Fetterman.... well that didn't take long


Well-Known Member
I shudder to think of Maxine Waters showing up wearing shorts .
She's such a trendsetter..pretty soon the ladies of Congress will follow her lead



PREMO Member

MAUREEN CALLAHAN: Hooded slobs can now vote on the Senate floor - as decrepit pols still cling to power. But it's not ableist or ageist to demand our leaders be fit to serve... Have they NO decency?

The hypocrisy is staggering: Fetterman insists he can do this very big job despite suffering a stroke that has left him with difficulty speaking and processing voices, that resulted in a six-week stay at Walter Reed for depression — yet he can't expend the effort to look like a presentable member of Congress.

Actually, the question here is: Fetterman can't, or won't?

If we are to accept that everything is fine with Fetterman, then reasonable people can conclude that he simply doesn't care.

We can assume that he is lazy, a slob, and is happy to present himself as someone who is not bringing 100 percent to the job. That he is a narcissist who thinks that a centuries-old dress code for members of Congress should not apply to him, that D.C. should lower its standards to meet his slovenliness, and laughably, as a source close to Fetterman once claimed, that 'his relaxed, comfortable style is a sign that the senator is making a robust recovery.'

Sure. Nothing says you've beaten back depression by dressing as though you haven't gotten off the couch for a week. Nothing says self-respect like showing up to the Hill in clothes you'd wear to scrub the tub. Most of us dress better for a coffee run.


Well-Known Member
I'll bet the other Senators hate his guts and hate Pennsylvanians for electing him. He has no respect for the office, he's just a brain dead oaf.

Way to go, PA. This guy absolutely represents you tards.

Half of PA looks exactly like him and dresses just like him and understand you don't have to wear a suit to get things done.

Why don't you complain about Jim Jordan? Hypocrite