Too Hot 4u said:
everyone in here that thinks for some ungodly reason they are better looking than me,
Perhaps because you come off as a shrill incredibly insecure hosebag with major self-esteem issues, and an incessant need for positive attention who lashes out when she doesn't receive that which she needs.
It may indeed be an ungodly reason, but there it is.
Too Hot 4u said:
I will start a new thread, you post your pictures and the people can cast their own vote in the poll.
And truly
hawt people really don't care what other people say or think, nor do they feel the need to prove themselves to a group of people whom they feel is beneath them, or otherwise inferior.
It is possible that you truly think that you are the cream of the crop super-hottie from Planet Sizzle-britches, but your behavior is that of 300 pound zit-popping cow who is desperate to make a group of blind strangers think she's the shizznit.