Globies really accept scientific authority without question because its word salad with fancy dressing. These people like to call themselves "truth seekers" because they decided to not watch CNN for 20 minutes. It's a fascinating dichotomy in which globies are essentially LARPing as the intellectuals. Anyone with two eyes can see that there is no curvature on the horizon and that we live under a firmament with a small and local sun.
Real truth seekers question even the most basic concepts, like the "curve" of the earth. There is a reason why there are no fly zones over vast parts of Antarctica, because of the ice wall the globalists present to the media and you globe sheep follow blindly because Tucker Carlson said it. The truth is out there-- I've seen with my own eyes. It's undeniable that we live on a flat Earth and anyone who believes otherwise is not as intelligent as they think they are.