First Date

Is this persons actions

  • rational & normal

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • rational & normal but a bit inconsiderate

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • Self centered & immature

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Self centered ,immature & inconsiderate

    Votes: 87 68.5%
  • Or should I say I'm sorry for not being a real man !

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Gumbo your a Tard

    Votes: 27 21.3%

  • Total voters


migtig said:
We had a date?!! Whoa - no - hold your horses there buddy!!!!! We did not have a "date", in no way shape or form. I said I'd try to meet up with ya to go to the races but I had plans with friends first. Called and let ya know I wouldn't make it to the races so ya wouldn't look for me. I had spoke to you once before on the phone. End of story. No date - no love - no loss. I have NEVER met you. Why would you be so stupid as to presume we had a date? And at that particular point in my life I was in a relationship with the leash master and would NEVER cheat. You need to let go and move on.
A date is nothing to do with love.
We all have lunch dates all the time don't we

First you twist the word cheap now you want to twist the word date :bonk:
Was there flirting.? Yes... Was there an arrangement to spend the evening together ? Yes ... Then that is a date ! Would you like to start another pole.

Why is it so hard for some to just say I'm wrong , I'm sorry or even my bad :twitch:


aka Mrs. Giant
vraiblonde said:
WOW! How'd I miss THAT?

See, this is what I get for not reading each and every thread, no matter how boring it might seem.

So Mig is the drunken skeez! Who'da thunk?
No actually I'm not. My friends didn't want to go to the races, and I had 2 tiki drinks and wasn't going anywhere without them because I didn't drive there. But thanks for the positive image. :kiss:


migtig said:
No actually I'm not. My friends didn't want to go to the races, and I had 2 tiki drinks and wasn't going anywhere without them because I didn't drive there. But thanks for the positive image. :kiss:
:liar: But a real man would have come got you.
Contradictions are not your friend :whistle:


aka Mrs. Giant
gumbo said:
A date is nothing to do with love.
We all have lunch dates all the time don't we

First you twist the word cheap now you want to twist the word date :bonk:
Was there flirting.? Yes... Was there an arrangement to spend the evening together ? Yes ... Then that is a date ! Would you like to start another pole.

Why is it so hard for some to just say I'm wrong , I'm sorry or even my bad :twitch:
Gumbo, I did not have a date with you. I was going to meet you at the races for the very first time. However, I had previous plans with my friends, and nobody wanted to go to the races. I was kind enough to call and let you know not to look for me. :shrug:

You have issues. I am sorry you have issues. I am even more sorry that you have issues with me, because I don't want to be involved in your crap. You are mental. I am very very thankful to all I hold important that I never actually meet you. However, I am sorry that you have this abusive, threatening stalker loser boy personality that attempts to degrade and humilate me. I am sorry I only seem to attract for the mentally ill. I am very sorry. But what I am sorry most about, is people presuming things about me because of your illness. I am not an alcoholic who stands her dates up. I work three jobs, and bust my arse and when I have free time I want to spend it with my friends and do things that are important to me and maybe even have some fun. I am responsible solely to myself. If that makes me selfish, then fine. However, I am past immature and you need to get past it too. And in the future, I know that I won't ever talk to another forumite. Thank you for that valuable lesson.


aka Mrs. Giant
gumbo said:
:liar: But a real man would have come got you.
Contradictions are not your friend :whistle:
Mental illness can be treated. I said that to you yesterday on this forum. I didn't realize exactly how ill you are, or I would not have said it. You are holding a grudge against me for something that happened at least two months ago and the majority of it happened only in your mind. Please, let go and move forward with your life.