First Date

Is this persons actions

  • rational & normal

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • rational & normal but a bit inconsiderate

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • Self centered & immature

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Self centered ,immature & inconsiderate

    Votes: 87 68.5%
  • Or should I say I'm sorry for not being a real man !

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Gumbo your a Tard

    Votes: 27 21.3%

  • Total voters


Football addict
Airgasm said:
Night Time is the Right Time!
Especially for homework and other great works. Mornings forget it. Afternoons thru evenings I'm ok. I'm a genius around this time if I'm working on something or another.


Well-Known Member
fttrsbeerwench said:
So sweet, like whiskey on on the lips of a virgin.
Nice! Very Nice!

fttrsbeerwench said:
Flat tire.. I'm in SOMD HELL!..
Please rescue me.. I am but a babe in the woods..
"SOMD Hell" Is it really that bad?


Well-Known Member
BuddyLee said:
Especially for homework and other great works. Mornings forget it. Afternoons thru evenings I'm ok. I'm a genius around this time if I'm working on something or another.
Isn't amazing how we all dance to a different clock!

BL, I'm with you, have always been a night owl.


Football addict
I can almost grasp it, one more statistics problem and I'm officially done with CSM and receive my A.A.

2 1/2 years of work and I'm down to my last problem, wow!:nerd:


Well-Known Member
BuddyLee said:
I can almost grasp it, one more statistics problem and I'm officially done with CSM and receive my A.A.

2 1/2 years of work and I'm down to my last problem, wow!:nerd:
:yay: :yay:

"Statistics" what seemed to be a totally boring class for me... Made me realize how much we use the discipline.

Good on Ya! Keep up with your hungry mind!


You're all F'in Mad...
BuddyLee said:
Welp I'm off to watch some mindless banter on the tube, you folks have a good one today.:howdy:

Something wrong with the mindless banter here? :confused:


pretty black roses
This chic was a total dummy to go drinking with her friends first. Glad you got to see her true colors before you even went out :huggy:


aka Mrs. Giant
gumbo said:
If you had a date with someone , a first date.
And you made all the arrangements

Earlier in the day this person tells you that they are gonna go out with a few friends for awhile and meet you at 6.
At 6:10 you get a phone call and this person tells you that they are drunk and the friends that they went with , took their keys, so they can't make it.
After this you never hear from them , not one single I'm sorry for ruining your night.

Then much latter to justify their actions ,,says you should have been a real man and come got me .
Then states (quote ) I have had much much better men come get me when I'm drunk.. :confused: .on a first date

We had a date?!! Whoa - no - hold your horses there buddy!!!!! We did not have a "date", in no way shape or form. I said I'd try to meet up with ya to go to the races but I had plans with friends first. Called and let ya know I wouldn't make it to the races so ya wouldn't look for me. I had spoke to you once before on the phone. End of story. No date - no love - no loss. I have NEVER met you. Why would you be so stupid as to presume we had a date? And at that particular point in my life I was in a relationship with the leash master and would NEVER cheat. You need to let go and move on.

As for the real man comment - I made that yesterday on this forum for public consumption, not on the phone with you. You have some serious issues. This was months ago. You have issues with me that are all in your own head. I am really thankful I never met you.
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Stubborn and opinionated
migtig said:
We had a date?!! Whoa - no - hold your horses there buddy!!!!! We did not have a "date", in no way shape or form. I said I'd try to meet up with ya to go to the races but I had plans with friends first. Called and let ya know I wouldn't make it to the races so ya wouldn't look for me. I had spoke to you once before on the phone. End of story. No date - no love - no loss. I have NEVER met you. Why would you be so stupid as to presume we had a date? And at that particular point in my life I was in a relationship with the leash master and would NEVER cheat. You need to let go and move on.