Fetterman.... well that didn't take long


Well-Known Member

On the Campaign Trail, John Fetterman Cited Doctors' Notes Attesting to His Vitality. Now He Says He Was Told to Get More Rest.

Fast forward to his first six weeks in office, and Fetterman is painting a starkly different account of the medical advice he received on the campaign trail. After Fetterman was hospitalized for lightheadedness earlier this month, the New York Times reported that the freshman senator believes "he may have set himself back permanently by not taking the recommended amount of rest during the campaign" after his stroke.

Now, Fetterman is laid up in Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, receiving treatment for "severe" clinical depression—his second hospital stay during his six weeks in office. The contrasting and contradictory statements raise questions about what medical advice the stroke survivor actually received, and whether he was candid about it with voters—or whether he or his advisers shaded the truth in order win one of the most competitive Senate races in the country.

Fetterman’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

On May 13, Fetterman suffered an ischemic stroke, the result of a blood clot blocking the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the brain. Stroke victims can suffer permanent brain damage and, like Fetterman, have trouble processing sound.

According to the CDC, it can take "years" to recover from strokes, and some patients may never fully heal. Johns Hopkins Medicine suggests stroke victims spend the first three months after the stroke focusing on recovery and developing "compensation strategies to work around a functional impairment," like "learning to hold a toothpaste tube so the strong hand can unscrew the cap."
Well, he's a demonrat, so by default, he's a chronic and habitual liar.


PREMO Member


Social media is awash right now with wild rumors about the condition of Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman, who has been hospitalized for depression—a hospitalization that will apparently last a month or longer. We should await some facts or other kinds of confirmation before drawing conclusions about nefarious political calculations, but it is confirmed that his wife and children have fled the country to “avoid media attention.” I don’t know much about treating what appears to be severe depression (a month in the hospital?), but common sense would suggest the presence of wife and family is instrumental for treatment and recovery. No wonder there are rumors spreading.


Well-Known Member
The man had a stroke. he has recovered as much as he will ever recover.
IMO as a Holiday Inn Doctor , he is not well enough for the job and never will be .
Nevertheless the people of Pa, picked him and they got what they wanted.
So be it. He will serve his 6 years in the hospital ,at home, or in the Senate and raise his hand when the Schmuck tells him to.


Well-Known Member
The man had a stroke. he has recovered as much as he will ever recover.
IMO as a Holiday Inn Doctor , he is not well enough for the job and never will be .
Nevertheless the people of Pa, picked him and they got what they wanted.
So be it. He will serve his 6 years in the hospital ,at home, or in the Senate and raise his hand when the Schmuck tells him to.

He's getting that free Senate medical care. He's going to serve as long as he can as a reliable yes vote for democrats.


Well-Known Member


Social media is awash right now with wild rumors about the condition of Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman, who has been hospitalized for depression—a hospitalization that will apparently last a month or longer. We should await some facts or other kinds of confirmation before drawing conclusions about nefarious political calculations, but it is confirmed that his wife and children have fled the country to “avoid media attention.” I don’t know much about treating what appears to be severe depression (a month in the hospital?), but common sense would suggest the presence of wife and family is instrumental for treatment and recovery. No wonder there are rumors spreading.

Wouldn't you think having your wife & children around would help dealing with depression. Unless it was the wfe causing it. He may have wanted to drop out of the race but she wouldn't let him.


Well, I do not wish harm on Fetterman - although I'm fairly certain he's an extra terrestrial being that is performing human experiments in his secret underground lab.

That said - I hope he comes through this OK.

Well.... physically OK.

And with that said, I think anyone who voted for him does not deserve representation*.

* Unless they voted ironically, thinking that he didn't have a chance in hell and was as surprised as anybody when he actually got elected.... in which case a dull rap on the forehead with a ball-peen hammer will suffice to teach them a lesson that a voting booth is not an improv stage.


PREMO Member

Girl, Please: Gisele Fetterman Likens Herself to a Rape Victim as House of Cards Comes Tumbling Down

This is grotesquely offensive to the point of being breathtaking. Think about it.

For starters, I suspect there are a lot of rape victims out there would would rather be the wife of a sitting U.S. Senator who gets to head out for pleasure trips at a moment’s notice instead of having to relive their assault over and over again.

Also, on one hand, according to the media and Democrats, we’re supposed to view the female spouses of political figures and candidates as the “wind beneath their wings,” as their inspiration and biggest supporters and defenders (as long as they are Democrats, of course).

Because that’s the way stories about these women are framed, the standard operating procedure for the Usual Suspects is that credit should be given where it is allegedly due, to suggest in so many words that “this man wouldn’t be where he was today if he did not have his wife/significant other by his side to shoulder the burden.”

But yet when things go off the rails in these situations and/or the female spouses behave badly, as has been the situation with the Fettermans on more than one occasion, any criticism leveled at the female spouse is predictably blamed on “sexism,” as though such women should be shielded from criticism because they are delicate flowers who are innocently just standing by their man.

Where was the Washington Post when actual sexist attacks were being lobbed by Democrats and their enablers at then-First Lady Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Hope Hicks, and other women in the Trump administration?

Well, Monica Heese was doing the important work of taking swipes at Melania Trump’s fashion choices, but that’s about it.


Well-Known Member

Girl, Please: Gisele Fetterman Likens Herself to a Rape Victim as House of Cards Comes Tumbling Down

This is grotesquely offensive to the point of being breathtaking. Think about it.

For starters, I suspect there are a lot of rape victims out there would would rather be the wife of a sitting U.S. Senator who gets to head out for pleasure trips at a moment’s notice instead of having to relive their assault over and over again.

Also, on one hand, according to the media and Democrats, we’re supposed to view the female spouses of political figures and candidates as the “wind beneath their wings,” as their inspiration and biggest supporters and defenders (as long as they are Democrats, of course).

Because that’s the way stories about these women are framed, the standard operating procedure for the Usual Suspects is that credit should be given where it is allegedly due, to suggest in so many words that “this man wouldn’t be where he was today if he did not have his wife/significant other by his side to shoulder the burden.”

But yet when things go off the rails in these situations and/or the female spouses behave badly, as has been the situation with the Fettermans on more than one occasion, any criticism leveled at the female spouse is predictably blamed on “sexism,” as though such women should be shielded from criticism because they are delicate flowers who are innocently just standing by their man.

Where was the Washington Post when actual sexist attacks were being lobbed by Democrats and their enablers at then-First Lady Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Hope Hicks, and other women in the Trump administration?

Well, Monica Heese was doing the important work of taking swipes at Melania Trump’s fashion choices, but that’s about it.

Not one comment on twitter about, why are you not with your husband.


Well-Known Member
He's getting that free Senate medical care. He's going to serve as long as he can as a reliable yes vote for democrats.
Free medical care? Thanks for telling us you don't know what you are talking about and are unashamed to prove it. They have the same FEHB as every other non-postal federal employee, or they can do Obamacare which if you are unaware is not cheap if you actually earn a real income.


Well-Known Member
Free medical care? Thanks for telling us you don't know what you are talking about and are unashamed to prove it. They have the same FEHB as every other non-postal federal employee, or they can do Obamacare which if you are unaware is not cheap if you actually earn a real income.
Not so sure about that, he's at Walter Reed.


Well-Known Member
Not so sure about that, he's at Walter Reed.
Be not sure about whatever you want, he doesn't magically get free medical care when there is no system setup to provide it.

He may get special access to what is supposed to be a primarily military facility, but he won't get it for free. All congress persons apparently are allowed to access military medical facilities in the DC area, but again they have to use their FEHB benefits (or other private insurance) to pay for it.

And before you try to say a military hospital can't bill private insurance, yes they can. Even walter reed takes civilian patients when surrounding facilities are full. Do you think they don't bill those patients?


Well-Known Member
Be not sure about whatever you want, he doesn't magically get free medical care when there is no system setup to provide it.

He may get special access to what is supposed to be a primarily military facility, but he won't get it for free. All congress persons apparently are allowed to access military medical facilities in the DC area, but again they have to use their FEHB benefits (or other private insurance) to pay for it.

And before you try to say a military hospital can't bill private insurance, yes they can. Even walter reed takes civilian patients when surrounding facilities are full. Do you think they don't bill those patients?

In short, Snopes reports that members of Congress and staff “pay approximately 28 percent of their annual healthcare premiums through pre-tax payroll deductions.” They also have access to “free or low-cost care” through the Office of the Attending Physician as well as “free medical outpatient care at military facilities” in the D.C. area.

What part of "I don't know about that"? didn't you understand?


Well-Known Member

In short, Snopes reports that members of Congress and staff “pay approximately 28 percent of their annual healthcare premiums through pre-tax payroll deductions.” They also have access to “free or low-cost care” through the Office of the Attending Physician as well as “free medical outpatient care at military facilities” in the D.C. area.

What part of "I don't know about that"? didn't you understand?

They pay their premiums the same as every other FEHB participant. 28 pecent pre-tax payroll deduction is the same as pretty much every employer/employee situtation. Employee pays around 30% employer around 70%. That's just the way things work.

The "free outpatient care" is basically free urgent care. Yes, that's an extra benefit saving them the requirement to pay the $30 copay, yippy.

So smart guy, is Fetterman currently getting "outpatient services"?

Please, reply and move the goal post again. You said he's getting free medical, that is plainly not true. But go ahead and twist free urgent care like benefits to somehow make your point that fetterman staying in Walter Reed for a month is free.


Well-Known Member
They pay their premiums the same as every other FEHB participant. 28 pecent pre-tax payroll deduction is the same as pretty much every employer/employee situtation. Employee pays around 30% employer around 70%. That's just the way things work.

The "free outpatient care" is basically free urgent care. Yes, that's an extra benefit saving them the requirement to pay the $30 copay, yippy.

So smart guy, is Fetterman currently getting "outpatient services"?

Please, reply and move the goal post again. You said he's getting free medical, that is plainly not true. But go ahead and twist free urgent care like benefits to somehow make your point that fetterman staying in Walter Reed for a month is free.
Whooo Boy. You must have huffed a double basement full of radon today. Did you learn about this while fellating Steny?


Well-Known Member
They pay their premiums the same as every other FEHB participant. 28 pecent pre-tax payroll deduction is the same as pretty much every employer/employee situtation. Employee pays around 30% employer around 70%. That's just the way things work.

The "free outpatient care" is basically free urgent care. Yes, that's an extra benefit saving them the requirement to pay the $30 copay, yippy.

So smart guy, is Fetterman currently getting "outpatient services"?

Please, reply and move the goal post again. You said he's getting free medical, that is plainly not true. But go ahead and twist free urgent care like benefits to somehow make your point that fetterman staying in Walter Reed for a month is free.
I said "I don't know about that" Why do you want to be an assshole for me admitting I don't know? Small dick syndrome?


Well-Known Member
The whole Fetterman thing still kind of pisses me off. Granted, I was never a supporter of Oz, but in almost every way imaginable, Fetterman was a losing prospect. Besides being a vice governor - a job by which all reports, he more or less phoned in - his sole experience of ANY kind is being mayor of a very small town in PA. Braddock PA. 1700 people. About the size of Callaway. For 12 years. And he got paid chump change will more or less living off his parents.

But had voters KNOWN - at least in the Democratic PRIMARY - this guy is going to have to quit two months into his term for health reasons - don't you think that was an important thing to bring up?

Of course not. PRACTICAL, sensible has no place in the Democratic Party. Only feelings. It would have been MEAN to bring up the fact that he was too ill to actually DO the job.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
this guy is going to have to quit two months into his term for health reasons
If he doesn't resign or die they can't get rid of him without 2/3 of the Senate expelling him. It would be smart to leave him be, he can't vote without being there. Which puts Manchin and Sinema back in play.


PREMO Member

We somehow managed to miss that Los Angeles Blade article when it was originally published a little over two months ago. But in that time, it’s managed to age like milk:

There may be a dearth of kindness and empathy in Washington’s political circles, but there is certainly no shortage of self-aggrandizement or inflated egos.
Here, too, she may be able to offer some guidance, given her habit of never taking herself too seriously or missing the opportunity for a self-deprecating joke (often directed at her husband). [Twitchy editor’s note: If she’s making jokes at her husband’s expense, her jokes are not “self-deprecating.”]

She also shares photos on social media with her 6-foot-8 husband’s head partially cropped out so that her shoes are visible in the frame, and insists that their marriage operates with the unspoken understanding that Gisele is always right when there are differences of opinion.
On that latter point, should anyone long for the same dynamic with their spouse or significant other, Gisele Fetterman offers the following advice: “You just have to be really confident in your truth,” she said, adding, “then you just, like, ignore him when he’s speaking.”

What A Cunning Stunt