Friday Friday Friday!!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I haven't been to Hole in the Wall in a thousand years. :yay:

We could go on a pub crawl - hit up HitW and Toots.

:nono: Not without a DD I'm not! :lol:

When the weather gets warm, we need to go back to Annapolis! We had the best time pub crawling there! :yahoo:


Obama destroyed America
Look again. It is $75. Where did you find it?:smoochy: And all the electricity works! Not that I am surprised :jet:
I was cleaning the truck one day and there it was! I must have thrown it in there with my tools etc. Thank you!!! :love:


Harley Rider
Our group seems to get smaller each week but the conversations are still top notch. I really enjoyed you 5 tonight and look forward to next time! :cheers:


Adopt me please !
Our group seems to get smaller each week but the conversations are still top notch. I really enjoyed you 5 tonight and look forward to next time! :cheers:

Unfortunately I have a commitment and I may have to miss the 17th now after I'm the one who pushed for that date. So if someone wants to do another place on 17th and do BF the week after, that would work better for me but it isn't just about me.

I'll just have to catch one when I can.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
I'm meeting Baja @ BF around 4 and a couple of work friends are tagging along. I'm not sure how long we'll stay though.


Unfortunately I have a commitment and I may have to miss the 17th now after I'm the one who pushed for that date. So if someone wants to do another place on 17th and do BF the week after, that would work better for me but it isn't just about me.

I'll just have to catch one when I can.


I was gonna go to that one too!!!!
Ok I must ask, what is this all about? I never looked nor posted in here. I guess everyone meets up for dinner and drinks or something?