Forgiving A Cheater


Back in the saddle
Of course not. I never said it was. If you believe what you say, why do you say in the previous post that it will probably happen again?
You do not know me or my husband. Sorry it happened to you repeatedly, but that does not mean all relationships are the same.

I do believe what I say, once a cheater always a cheater. But not everyone else agrees with that statement. So there for I said to my Karma giver, it will probably happen again. They might not feel the same as I do .

No, I don't know you or your husband. But don't sit there and say that when your cheated on you should still stay with the cheater or that means your giving up on your family. I didn't give up on my family. Time and time again I tried. To those that make it through that's great but that isn't the right solution for every.


New Member
...why did you say 'landlord' threw him out? If it's your house, you're free to have all the abusive men around you like, yes?

Angel said that her parents own two houses and that she is paying the mortgage on one. She could be in an arrangement where she pays everything to due with the house including the mortgage but does not have legal ownership. If that is the case, her parents do technically own the home and are landlords. Sorry if I am repeating what someone else has said already. I have yet to read through the entire thread.


Men hold a grudge alot longer than women.

No way

Ten years down the road a woman will ##### at you for buying her a crappy birthday present just out of the blue and you can't even remember what the hell she is talking about.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No way

Ten years down the road a woman will ##### at you for buying her a crappy birthday present just out of the blue and you can't even remember what the hell she is talking about.

You're wrong. Men hang onto stuff a LOT longer than women do. Ask Larry who has the Alzheimer's in our relationship.


Forgiving A Cheater 01-25-2008 04:30 PM Thanks but at 5'9" and 130lbs I don't think that's FAT! I'm pretty far from ugly. You should be careful what you say, you just may know who I am
I have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry, you assumed wrong. I sign my karma.


I bowl overhand
SO, with all this said, why do so many women support Hillary?

She let he husband walk all over her, let him cheat numerous times.. and yet not one womans organization has spoke out against him, AND they still support Hillary..

If a woman can't clean up her own house, and handle a man's abuse, I don't think she has what it takes to lead an entire country, and make the hard decisions when it comes to defending our way of life.

But the silence from all the women out there is deafening.


SO, with all this said, why do so many women support Hillary?

She let he husband walk all over her, let him cheat numerous times.. and yet not one womans organization has spoke out against him, AND they still support Hillary..

If a woman can't clean up her own house, and handle a man's abuse, I don't think she has what it takes to lead an entire country, and make the hard decisions when it comes to defending our way of life.

But the silence from all the women out there is deafening.

SOME women, not all but some, have a lot more control/power after a man cheats than she had before. :evil::coffee:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
But the silence from all the women out there is deafening.

Not ALL the women, my dear.

Feminist groups are made up of liberal Democrat women. Liberal Democrats love Bill Clinton, no matter what he does. The feminist position on our Harasser in Chief was what gave birth to my beloved Tammy Bruce, the Goddess of All That is Right and Good.

These women support Hillary because she is a Democrat. That's it. They didn't come out for Liddy Dole when she was running for President. They either ignored or eviscerated Condoleeza Rice and her accomplishments.

So don't get the idea that blowhard feminists are anything more than partisan sheep who need, yes, a MAN to tell them who to get behind.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Get out, Get out, Get out....I am watching this happen in my own family right now, only its the cheating wife who repeatedly, and I do mean repeatedly, finds other, two, three hell maybe even ten or twenty, who knows, lost count. Just what does this teach the children in these relationships...that your vows mean nothing and that comittment is a joke? All are better off if the cheater is out of the picture, that gives the other spouse a chance to find happiness and trust and truth in a more mature relationship...cheating hurts everyone involved within the family....I am living with this truth every day as I watch my adult son try to deal with the situation. RUN, RUN, RUN It will only get worse.

I guess you couldn't get this one to fly. :lmao:


~swift and to the point~

There is better out there
Someone who will treat you the way your supposed to be treated
Once a cheater always a cheater is :bs: ppl make mistakes but some mistakes are too hard to forgive
Ask yourself...even if he's clean from drugs you REALLY trust him alone with your child?


I bowl overhand
Let me set the stage for this one. . . You and your husband/wife have been married for 6 years, when suddenly you aren't living under the same roof - not because anyone chose to leave, but because the 'landlord' wouldn't allow one of you to stay. During this time, you continue to see each other every day - spend holidays together - celebrate your wedding anniversary - say "I Love You's" - bedroom action stays the same. . . . all while you're trying to save money to move your family elsewhere.

Some months later. . . your partner tells you that he's begun seeing someone and has been sleeping with them. Days later they tell you that they ended that relationship - they miss you - they messed up so bad - whatever.

Being stupid, you take them back - bound and determined to not fail at your marriage. A while later you secretly move them back in - and one morning you find condoms in their wallet (when the two of you don't use them, and the other person admitted to not using them to the confession piece of @ss) and see a phone number in their cell phone. The phone call lasted for 35 seconds only.

Because I'm obviously stupid to keep taking this person back, would you assume they're still cheeating? Or would you think that because they moved back in, it's all over with? Assuming, it is all over - could you forgive a cheater?

How would you handle this, knowing that the other person will 'attack' you if you so much as mention this?

I'd pray about it and do whatever God commanded..