Fresh Meat!


Mr. Contemptuous
Too Hot 4u said:
Yeah that is what you say now that I kicked your tinylittleself to the curb.

When I was in third grade I used to have a girl kick me in my shins on the playground. That was her way of flirting.

I like her way much better than yours, no boobs 4u, much better.

On a side note... thanks for only putting your face in the picture, although it is horrid, at least we don't have to suffer looking at your AAA cups.

Too Hot 4u

New Member
Cockdiesel said:
When I was in third grade I used to have a girl kick me in my shins on the playground. That was her way of flirting.

I like her way much better than yours, no boobs 4u, much better.

On a side note... thanks for only putting your face in the picture, although it is horrid, at least we don't have to suffer looking at your AAA cups.

I cannot help that the only girl that paid attention to you was since the thrid grade, well except for that pathetic night with you. You really should stick to batting for the other side. Stop fooling yourself.


Set Trippin
Too Hot 4u said:
The fight club??? Oh wow I am impressed, they have a virtual fight club?

Is that next to the Dungeon and Dragons club?
Must be a rich people thing, I don't get it...:confused:


Mr. Contemptuous
Too Hot 4u said:
I cannot help that the only girl that paid attention to you was since the thrid grade, well except for that pathetic night with you. You really should stick to batting for the other side. Stop fooling yourself.

It is like arguing with a nine year old... :banghead:

I don't have a come back for that one. I wouldn't even joke that I spent anytime with you... :barf: