Fresh Meat!


Mr. Contemptuous
Too Hot 4u said:
We established that when I said I was not into girly men with ittbittyteenyweenies, but get it straight you are not in my league. Try hitting for your home team.. AKA homoteam from neverland

:duh: :yawn:


aka Mrs. Giant
Too Hot 4u said:
So you have such a boring life that you come in here and hit on younger guys? whats wrong with that picture?
Jealousy, crassness, and rudeness are unbecoming characteristics in a lady. Try some delicacy, grace and tact.

Too Hot 4u

New Member
bresamil said:
I'm not sure if I've said this to you directly, but this particular personality you've created is a bit played out. Why not create a new one?

I am who I am, if you don't like it then do not waste your time reading my posts, I could not care less what you like or dislike....


aka Mrs. Giant
Too Hot 4u said:
and who in the hell said I was a lady?
Oh excuse me sir. No wonder you are so confused. Especially after you've previously stated about being better than every woman on here. I just presumed you were a woman, not a gay man. :flowers:


professional daydreamer
Too Hot 4u said:
well then lets put it to a poll. we post all of our pictures and see who comes out hotter.

WTF are you talking about? Are you retarded, or just in your own little world?


wandering aimlessly
Too Hot 4u said:
well then lets put it to a poll. we post all of our pictures and see who comes out hotter.
There is an actual internet site for idiots that want strangers to rate them. You are welcome to go there and post back your results. Be sure to use a photo of the real you though, for honest results.

Too Hot 4u

New Member
migtig said:
Oh excuse me sir. No wonder you are so confused. Especially after you've previously stated about being better than every woman on here. I just presumed you were a woman, not a gay man. :flowers:

I am all woman I am not some stupid ladylike girl that acts likes she is going to break at the first sign of fun...dumbazz

I am better than you, simple as that I do not have to be ladylike in order for that to happen


professional daydreamer
Too Hot 4u said:
I am all woman I am not some stupid ladylike girl that acts likes she is going to break at the first sign of fun...dumbazz

I am better than you, simple as that I do not have to be ladylike in order for that to happen

I guess that answers my question.


Mr. Contemptuous
Too Hot 4u said:
well then lets put it to a poll. we post all of our pictures and see who comes out hotter.

Out of all the pictures I have seen from the ladies on here, you are at the bottom.