Fetterman.... well that didn't take long


PREMO Member

Fetterman ‘can’t believe’ Marshall resolution on school lunch ‘is even real’

The USDA had said it is updating its policies regarding discrimination based on sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity, in accordance with President Biden’s executive order on the matter in 2021.

Schools that receive funds from the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) will have to have policies that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and investigate any forms of alleged discrimination based on those factors or risk losing the funds.

Biden’s executive order has been controversial, especially in Republican states where lawmakers aim to ban transgender students from using the bathrooms or joining the sports teams that align with their gender identity.


“I can’t even believe that this resolution is even real. This makes it possible for some random lunch lady to deny lunch to a hungry child because she says her god tells her to. School lunch should be free, and certainly free of judgment,” Fetterman said in a statement.

“Don’t we have better things to do in the upper chamber than picking on kids because of who they are?” Fetterman continued.


Well-Known Member

Fetterman ‘can’t believe’ Marshall resolution on school lunch ‘is even real’

The USDA had said it is updating its policies regarding discrimination based on sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity, in accordance with President Biden’s executive order on the matter in 2021.

Schools that receive funds from the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) will have to have policies that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and investigate any forms of alleged discrimination based on those factors or risk losing the funds.

Biden’s executive order has been controversial, especially in Republican states where lawmakers aim to ban transgender students from using the bathrooms or joining the sports teams that align with their gender identity.


“I can’t even believe that this resolution is even real. This makes it possible for some random lunch lady to deny lunch to a hungry child because she says her god tells her to. School lunch should be free, and certainly free of judgment,” Fetterman said in a statement.

“Don’t we have better things to do in the upper chamber than picking on kids because of who they are?” Fetterman continued.

What does the lunch lady have to do with it if the Fed doesn't provide the funding for the lunch she is denying .


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
What does the lunch lady have to do with it if the Fed doesn't provide the funding for the lunch she is denying .


Well-Known Member
Denying boys from playing in girls sports and using girl restrooms has nothing to do with their lunch.
It has nothing to do with discrimination, it is simply common sense.

This gender thing is a fad brought o by "woke" silly people when enough people have been mutilated and realize the great mistake they made it will end. You can create eunuchs but it doesn't change their sex. And no boy who still has his junk belongs in the toilet with girls no matter what clothes he is wearing.


PREMO Member
🔥 In the second such story yesterday, Politico ran the wildly unlikely headline, “Fetterman makes his move against scandal-plagued Menendez.” The sub-headline awkwardly explained, “The Pennsylvania progressive is proposing to punish any senator under indictment for certain crimes — like those Menendez is accused of.”

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In another surprising democrat prosecution also featuring bribery, corruption, and muslim foreign nations, diminutive Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) was recently federally indicted as an illegal secret foreign agent working for the Egyptians. Menendez gave up his Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairmanship, obviously, but he’s holding on to several committee seats and even attended classified briefings on the Middle East war this week.

So yesterday, vaccine-injured slow talker John Fetterman (D-Pa.) filed a sensible Senate proposal to sanction any senator indicted for specific security-related offenses like mishandling classified information, being charged as a foreign agent, or compromising national security. The Fetterman resolution would strip any senator facing those specific charges of all their committee assignments, their access to classified briefings and information, their power to request earmarks, and their power to use government funds for international travel.

Obviously, Fetterman is squarely aiming at fellow democrat Menendez. When reporters asked, Fetterman cited the fact that Senator Menendez — accused of being a secret Egyptian agent — was attending classified briefings on the Israel situation. “It's astonishing to me how anyone would be okay with that," Fetterman explained, in what might be the first thing he’s ever said that I agreed with.

The whole thing is astonishing. I was astonished Fetterman filed anything that made sense to anyone.

Predictably, a vexed but feisty Menendez reacted by essentially telling reporters that Fetterman should mind his own beeswax. But Fetterman has amped the rhetoric, calling in halting sentences for Menendez to resign from the Senate. Politico thinks the quite rational Fetterman proposal is a long-shot.

It’s so strange that Fetterman — and not any of the Senate Republicans — filed the proposal.

Obviously, Republicans should support Fetterman’s proposal. I understand there’s potential for abuse, but as we have heard over and over in the Trump classified documents prosecution, national security trumps everything else, no one is above the law, et cetera and so forth.



PREMO Member

John Fetterman Thinks You're Too Dumb To Understand That Vegan 'Milk' Isn't Dairy

Last week, Sen. John Fetterman (D–Pa.) wrote in a viral tweet that "Pennsylvania's dairy farmers are at the heart of our community and critical to our economy," adding that he's working to pass the DAIRY PRIDE Act, which would "protect our dairy farmers by prohibiting non-dairy products from using dairy names."

However, many quickly pointed out how ridiculous the bill's premise was.

"John Fetterman apparently thinks consumers are morons," responded Paul Sherman, a senior attorney at the Institute for Justice. "Everyone knows 'almond milk' is not a dairy product."

"Senator, that bill makes it illegal to market 'coconut milk' as 'coconut milk,'" added Shoshana Weissmann, digital director of the R Street Institute, a libertarian think tank. "That's moronic."

The DAIRY PRIDE Act, which was reintroduced in March after a first attempt in 2021, would prevent plant-based products from using terms often associated with dairy in their branding. So, should the bill pass, phrases like "oat milk," "soy yogurt," and "plant-based cheese" will be off-limits, forcing manufacturers to resort to awkward phrases like "oat beverage" when labeling their products.

The bill was reintroduced in reaction to a February decision from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow manufacturers of most plant-based dairy alternatives to continue labeling their products as "milk." The decision, according to the FDA's draft guidance, was made because the agency found that consumers consistently understood that plant-based milks aren't dairy products.

Unsurprisingly, dairy manufacturers were not so happy with the new rules—and neither were pro-dairy politicians.


Well-Known Member
My milk comes from a cow, but unfortunately what they call whole milk is not whole milk.
They have taken off the cream and whatever else they could use and still call it whole milk.

Try to sell whole milk and they would lock your ass up.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My milk comes from a cow, but unfortunately what they call whole milk is not whole milk.
They have taken off the cream and whatever else they could use and still call it whole milk.

Try to sell whole milk and they would lock your ass up.
Just label it for sale for pets/animals only.


Well-Known Member
Fetterman is saying out loud what many democrats are really thinking. Remove Menendez, remove Hamas. Soon democrat leaders will say he had another stroke and doesn't understand what he is saying.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Soon democrat leaders will say he had another stroke and doesn't understand what he is saying.
Like when biden would say something in public, then the WH would issue a statement on what he actually meant to say.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Like when biden would say something in public, then the WH would issue a statement on what he actually meant to say.
Democrat Translation: Joe's an awesome President but he doesn't know what he's saying.

Move along.
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Active Member
My milk comes from a cow, but unfortunately what they call whole milk is not whole milk.
They have taken off the cream and whatever else they could use and still call it whole milk.

Try to sell whole milk and they would lock your ass up.
I think the closest thing to whole milk you will find in a regular store is half and half but still not the same.


PREMO Member
🔥 You tell me, but it sure seems like the conservative counter-revolution is reaching some pretty unexpected places. In Exhibit A, behold this clip from Jake Tapper’s interview with John Fetterman on CNN this weekend, about the Senator’s politically-incongruous comments supporting Israel and advocating for a secure U.S. border, which both badly triggered Twitter “progressives”:

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CLIP: Fetterman interviewed about Israel and the U.S. border (2:15).

About the border, Fetterman said:

“I honestly don't understand why it's controversial to say we need a secure border.​

The thing about immigration is we wanna provide the American dream. It seems very difficult when you have 300,000 people showing up [in one month] at our border to do that. Two things can be true at the same time. You can support immigration. But we also need a secure border.”​

Fetterman’s speaking also seems to be improving — along with his thinking. Maybe we should send more democrat politicians to that same hospital where Fetterman went for his depression treatment. I’d like to shake that psychologist’s hand.
