Feminists Reality On Dating


Well-Known Member
I thought modern women liked/wanted low-T men?
I've never known ANY woman who PREFERS a low-T man. Not unless they're rather old and would rather not deal with it.

I will probably get a little heat for this remark but - you ever see men who have dangerous animals - like tigers or bears - maybe they like DEADLY creatures - like sharks or crocodiles -

They like the security of having something extremely powerful and deadly to everyone else in the world - but who is otherwise - "friendly" - to them. For the same reason, women are drawn to powerful men.

My older sister, who has always been attracted to "bad boys" and has been burned often has said as much - she wants to know that a bad boy, a high T kind of guy - wants to be around HER - and other women envy and other men fear.

I get that some women might gravitate to a low-T kind of guy, because they think they can order them around. But it's not their first choice.


Well-Known Member
Here's my logic. I've been up since midnight, and while it might make sense to me, it might not to anyone else - or even me, after I've had a few hours sleep.

Women have historically said that they would not vote for a woman for President. I don't know if that's still true, because things are different nowadays. But that has been the pattern; en masse, women do not vote for women in positions of power.

Oh, they'll celebrate them, because that is expected of them. You know, just like embracing males coming into women's sports and beating them at it - sometimes literally. They don't really like it, and it's not just because they're being nice, or whatever. Plus, the fact that if they drop out of the sport to protest means that the thing they've worked so hard for for so many years is suddenly at an end.

No, women don't say anything, or protest by dropping out because the Borg - also known as the Sisterhood - expects them to not. Bottom line: the Sisterhood would not approve of them not being inclusive, and all the rest. Sexist, TERFs, whatever.

In the video, near the very end, I think I've figured out the reason that Kamalaladingdong acts the way she acts.

I mean, she could be as big a fraud and a moron as most of us believe she is. It's true; it's damn true.

Or, she could be playing the "I'm just a girl" card that all of us men have seen bright, educated, competent women play over and over again throughout our lives. I had an MD try it on me once in my career as an auto mechanic. Well, she wasn't the only one, but she only tried it one time. I held up the latest copy of the DSM-IV that had her name and address on it, and asked her was it hers; knowing full well it was. She got the implication, which was "you're not the dumb girl you're pretending you are."

At about 24:41, he says the following:

"There's a reason why the idea of women in positions of power is met with hesitation. Emotions can be powerful, and when they're unchecked, they can lead to decisions that aren't based on logic or reason, but on fleeting feelings. And when those emotions control actions, the consequences can be severe, not just for them, but for everyone around them."

I don't know if he meant to work that in or not, but it was cleverly done, regardless.

Women don't even really like to work for other women, let alone having one that too many people (including the politicians who end up running for, and being elected to the highest office) look at as kind of a "boss" of the rest of us. Remember how snippy Bathhouse would get when someone dared question him? Or Brandon when Joe the Plumber, or anyone else challenged him? "I don't work for you, pal!" Uh, yeah; yeah you do, actually.

Anyway, that's my logic, as fuzzy as it is right now, and I may or may not stick to it. I may flip-flop like a politician.



PREMO Member
Women don't even really like to work for other women, let alone having one that too many people (including the politicians who end up running for, and being elected to the highest office) look at as kind of a "boss" of the rest of us.

There have been a couple of videos that made the rounds in the past 6 months

1. A French woman with her own company, at a tech conference for women got up and explained why she was NOT hiring women, they are all LAZY .... not good programmers, they are cheating

Woman IT CEO Doesn't hire Women Anymore​

2. A woman who started some sort of media consulting company decided hiring ' the sisterhood and NO Men was the cool thing to do .. the company maybe lasted 3 yrs .... women were

a. too bitchy and catty to deal with, back stabbing and jealous
b. demanding special treatment
c. could not handle BASIC mentoring and criticism

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Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Nope, not just you; same.

I go to Lady J's TickTok, plus guys have them on their youtube channels.
Thanks. This phone is a POS and I couldn't be sure. I sometimes have to restart to get a phone signal. I'll ever buy another Samsung.
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Well-Known Member

Women Outrage Over "NO-FAULT DIVORCE BAN + Permanent Ban ON ALIMONY -Kozmicverse​

Yeah, I just watched that.

Women don't get it.

First of all, women have always cheated more than men. They cheat for different reasons as well. They cheat for the excitement, because they're bored, because they're looking to move up from the current provider.

Men cheat because they're not getting what they thought they were gonna get after marriage - which how ANY man in this day and age doesn't know that that INEVITABLY, INVARIABLY goes away once she's popped out the requisite (to her) number of crotch goblins, is so far beyond me, someone could talk astrophysics to me, and I'd have a better chance of grasping that. And I suck at math.

Current estimates are that between 70 and 80% of divorces are filed for by women.

The fact that that this country, and the various states had to adopt AT FAULT divorce should indicate that it's ALWAYS been that way. Men weren't filing for divorce, back in the day, unless she what? Cheated on him.

As to the abuse? Women claim mental/emotional abuse if he tries to tell her she can't go out in public looking like a hooker. They claim financial abuse for trying to control her spending out of the money he busts his ass for, fer gawds' sake!

Here's my understanding of the re-implemented AT FAULT divorces: 1st, women are still going to be the primary filers of divorce.

2nd, you can still file a NO FAULT divorce, but you walk away with nothing. Not the house, not the car(s), not the kids, the dog, the color TV, his tools, his Harley, basically everything he busted his ass for his whole life until you came along, and have been cheating on him with the next sucker you're going to do the same thing to. And certainly not alimony, especially for life, you stunning and brave, gorgeous strong, independent, don't need no man woman, you.

If I had anything to do with it, a woman who sometimes still has children at home and somehow manages to be awarded custody of the children - yeah, right; like men are ever going to achieve anything like parity with respect to gaining even half time custody of their children - and oh, by the way, is this a good time to mention that at least 33% of men are raising children that are NOT their biological offspring?

Anyway, I would limit alimony to no longer than the youngest child's 18th birthday, regardless of whether they move away from home after that milestone or not. Plenty of women, historically, have managed to get college degrees and to work on updating their skill sets while being SHMs, and even while they're working part time outside them. If they can do it, you can do it.


PREMO Member
First of all, women have always cheated more than men. They cheat for different reasons as well. They cheat for the excitement, because they're bored, because they're looking to move up from the current provider.

Biggest Reason for Divorce IMHO .....

Monkey Branching .....

70 to 80 % of divorces are FILED BY WOMEN ....

There is NOTHING Wrong with him, I am bored ..... as she takes 50% of the man's assets
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Well-Known Member
According to Sadia Khan, women cheat more than men. Like I said in the previous post, there's a reason they came up with AT FAULT divorce.
