Friday, November 2


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Great to see everyone last night! Thanks for the kind words BCP :huggy: Good meeting you and your wife and all the others. :smile:

Vrai - I really think "Pass the Pokie" would be a great name for your singles club! :jet: :lol:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I know its been a few weeks, but after fighting beltway traffic for over an hour just to get home from work, sometime the thought turning right around and fighting the rt 4 traffic ( that has bigger Aholes than the beltway) for another hour+ is more than one can bear.

I know. :huggy:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Great to see everyone last night! Thanks for the kind words BCP :huggy: Good meeting you and your wife and all the others. :smile:

Vrai - I really think "Pass the Pokie" would be a great name for your singles club! :jet: :lol:

I didn't say anything, but I was actually going to show up last night. I even left work early so I could pop in at a reasonable time.

On the ride home my insides turned into lukewarm jello and wanted to drop through my #######. :(

So sick today. :barf:2/3 of my ninjitsu posse was sick this week, and they gave me whatever festering pestilence they had.

Same here. I was fighting a head cold all week, finally started to feel better yesterday and was hoping to drop in, only to find myself doing the Turkey Two Step. I've never heard my gut make so much noise in my life.

Things have 'passed' today and feel better. Must have been something I et.

Hope you and the clan feel better soon.


Great night. So many of us there, I didn't get a chance to meet everyone much less talk to them.


Too bad ya didn`t didn`t come to the phone. Someone called & asked, (lemme) may I plz speak to ____ (blonde chick) from that SoMd bunch. Dude said just a sec, then after bout 3 mins click. Bummer. Quite sure he didn`t save the caller ID #, but may have been an unlisted/unpublished # from the origin.
Ya missed a Gr8 nite @ The Hangout. Oh well.

(free) Big & Rich concert @ The Air Show (Blue Angels Homecoming) on PNAS l8r round 4ish.

Yr missin out.

Next time you need to call and pick up the tab. :jet:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Too bad ya didn`t didn`t come to the phone. Someone called & asked, (lemme) may I plz speak to ____ (blonde chick) from that SoMd bunch. Dude said just a sec, then after bout 3 mins click. Bummer. Quite sure he didn`t save the caller ID #, but may have been an unlisted/unpublished 1 from the origin.
Ya missed a Gr8 nite @ The Hangout. Oh well.

(free) Big & Rich concert @ The Air Show (Blue Angels Homecoming) on PNAS l8r round 4ish.

Yr missin out.

Well, that's pretty much stalker behavior if I've ever heard it. :twitch:


Well-Known Member
Wirelessly posted

MJ said:
Too bad ya didn`t didn`t come to the phone. Someone called & asked, (lemme) may I plz speak to ____ (blonde chick) from that SoMd bunch. Dude said just a sec, then after bout 3 mins click. Bummer. Quite sure he didn`t save the caller ID #, but may have been an unlisted/unpublished 1 from the origin.
Ya missed a Gr8 nite @ The Hangout. Oh well.

(free) Big & Rich concert @ The Air Show (Blue Angels Homecoming) on PNAS l8r round 4ish.

Yr missin out.

Well, that's pretty much stalker behavior if I've ever heard it. :twitch:

Ummm... yeah


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Lance had better hope nothing ever happens to me because he'll be the first one they suspect.

That's probably why they wanted us to move along, the "ring leader" had been there so long she was starting to get personal phone calls. :killingme


American Beauty
PREMO Member
In my presence nothing bad @ all will ever happen to you. Never, & I`m quite sure you know that. I`m very socialable, yet when (if) you are with me, you will never have anything negative or adverse happen to you. Period.
A smart man has the vibes to detect any possibilities of that ever occurring.
Something you may not be accustomed to or had in your past.

Way to smart & def not an azz... or nerd by any means.
Very Secure in all means of life; personally & professionally.

Wishful thinking?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lance, seriously, I think you are a freak and wish you'd leave me the hell alone. You are a stalker nutjob and I do not want to be friends or anything else with you. That's why I put you on Ignore, so you cannot PM me.

I find you disturbing and your attention irritates the #### out of me.

Leave me the #### alone.

I don't know how I can be any clearer.

If you do not stop stalking me and being skeevy toward me, I am going to ban every single one of your forum accounts and file a restraining order against you. You aren't funny anymore, you're just frightening and disturbing.
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