an argument or because he’s actually right or because he’s feeling too good or just because” gene.

As to the criticism of men not wanting to stop to ask directions:
Maybe the guys are just averse to the possibility of the direction-giver being a woman who needs to talk who will tell them they should have turned this or the other way at any of many previous points along a variety of earlier routes who may very well be combining those X-linked characteristics with that of faulty spatial reasoning in an attempt at gender-affirming tag-team action with another member of the sisterhood standing right behind the guys and preparing for her a covered dish heaped with “objective” evidence to use when getting back in the car to keep the ball rolling.


PREMO Member
Is it just me? I click on the videos and they aren't playing.

Looks like TikTok .... the


Button Works .,.. taking you to TikTok


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Nope. Must be this ****ing POS Samsung. Never again, never again.

Ok. Within the frame of the Tictoc video, roll your mouse over and click on the little square lined box in the lower middle that, (right of the volume button), shows up when your mouse cursor hovers over it. That will take you to the actual video. I'm betting that Tictoc makes it so that their videos cannot be played within any browser so that you will be exposed to other videos once you get to their website. It's not a Samsung issue, or a computer issue, it's a Tictoc induced issue.

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Well-Known Member
If i was running down the street and women were cat calling me i would be stopping for phone numbers.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Still, with a Samsung S20 running Chrome, no matter what I click on, nothing happens except the arrow in the middle of the post toggles off/on. I probably have something disabled in the settings.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Ok. Within the frame of the Tictoc video, roll your mouse over and click on the little square lined box in the lower middle that, (right of the volume button), shows up when your mouse cursor hovers over it. That will take you to the actual video. I'm betting that Tictoc makes it so that their videos cannot be played within any browser so that you will be exposed to other videos once you get to their website. It's not a Samsung issue, or a computer issue, it's a Tictoc induced issue.

View attachment 179281
Thanks! I did manage to go to SickTok and wondered why the video that was here wasn't playing there.