Fresh Meat!


No Longer the Kid
Nucklesack said:
I never got her appeal (Jerry Hall, we know 2scabs is b-fugly) i think she was a model in the 80's though (right?)

I was asking if those pics were 2_hot_ ??

Or are they jerry hall ??

Whomever was in those pics..I would ride them with minuteman's, I mean MainMans d*ck...

Never the less, I wouldn't even let my Rotti hump them :ohwell:


aka Mrs. Giant
Too Hot 4u said:
Yeah, give me the name of your shrink or vrias
Actually, I do volunteer group counseling work. However, that's for trauma survivors, individuals with ptsd, etc who are on their way to recovery and who want to recover. I think you need an actual psychologist. Consult your family doctor for suggestions. :yay:


No Longer the Kid
Nucklesack said:
Oh sorry, the pics are Jerry Hall, who 2Scabs looks like (to me).

i never thought she (Jerry Hall) was very hot, always thought she looked like a used up Coke Head, but i guess she was a model in the 80's and was married to Mick Jagger

Ah, gotcha :yay:

To be with Mick Jagger...definitely a crack head :lol:


Mr. Contemptuous
I was told through PM that you all think I really hooked up with this crack head??? :lmao: We have never met and I'd like to keep it that way.