Fetterman.... well that didn't take long


American Beauty
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Hey AP!!! This is what we call "polishing the knob."

Maybe the therapists figured out his issue was having to wear suits & long pants so told him to go back to wearing what made him warm & fuzzy.


PREMO Member

John Fetterman’s Wife Lays Out The Future Liberals Want — And It’s The Worst Thing You’ve Ever Seen

Liberals in the corporate media and online mocked the comments as orchestrated conservative hysteria making mountains out of a mole hill. They used the typical gas-lighting ploy of “it’s not happening, but it’s good that it is.”

Gisele Fetterman — the activist wife of Sen. John Fetterman who wheeled him across the finish line in Pennsylvania — gave away the game when she responded to the comment, apparently without a hint of irony, to say she’s in.

Of course, liberals love all three things. They are all natural out-growths of the New Left movement of the 1960s. The student hippies who steeped in “free love” and psychedelic drugs grew up to become tenured professors, legal activists, bureaucrats, and government officials — the counterculture of yesterday is now the dominant culture in America.

Liberals today are ideologically obligated to reject the possibility of any downsides to rampant drug use or hyper-sexualization. To reject pot, porn, or Planned Parenthood is to reject individual liberation — the ultimate goal of the modern liberal project.

Any law, norm, or tradition that kept you from pursuing your desires was bad. The powerful used the rules of society to keep the masses in line, while they exploited them at every turn.


Well-Known Member

John Fetterman's First Subcommittee Hearing: A Train Wreck in Slow Motion

Video from the hearing is difficult to watch. We all know much of these hearings are scripted, but Fetterman sounds like he’s reading from his prepared remarks for the first time and doesn’t seem to understand what he’s saying. I’d feel bad for him if it wasn’t his fault he was in this position in the first place.

Isn't it unusual for a (nominally) competent freshman senator to chair a subcommittee? What's next? Uncle Fester for Speaker?


Well-Known Member
So: -----What we have is one sick, mental case who dresses like a bum and walking through the Capitol in sneakers, shorts and a hoodie, and Chuck the Schmuck making special rules for the mentally challenged oaf.

I shudder to think of Maxine Waters showing up wearing shorts .