For all you civil service types


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by dems4me
Why do you have to be such a sarcastic Jerkkk sometimes???Noone said anything about avoiding a non-existing forced draft. You are judging me entirely wrong based on your limited knowledge of librals. Many liberals DID fight in wars - we didn't all flee to Canada. GFY :loser: :spank:

You still haven't answered Pete's question, dems.


Originally posted by SamSpade
You should - you're basically *using* it right now. It developed into what we call the Internet. ARPANET was not intended for use outside the military.

NOOOO NOOOOOO Gore discovered the internet:banghead:


Originally posted by dems4me
No I don't loath Bush. I posted good things about him yesterday -- you loath anything having to do with a democrat -- I just try to defend them sometimes.

Am I wrong about the chart thing? It clearly states UNEMPLOYMENT -- my posts may seem amusing to you and others that are republicans with their heads in the same, but they are truthful.

I can quit and not post here anymore. It would save me a lot of grief and hair pulling in disbelief of some of the opinions stated here.

Once again, y'all win and you get the nice republican forum back without any opposition in politics and every thing ends happily every after for y'all. I'm just stating my beliefs (backed on fact) as y'all do yours and I'm ALWAYS the one getting picked on. I can certainly find other (more productive) uses for my time.
OK :shrug: but I would remind you that this is only a microcosm of society as a whole, think about it. For every one of you that trots into the voting booth, there are 5 of us. :cheers:


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by tys_mommy
I think the pay is pretty equal after you add up all of the total perks and salary.

I'd have to disagree. If I didn't work, as most wives don't, we'd actually qualify for assistance. :ohwell:


Originally posted by ememdee19
You still haven't answered Pete's question, dems.

I did answer his question - I wouldn't go to Canada but its a hypothetical question on circumstances that don't exist today. Is that the question you were referring to emem


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by dems4me
I did answer his question - I wouldn't go to Canada but its a hypothetical question on circumstances that don't exist today. Is that the question you were referring to emem

What if they did exist? As Pete asked, if they were to reinstate the draft, what would you do?


Originally posted by Pete
OK :shrug: but I would remind you that this is only a microcosm of society as a whole, think about it. For every one of you that trots into the voting booth, there are 5 of us. :cheers:

Freightening. But there are others. Generally people in Southern Maryland (very south and east) are republicans demographically (I think because of the large military bases) so I guess this is what I shall expect from a forum based out of there.

The voting booth is something entirely different -- more than the people in this somd forum will be voting!

:cheers: back to you


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Once again, y'all win and you get the nice republican forum back without any opposition in politics and every thing ends happily every after for y'all. I'm just stating my beliefs (backed on fact) as y'all do yours and I'm ALWAYS the one getting picked on.

Oh hardly. I don't think you're really seeing this.

See, when everyone *agrees* on a subject, someone starts a thread, and there's a few follow up comments, and a few "yep, yep" comments and the thread dies. There's just only so many ways to *agree* on something.

But *disagree* on something - and the thread continues. It keeps going until one side more or less gives up, either in anger, disgust, exhaustion or sheer lack of interest in pursuing it further. There's actually a whole science to examining argument online, which has led to the formation of "Godwin's Law".

*YOU* are the only one disagreeing - unfortunately, there isn't much of a balance in here. So it's only natural that those who disagree with you will address what YOU have to say. They're not "picking on you" anymore than you are picking on them. It's not personal. It's just, as long as you disagree with me, and I want to keep debating, I'm going to find fault with your argument.


Originally posted by ememdee19
What if they did exist? As Pete asked, if they were to reinstate the draft, what would you do?

Its one of those things that I just don't know because I'm not in that situation. A few things are like that where I just don't have an opinoin because I've never been in the exact same situation - abortion is one of them -- I have no opinion one way or the other because I've never been in that position.

If there was a draft -- I'm too old to be drafted and have health problems.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Freightening. But there are others. Generally people in Southern Maryland (very south and east) are republicans demographically (I think because of the large military bases) so I guess this is what I shall expect from a forum based out of there.

The voting booth is something entirely different -- more than the people in this somd forum will be voting!

:cheers: back to you

He's not suggesting there's 5 Southern Marylanders who vote conservatively for every one that does not - he's going wider than that. He's probably wrong about that, but I do believe the nation is more conservative than liberals would like to believe.

It's *your* answer which most alarms *me*. If the entire nation felt differently than you do, politically - that would be "frightening"? The nature of democracy is to fulfill the will of the people. If "the people" want something other than the liberal platform, then that's what the people want. I keep coming across this attitude amongst liberals - that their view is the *correct* view, and if the people feel differently, then dammit, the people need to be shown they're wrong. It's like what Mo Udall said when he got voted out of office - "the people have spoken - the bastards".


Football addict
does anyone know?

Originally posted by dems4me
Its one of those things that I just don't know because I'm not in that situation. A few things are like that where I just don't have an opinoin because I've never been in the exact same situation - abortion is one of them -- I have no opinion one way or the other because I've never been in that position.

If there was a draft -- I'm too old to be drafted and have health problems.

does anyone know what the probability is that they will bring back the draft one day??? im the perfect age :frown:


Well-Known Member
Re: does anyone know?

Originally posted by BuddyLee
does anyone know what the probability is that they will bring back the draft one day??? im the perfect age :frown:



Originally posted by SamSpade
He's not suggesting there's 5 Southern Marylanders who vote conservatively for every one that does not - he's going wider than that. He's probably wrong about that, but I do believe the nation is more conservative than liberals would like to believe.

It's *your* answer which most alarms *me*. If the entire nation felt differently than you do, politically - that would be "frightening"? The nature of democracy is to fulfill the will of the people. If "the people" want something other than the liberal platform, then that's what the people want. I keep coming across this attitude amongst liberals - that their view is the *correct* view, and if the people feel differently, then dammit, the people need to be shown they're wrong. It's like what Mo Udall said when he got voted out of office - "the people have spoken - the bastards".

Yes Sam and here we go back on our discussion yesterday about polls, Kerry is beating Bush with 53% of the vote. Its not just me and I have a feeling alot of Liberals are waiting until November to make a stand and their vote which is democracy -- people voting for their candidate


Re: Re: does anyone know?

Originally posted by SamSpade

Look I gotta run. Nice talking with all of you -- even if y'all poke fun at me, disagree and use sarcasim against me. .:bawl:

Have a nice evening

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:


Football addict
Re: Re: Re: does anyone know?

Originally posted by dems4me
Look I gotta run. Nice talking with all of you -- even if y'all poke fun at me, disagree and use sarcasim against me. .:bawl:

Have a nice evening

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

no poking here:wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Re look at the chart.
You're probably gone by now so you'll see this tomorrow.

Print out the chart and put it in front of you. Let's start with Ford (R) and his big ol' whopper spike in unemployment. That was most likely the guys coming back from Vietnam to no job prospects.

Under Ford, it starts to go down and continues downward until the middle of the Carter Administration (D), when unemployment starts going back up again. We were in a nasty recession at that time but you might not be old enough to remember it.

Under Carter, unemployment continues to rise until it peaks at 9.75% during Reagan's (R) first term. Then it goes down down down until it reaches about 5% in the first year or so of the first Bush Administration. Then, still under Bush, unemployment starts to rise again, up to 7.5%. Still under Bush, unemployment starts to go down, just in time for Clinton (D) to take over.

Under Clinton, unemployment keeps on it's downward trend, going as low as 3.8%. Then it starts to rise again during Clinton's last year in office and continues to rise under Bush.

I'm not crazy. I know what I see. Since the chart makers are trying to focus you on the spikes under Republican Presidents, you're not seeing the trend, i.e. the rise and fall, and who was President during that rise and fall.


Re: Re: Re: does anyone know?

Originally posted by dems4me
Look I gotta run. Nice talking with all of you -- even if y'all poke fun at me, disagree and use sarcasim against me. .:bawl:

Have a nice evening

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
WAIT.....your soccer ball fell out of the minivan.........WAIT


Football addict
Re: Re: Re: does anyone know?

Originally posted by ememdee19
:yeahthat: I've heard quite a bit of talk about it.


i sure hope they dont do the draft. i wouldnt want to fight for an ignorant cause. plus if they let the draft in soon BUSH WOULD BE IN TROUBLE:yikes: