Friends with Benefits

Friends with Benefits: Good or Bad?

  • I'm female and I think Friends w/ Benefits are a good thing to have

    Votes: 14 9.7%
  • I am a male and I think Friends w/Benefits are a good thing to have

    Votes: 24 16.7%
  • I am female and I think Friends w/Benefits are a bad thing to have

    Votes: 12 8.3%
  • I am male and I think Friends w/Benefits are a bad thing to have

    Votes: 4 2.8%
  • I am female and I think FwB are great as long as both parties understand that's all it is.

    Votes: 38 26.4%
  • I am male and I think FwB are great as long as both parties understand that's all it is.

    Votes: 34 23.6%
  • I'm male and I have no opinion/don't care

    Votes: 7 4.9%
  • I'm female and I have no opinion/don't care

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • I'm male and I'm religiously opposed to the idea

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • I'm female and I'm religiously opposed to the idea

    Votes: 4 2.8%

  • Total voters


dems4me said:
I think it means that the person is doable and you are acquaintanced with that person very casually. You neither LOVE or hate the person and y'all talk here and there and y'all agree to not change your relationship after the sex, agree that no one freaks out and gets clingy, then you have sex and still talk casually with one another afterwards :shrug: - I think thats the FWB kind of concept. :shrug: Just my guess of course. :smile:

So there are such things...?


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
I voted #5 but rest assured I'm one of the people who won't understand that sex is all there is going to be to it. :lmao:

People always want what they can't have and I am sure that arrangement doesn't work out for long. Somebody is going to get in their feelings. :whistle:

I dont have feelings. Wanna hump?


wkndbeacher said:
So there are such things...?

I would guess :shrug: - you need to make sure you and your partner are mature consenting adults (not whackjobs :lol:) :shrug: I would imagine it not to be much different than swingers, but I don't know much about them either :shrug: It was just my take on this :shrug:


Pete said:
I was going to give you the :poorbaby: but you probably are happier with BOB and don't need it:lol:

Dang bob gets to spend "quality" time with her ,watches movies and sleeps beside her go bob :lmao:


Well-Known Member
beachcat said:
My last FWB was 5'5", which was about 5 inches shorter than me, but it didn't matter horizontally, and i figured we didn't have anything in common except great s*x. I could never wear cool shoes in public with him, he would appear quit short. Then he turned out to be a real a*s of a human, so it wasn't too hard to kick him to the curb.

I've dated guys who have these annoying habits or quirks that doesn't necesarily mean they are bad people just that I couldn't stay in a relationship w/ them.... but the sex is too good to stop cold turkey so he then becomes a FWB until I wean myself down and we are just friends:shrug:


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
Then why not just say "sex partner" and be done with it?

I understand the commitment factor, but back in my day we just called that "playing the field". There wasn't an official name for the partner.

For the most part I think a lot of men know that the woman they're hoping to bed won't go for it. At least back in the day. Now it's pretty much whatever goes.

I still can't do it. I only have sex with men I am digging. Not to say I won't do a one hitter quitter but for a regular basis I must be digging before he can be digging.

nobody really

I need a nap
lovinmaryland said:

I've dated guys who have these annoying habits or quirks that doesn't necesarily mean they are bad people just that I couldn't stay in a relationship w/ them.... but the sex is too good to stop cold turkey so he then becomes a FWB until I wean myself down and we are just friends:shrug:
well put!


pretty black roses
Effe buddies were great. Call em up when you want a piece, take a shower when you are done and then go on about your business. If you want to hang out with em you can, but you didn't have to. be single again.....:lol: