Friday, Aug 17 - Mango's at Herrington Harbor


Obama destroyed America
All of you (you know who you are) have proved my point. Thank you. I am a little disappointed in you, kom. But, "meh" is the word. All I know is that I have met people (IRL) that thrive on someone else's troubles, because it makes them feel better about themselves. I have found that this forum is no different. Who really cares what you think. Not me. Love and peace.
WTF do you keep coming back?? You keep making a fool of yourself and no one has a legitimate dialogue with you. All you do is affirm your mentally deranged mind to everyone who reads your rantings.

I would never consider going someplace where I wasn't liked and was ridiculed every time I showed up. That in itself is a true psychological disorder. You think things are going to change. Well they're not. :crazy:

Go away and stay away.


Obama destroyed America
No, I am not psycho, but it gives a lot of you great pleasure to call me that; to take the heat off of yourselves. That says alot about who y'all really are. When I was getting ready to go to my first meet and greet, my hub (I know Rose hates that term) said, are you sure you want to do this? I said yes. I was disappointed when it was over, and to say my hub was right in questioning my desire to go. I will not divulge what he had to say; Marines wife and all. I will say this; just for the record: I loved bcp, panlady, and skillet girl, IS, Im_Me, Vince, Foxhound (even tho he is banns boyfriend), psyops, and even vrai; she actually smiled at me once, but I don't think she knew I saw. Just like I have said before, I am a pollyana, but not stupid. I am the chum that all you sharkheads feed on. Chomp on, fellow forumites, chomp on; doesn't bother me!

Edit before edit: Me thinks I might be smarter than ya'll. Just a guess. :shrug:


mama to two
Yea, she's pounding down the first few glasses now. I'll look for the comedy tomorrow mornin'. :buddies:

That's ok, baja, I know it helps to bash others so you will feel better about yourself. Some members told me to stay away from you at the beginning because you always thought you were right! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: I feel sorry for you. :buddies:


Obama destroyed America
That's ok, baja, I know it helps to bash others so you will feel better about yourself. Some members told me to stay away from you at the beginning because you always thought you were right! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: I feel sorry for you. :buddies:
Yes, I feel pretty! Oh so pretty! :diva:

I'll bet you $100.00 I can tell you who those members are. Wanna bet?? C'mon!

P.S. they are almost as deranged as you are.

P.S.S. I see you didn't let me down with your other wacked out thread. :high5: Normal people always water their plants late at night. :crazy:


My real name.

The heathen gang said:
Trashing mamatutu on and on.

My understanding is that the person / poster "mamatutu" has been to the Friday meetings, and she was a friend of many in the gang, and she is a 57 year old Woman - and yet so many of your gang keeps trashing that Woman like dogs to a bone, or buzzards to a carcass.

Is there no way to make your trashiest gang members to stop trashing that Woman?

Is there no chivalry? no honor in your ranks?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My understanding is that the person / poster "mamatutu" has been to the Friday meetings, and she was a friend of many in the gang


She has been to ONE gathering and was never a friend of any of us, that I'm aware of. Some were willing to give her a chance, then she jumped right on a couple days later and started losing her mind again and being ugly. THAT is what made her so unpopular.


My understanding is that the person / poster "mamatutu" has been to the Friday meetings, and she was a friend of many in the gang, and she is a 57 year old Woman - and yet so many of your gang keeps trashing that Woman like dogs to a bone, or buzzards to a carcass.

Is there no way to make your trashiest gang members to stop trashing that Woman?

Is there no chivalry? no honor in your ranks?


who let you out of the politics threads anyway? you do much better there, you should stick to that.


In My Opinion
Is there no chivalry? no honor in your ranks?


based on your life, leaving your wife to raise your child with no help while you ran off and whored across the country, destroying public property, turning gay in prison, leaving your wife to die alone with her cancer, refusing to work and instead finding a doctor to falsify records so you could steal from the taxpayer...

based on all of this, I must ask, where exactly is it that you find yourself qualified to ask about others chivalry or honor?



Well-Known Member
My understanding is that the person / poster "mamatutu" has been to the Friday meetings, and she was a friend of many in the gang, and she is a 57 year old Woman - and yet so many of your gang keeps trashing that Woman like dogs to a bone, or buzzards to a carcass.

Is there no way to make your trashiest gang members to stop trashing that Woman?

Is there no chivalry? no honor in your ranks?


:killingme Look at you... If you had ANY credibility your words would have some meaning... go get a job.