Fetal stem cells save lives

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What the flying hell???????????????

elaine said:
If you believe the bible, then you know that man at one time was not supposed to die. We brought death upon ourselves. And I think that pretty much answers your question.

Given the opportunity to live forever without the aches, pains and appearance of old age, I'd embrace it.

...first you ascribe abortion to my argument, which I didn't bring up, and now holy faith? When I am dead, I'm done. That's my faith.

As for the rest, if you say so. I'd kill myself if I was immortal. Everything I am, have and believe is based on my own mortality.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You ever make it to Sunday school?

Kerad said:
I think it's quite obvious that what we're referring to here is "life", as we physically exist now on Earth. Whatever you call what one (may or may not) "becomes" after this life ends and you go to Heaven or Hell...that's something quite different entirely.


Ever hear about heaven? Hell?

Eternal life?


The faith(s) is (are) all about afterLIFE.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...first you ascribe abortion to my argument, which I didn't bring up, and now holy faith? When I am dead, I'm done. That's my faith.

As for the rest, if you say so. I'd kill myself if I was immortal. Everything I am, have and believe is based on my own mortality.

Larry, if you were ever clear on what exactly your argument was, I didn't see it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That so?

Toxick said:
I think immortality is an unobtainable goal. When people start living 4-5-8 hundreds years, something will give. Perhaps the brain will simply shut down within it's healthy body after a certain time. Who knows?

But I do know one thing - people die.

Always have, and always will.

So, fetal stem cells hold the key to Alzheimer but not the actual function of the brain? They lead the way to growing a heart but not a brain? Fetal stem cells can help us rebuild and regenerate a spinal column but not the juice the runs through it?


Who knows, indeed.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
Ever hear about heaven? Hell?

Eternal life?


The faith(s) is (are) all about afterLIFE.

Before AFTERlife, we were supposed to have eternal life on earth.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

elaine said:
Larry, if you were ever clear on what exactly your argument was, I didn't see it.


It's implications. The impact on all our reasons for living.



New Member
Larry Gude said:
...you can play 'Holier than thou' atheist (I don't care who you are, that right there is funny) but the obvious reason of promoting an afterlife is to get people to behave while here on this earth, right?

That people take knowledge and education and come to the choice, over the many ages, that they will act right because of some sort of 'right' or 'human' thing to do is a distinction without a difference; it's still a faith, a belief. In this case, it happens to be yours.

Is limited time still not the basis for choices made in life, choices of behavior? Are you going to argue that a person who knows they will live forever will have the same basis for choices they make?

:lmao: :yay:

If you're not willing to view the choice of right vs. wrong as just following one's natural sense of "rightness"...then we can add this to it. Instead of doing the right thing to get into Heaven, we do the right thing because of reward and punishment here on Earth.

My life as it is now is much more enjoyable when I choose to not do certain things. If I behave and not do anything "extremely" illegal, I will stay out of prison, and be allowed to live my life in relative freedom. If go choose to be a dickhead and break these laws...I'm in jail, always trying to keep my back against the wall. The reward for being good is much more pleasant than the punishment for being evil. Even dogs understand this. Behave...get a treat. Misbehave....no treat and an unhappy best friend.


Larry Gude said:
So, fetal stem cells hold the key to Alzheimer but not the actual function of the brain?

Don't put words into my mouth. I didn't say anything of the kind, implicitly or explicitly or through various contortions of imagination. The only reason I said "brain" is because that is only organ that (currently) defines death as we know it.

The ONLY point I was making in the quoted paragraph was: death is a constant. The best we can hope to do is postpone it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm more than willing...

Kerad said:
:lmao: :yay:

If you're not willing to view the choice of right vs. wrong as just following one's natural sense of "rightness"...then we can add this to it. Instead of doing the right thing to get into Heaven, we do the right thing because of reward and punishment here on Earth.

My life as it is now is much more enjoyable when I choose to not do certain things. If I behave and not do anything "extremely" illegal, I will stay out of prison, and be allowed to live my life in relative freedom. If go choose to be a dickhead and break these laws...I'm in jail, always trying to keep my back against the wall. The reward for being good is much more pleasant than the punishment for being evil. Even dogs understand this. Behave...get a treat. Misbehave....no treat and an unhappy best friend.

...to view it and the view I've got in book after book and headline after headline is that man don't do so good, as a matter of course, from all races and religions and/or governing principles in the 'right' vs. 'wrong' choice.

As for right here on earth, our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights serve my needs for understanding and organized living principles. Of course, don't we #### that up as well as a matter of 'right' v. 'wrong'?


professional daydreamer
Kerad said:
:lmao: :yay:

If you're not willing to view the choice of right vs. wrong as just following one's natural sense of "rightness"...then we can add this to it. Instead of doing the right thing to get into Heaven, we do the right thing because of reward and punishment here on Earth.

My life as it is now is much more enjoyable when I choose to not do certain things. If I behave and not do anything "extremely" illegal, I will stay out of prison, and be allowed to live my life in relative freedom. If go choose to be a dickhead and break these laws...I'm in jail, always trying to keep my back against the wall. The reward for being good is much more pleasant than the punishment for being evil. Even dogs understand this. Behave...get a treat. Misbehave....no treat and an unhappy best friend.

We're on the same page. :yay:


New Member
Larry Gude said:
Ever hear about heaven? Hell?

Eternal life?


The faith(s) is (are) all about afterLIFE.

In my mind, life is different than the afterlife. Look at the word iteself: afterlife. What it is after your life.

Of course I fully believe the terrorists believe in an afterlife. In that sense...we'd all be better off if we were immortal. No sense in strapping dynamite to your waste and blowing up a bus full of people if nobody was going to die. Unless you really hate buses.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...to view it and the view I've got in book after book and headline after headline is that man don't do so good, as a matter of course, from all races and religions and/or governing principles in the 'right' vs. 'wrong' choice.

As for right here on earth, our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights serve my needs for understanding and organized living principles. Of course, don't we #### that up as well as a matter of 'right' v. 'wrong'?

But, the media rarely prints good news. So, what do you have to compare it to?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You realize...

elaine said:
We're on the same page. :yay:

...of course, that Kerad is an honorary conservative today, yes? He wishes to restrict access to fetal stem cells endless wonders for homicidal maniacs.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...of course, that Kerad is an honorary conservative today, yes? He wishes to restrict access to fetal stem cells endless wonders for homicidal maniacs.

:shrug: I completely agree with his sentiments today.