First Friday of the week


Active Member
Oh stop it! You know I'm going to say & do nice things to you so I can keep my "not entirely skeevy" classification. :razz:

Seriously though, if that bothered you, I'm sorry. I thought you were laughing about it with us.

I'm not sure what part of me asking you politely to quit made you think I wanted you to shine the stupid light again. But in spite of that I stand by the statement that you are not entirely skeevy. You are measurable skeevy , but not entirely.

The light thing was not the shining moment of a tenuous friendship, but not a big enough deal to make a snit.


Harley Rider
I'm not sure what part of me asking you politely to quit made you think I wanted you to shine the stupid light again. But in spite of that I stand by the statement that you are not entirely skeevy. You are measurable skeevy , but not entirely.
Im_Me said:
The light thing was not the shining moment of a tenuous friendship, but not a big enough deal to make a snit.
Here's the defendant's side of the story:

I have to blame it on Pan Lady's light. From the angle I was sitting at, I couldn't have pointed it properly at your check (cause I'm left handed) so I shined the light down from above and, apparently, the beam was off by a few degrees. Once I realized that, I made the correction then someone distracted me and it happened again. :angel:


Hot Flash

Here's the defendant's side of the story:

I have to blame it on Pan Lady's light. From the angle I was sitting at, I couldn't have pointed it properly at your check (cause I'm left handed) so I shined the light down from above and, apparently, the beam was off by a few degrees. Once I realized that, I made the correction then someone distracted me and it happened again. :angel:

What's the saying? Open mouth and insert foot?


Active Member

Here's the defendant's side of the story:

I have to blame it on Pan Lady's light. From the angle I was sitting at, I couldn't have pointed it properly at your check (cause I'm left handed) so I shined the light down from above and, apparently, the beam was off by a few degrees. Once I realized that, I made the correction then someone distracted me and it happened again. :angel:

You are tolerable nice, but measurable skeevy....and that's that. grammar lessons and feeble defenses aside.

p.s. people who have not met IS and who have not particularly demonstrated an ability to "play well with others" should keep their nasty opinions to themselves.
p.s. people who have not met IS and who have not particularly demonstrated an ability to "play well with others" should keep their nasty opinions to themselves.

I've met him, so does that exclude me? I can drum up a bunch of nasty comments...



Active Member
I've met him, so does that exclude me? I can drum up a bunch of nasty comments...


You don't seem like the type of person that has a lot of excessively negative opinions, nor do you seem to have any issues with playing well in the "sandbox".


Harley Rider
What's the saying? Open mouth and insert foot?
It's not like you've never tasted shoe leather...:razz:
You are tolerable nice, but measurable skeevy....and that's that. grammar lessons and feeble defenses aside.
p.s. people who have not met IS and who have not particularly demonstrated an ability to "play well with others" should keep their nasty opinions to themselves.
So I'm not a :diva: I'm a :skeeva:?? :yahoo:

I think you'd really miss me at a Friday Night event if I wasn't there. You'd miss the awesome hugs I give. Go on, admit it...
I've met him, so does that exclude me? I can drum up a bunch of nasty comments...
But you'd have to make them up because they couldn't be true. :angel:


mama to two
You are tolerable nice, but measurable skeevy....and that's that. grammar lessons and feeble defenses aside.

p.s. people who have not met IS and who have not particularly demonstrated an ability to "play well with others" should keep their nasty opinions to themselves.

That is what I said in the first place. IS is a gentleman, but nobody listens to me. :bawl: This forum changes so fast, I can't keep up! :neckcollar:
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