Freak magnet

ItalianScallion seems to manage........somewhat.

Hmm, I guess it is possible to rein in your inner self at gatherings and such. Has to take a lot of effort though. I am old so I feel I can get away with a lot of stuff. I call all the young checkout girls honey. Guys too, they seem to like it.
Hmm, I guess it is possible to rein in your inner self at gatherings and such. Has to take a lot of effort though. I am old so I feel I can get away with a lot of stuff. I call all the young checkout girls honey. Guys too, they seem to like it.

Because they know you're harmless.... they can walk faster than we can run.... :lol:


off the shelf
I has to be, no one could actually be that egocentrical and outright weird could they? And still live? Not in real life anyway.

Now I know you met my "boss" a couple of times....the guy I use to(notice I said "use to") drive for is even worse....Thinks the entire Universe and all other known and unknown Universes revolves around his ass
now i know you met my "boss" a couple of times....the guy i use to(notice i said "use to") drive for is even worse....thinks the entire universe and all other known and unknown universes revolves around his ass



American Beauty
PREMO Member
How bad ya wanna know? huh, how bad. You do seem kinda curious about all the mystery. Much more than any challenge you could muster.

The mystique is nice, but the truth is much nicer.

You did say you prefer honesty, why not practice what you voice.

You don`t like this user right? Just go ahead and say it, then it`s a total done deal. You seemed interesting, but your true colors are ever so topical and evident...biased, tunnel vision as long as it suits you only. No fussing at all. Just an observation. & you talk about attn ......, ahem.....

Have a nice evening.


Nobody cares.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
thnx 4 quotin, go find some new petals, yours have long since wilted. Barnum & Bailey is lookin for you in their Freak Show. You`d be lucky to make a village carnival after midnight. Free Admission, bring your own barf bag.

You`d be fun to razz @ The Comedy Club, you`d never survive.



Obama destroyed America
I just had a scary thought, what if I'm the most normal person on the forums?

All lunatics think that. :coffee:

And you called that arguing?!?!?!? Son you need to sign up for the Baja school of asshattedness. I train em well.


my war
I think Lance is more Dorothy than the Wizard. Pigtails, short skirts, red heels, penchant for small dogs and stuck in a fairytale!