Friday, November 2

Lance, seriously, I think you are a freak and wish you'd leave me the hell alone. You are a stalker nutjob and I do not want to be friends or anything else with you. That's why I put you on Ignore, so you cannot PM me.

I find you disturbing and your attention irritates the #### out of me.

Leave me the #### alone.

I don't know how I can be any clearer.

If you do not stop stalking me and being skeevy toward me, I am going to ban every single one of your forum accounts and file a restraining order against you. You aren't funny anymore, you're just frightening and disturbing.

Hmmmm.... and when I questioned his actions, his threats, his anger issues months ago, you told me not to worry, he's harmless.


mama to two
I just have to say, pooz/Lance, when you start threads that are locked; obviously, it means you can't handle, or don't want responses, i.e. "perfectly clear thread". I have made a fool of myself on this forum, but have come to grips, and decided that forumites don't need to be aggravated with my problems; you, obviously, have many. You have maligned me here, but I finally chose not to answer you; except for this post. I agree with others that you have totally creeped us out. I never thought I would say this, but leave vrai alone. You crossed the line a long time ago. :strangle:

Edit: So the "perfectly clear thread" already went :poof:. Thanks, for proving my point. Just go away. Thank you.
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In My Opinion
Hmmmm.... and when I questioned his actions, his threats, his anger issues months ago, you told me not to worry, he's harmless.

I think that a female such as Vrai being stalked, could actually be in greater danger than you, Im betting you could hold your own,,,, You just strike me as the type that could.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I just have to say, pooz/Lance, when you start threads that are locked; obviously, it means you can't handle, or don't want responses, i.e. "perfectly clear thread". I have made a fool of myself on this forum, but have come to grips, and decided that forumites don't need to be aggravated with my problems; you, obviously, have many. You have maligned me here, but I finally chose not to answer you; except for this post. I agree with others that you have totally creeped us out. I never thought I would say this, but leave vrai alone. You crossed the line a long time ago. :strangle:

I think that a female such as Vrai being stalked, could actually be in greater danger than you, Im betting you could hold your own,,,, You just strike me as the type that could.

:lol: I wasn't concerned about me, but rather the implied threats and anger he directed at others.


In My Opinion
:lol: I wasn't concerned about me, but rather the implied threats and anger he directed at others.

Personally, I think he is most likely harmless.
but, I still woudnt take a chance with my thoughts when it came to a woman.


In My Opinion
Sitting right across the table from you and I KNOW you noticed her. :lol:

her, Fish Taco? Reddish hair, (that would be the never ending fish taco)
me terminally heart broken when her soccer playing husband showed up?

nope, didnt notice at all..
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U r 1 2 talk Ma`am, with yr bio & what u`ve done is far from w/eva. & no1 likes U @ all., u say ya liked, u attended, praised, then shunned then ranted, then OD`d. & now ya try to reverse that scru^. lmao.

& when u attempt to speak for others, woman u r not even on that list.

Go play with yr pills, quite sure you`ll find a few that`ll take effect/affect. No desire to be in SoMd except for Strictly Business & shall keep it that way!!!!!

Then why do you keep posting here?


Harley Rider
Well this stinks-

Wife and I took another couple there, our second time and their first time, this past Friday evening.

I "thought" I saw vraiblonde outside smoking when we walked in but wasn't positive so I didn't say anything. Wish I would have.

I'm a low poster but read often and it would have been nice to put some faces to the names.
Do you think you would have recognized me? :howdy:


Just to make nosey ppl like U reply & quote TB. Does that answer yr ? :doh:

Heck, U live in this website Ma`am. :))

& the posts are valid & completely inline with the forum established (outdated) guidelines.

No it's not, it's because you have no life. All you can do is stalk the forums and hope someone will take an interest in you. You are so pathetic and anyone that brags about themselves as much as you can be nothing more than a basement dwelling loser. You're probably lower than JPC and nhboy and that's saying something.