Freak magnet


Obama destroyed America
Gawd DJ you are so biassed. Now where the fug is the CHIT CHAT thread?
Hot Damn! :rubshandstogether: Whatya drinkin tonight?? Maybe mamakookoo will roll in early 9 sheets to the wind too then you, her and Lance can have a tard fest together! :yahoo:


off the shelf
Just gonna say... can't even go shopping without running into a freak or two.....

I can't go for a simple walk with my dog without seeing quite a few(and their boxer hanging out the truck window), but they mostly don't see me :supersecretninjamode:

Hell, why doncha just use my name next time? As if no one knows who you're talking about. :duh:

Was this the same night you were sending me those suggestive text? :eyebrow:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
D, if you would just lighten up sometime and not come across like a know it all. Did _____ rub off on you that bad? ...... or is it still that transitioning to your new status? Justa comment or ?
Any posts (repeat) any posts to you were only intended to yes, get your attention & hopefully a cordial reply (& not a blah blah blah avoidance bs comment) a reply as most reasonable persons would do out of Common Courtesy.
This is after all a (so-called) Social Website, correct?

At least this user is a paying member & not free loader, ya know.

Lighten Up. You`ll need more than a crash course in PSY 101 to figure it all out. Try Sociology

& the sayin goes as well. You don`t know me from Adam`s housecat.

Plz have a nice evening Ma`am.
Nobody cares.


This is the #### I'm talking about. Lance does not know me from Adam. He has never met me, not one time, and I have never so much as PMed with him. I don't even interact with him on the forums. Yet here he is.

This other weirdo guy sent me a highly suggestive and embarrassing text a week or so ago - this is someone that I knew socially and thought was sane, then straight out of the blue I get this psycho text insinuating a physical relationship that has never existed or even been hinted at.

And the Friday Nighters know about that creeper who stared at me until it got extremely uncomfortable for everyone around.

It's not flattering. It's disturbing and I wish I knew why me so I could disable whatever it is that draws these freaks. Some women attract nice men - I attract the mentally ill.
See what happens when we don't get to talk. :coffee:


So DJ you put on your "freak magnet" walk into bars and parties over 100+ people and wonder why you are approached? Freaks have 2 brains as well.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have no idea why this is and the article wasn't particularly enlightening.

Sure it was. Your freak magnet frequency simple blocks your neuro-receptors from gleaning the obvious and it's not your fault.

First, the type of freak magnet you are; you are NOT the victim type, you do not look weak or vulnerable. You are, like Duddy, freak tolerant.

I mean, consider; you are attractive as heck. Friendly, usually perky, engaging, cute little bubbly happy person, not afraid to ask questions of strangers or say 'excuse me, would you mind getting your ####ing shopping cart out of the middle of the ####ing aisle you ####ing retard' or words to that affect, and, viola, it's an ice breaker. What happens when the ice is broken? Usually, a nuclear power sub suddenly surfaces, begins launching ICBM's and the world ends. But, that's not the point and has nothing to do with the type of ice breaking we're talking about here.

Think about it; what happens at parties full of people who don't much know one another? Everyone is waiting for someone to break the ice, to say something, anything. That is you. And once the ice is broken, you're a great listener and all sorts of people who really have nothing to say will feel safe talking about their nothing because your freak magnet tendency, and frequency, makes them feel safe or even invited to speak up. You do encourage it and not in a bad way; The Ice Breaker.

So, as you mentioned, you have a bunch of really good friends and are surrounded by folks you think highly of and who think highly of you. However, simple math indicates that because you appeal to so many people, at least initially, the ice breaker thing, there is statistically speaking, simply going to be a freak quotient ratio or, 'FQR'.

So, when these FQR's are about, which they will be because YOU are about, because you are an ice breaker, friendly, attractive, etc, they will also, like most everyone else you encounter, be emboldened, encouraged, feel safe enough, to whip out their inner freak and let that flag fly.
Which isn't always good, often entertaining and never dull; The plight of the ice breaker.

And, when you are not feeling friendly, not engaging, not wanting to even talk to anyone, just get your soda, smokes and gas up and go, because you are an ice breaker, your basic nature, there are these little word bubbles that follow you around, some call it an aura, but they are actually little bubbles, with words, that everyone else can see, just not you, that read; "She's normally engaging and friendly and warm and an ice breaker. Talk to her. Go ahead! Come on! You're not THAT big of a freak! Give it a try!" so, you're screwed even when you're not in the mood. You're not big and scary. You're cute even when you look angry. You don't have BO, you have fabulous hair and, well, attractive means...attractive. To both freak and non freak alike.


You'll just have to get a t shirt that says "#### You. I have Enough Friends" to over ride the word bubbles when you're not in the mood. But, what fun would that be???

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I need to work on my grouchy get-the-####-away-from-me face....

Too bad for you. That face may be one of your cutest, most friendly and freak attracting 'looks'. It says "I need a hug" and the freaks come a running.

I mean, think of an angry kitten, hating the world at any given moment, evil hate filled kitty face. And? Makes people wanna pick it up and hug it to death. :shrug: It's what you'd do. Even freaks like angry kittens. Maybe especially so?

Maybe if you had some sort of paint on your palms. One green for go, the other, red, "I am armed and shoot you dead if you take ONE more step towards me or even start to open your mouth"

Or course, it would just make people wanna give you a hug and the whole thing would start over again...

Maybe just shoot first??? Nah. You'd be cute even blowing people away. The SWAT team would be like "But, boss. We can't take her down! We're drawing straws to see who gets to go try to hug her next. Kowalski and Smith both died happy for having tried and Johnson's probably gonna make it. Come on, chief! Have a heart! I mean LOOK at her! Have you ever heard anyone say 'MOTHER####ER!" that cute????

"Bang! "POW!!! BOOM!!!!"


Larry Gude

Strung Out
That was pretty nice of him to write about you!

You don't understand. It pisses her off BECAUSE she can't scare people off, especially when she wants to. :evil:

Remember Charles Whitman? That'll be her one day, climbing the tower, hi cap mags galore, just killing everybody BUT unlike Whitman where people ran for their lives, the freaks will be like zombies, drawn to her, wearing T shirts, "I got shot by Vrail!"

Freak magnet.

Freak magnate if she sells the T shirts.

She'll be screaming "You're supposed to run AWAY, not towards me you stupid ####ing freaks!" "Bam!" Bam!!!
