FYI - be safe ladies


New Member
frozenrain said:
in lexington park on 235 next to enterprise rental car at the bait n tackle/gun shop.

thankyou sweetie:buddies:

your welcome I know u live nearby from your other posts so I thought that this would be easier for you to get to. when we moved here I got my gf and her friend some from there.
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pretty black roses
so..she kicks said MFer in the nuts...and then the one that she was too preoccupied to notice grabs her and she gets raped (and possibly killed) by two of which she pissed off greatly by kicking his balls....

good idea :yay:

Most guys will go to one knee after a swift kick to the balls and the other guy will think twice about approaching her for fear of getting kicked as well. Hell if you are grabbed from behind, all you have to do it kick the shins, throw your head back to knock the person in the face, and/or grab the balls and twist. One or a combination of those will work unless the guy is really into pain, then you are screwed.

The best thing to do is stay aware of your surroundings at all times and learn where to hit/kick someone if you need to. It isn't rocket science.


Well-Known Member
Most guys will go to one knee after a swift kick to the balls and the other guy will think twice about approaching her for fear of getting kicked as well. Hell if you are grabbed from behind, all you have to do it kick the shins, throw your head back to knock the person in the face, and/or grab the balls and twist. One or a combination of those will work unless the guy is really into pain, then you are screwed.

The best thing to do is stay aware of your surroundings at all times and learn where to hit/kick someone if you need to. It isn't rocket science.

people amuse me at times. Try this, tell me how it works out :yay: :lmao:

Let's hope that Chain isn't behind all this.:lmao:

:lmao: :yay:


I heart CLeValley
I got this e-mail from Hoover, which was sent to her from a close friend of ours, it was word for word. I forwarded it to a cop buddy of mine who has done some research of calls over the past week and nothing comes up. Sorry, I have to throw the :bs: flag on this.

BUT - he did say gas theft is at a new all time high, so even if it is :bs: or not, stay vigilant. :yay:

E-Mail received -

Just to complete the post above, this same email was flying around last year - IT IS NOT TRUE! IT DID NOT HAPPEN!!!!!


Harley Rider
Ok, so what? The possibility of it does exist. When I hear of the boldness of some crooks, it's good to know how to defend against a walk up attacker. In this case, the victim has the upper hand with a gas nozzle in hand.


New Member
Bottom line, as the economy hits the skids, petty crime including robbery is going to explode. Everyone will need to watch themselves.


New Member
:QUOTE=shannonbrio;3122836]Bottom line, as the economy hits the skids, petty crime including robbery is going to explode. Everyone will need to watch themselves.[/QUOTE]

:yeahthat: well said!


Free to Fly
Ok, so what? The possibility of it does exist. When I hear of the boldness of some crooks, it's good to know how to defend against a walk up attacker. In this case, the victim has the upper hand with a gas nozzle in hand.

As fast as you can pull the nozzle out they can move equally fast to turn the nozzle around to you or even shoot you. By no means am I saying play helpless in all situations and I personally would have been screaming my head off. Pepper spray is actually not completely effective in all cases. My son-in-law is in the military and has to routinely be sprayed in the face and prove he can still subdue an assailant. I'm not saying don't use Pepper Spray either. I'm saying be aware that you might have to do more than one thing to stop an assault. PCjohnnyb is right about one thing - a wounded but still functional attacker can be twice as dangerous!


CageKicker Extraordinaire
And if this IS even true, which I'm betting it's not, why didn't she hit the button to speak to a clerk? :rolleyes:

50/50 scenario:

1. he runs
2. you piss him off and he grabs your arm on the way to press the call button and does bad things.

I don't like those odds.

Me too. I just get angry and want to prove emails wrong. My favorite is when I find them on

But really we need to learn to defend ourselves too. Personally I'm like to learn to kick some azz Charlie's Angels style. I'm considering taking a self defense class with Punjabi Girl.

Self defense or MA? Big difference. Even I, as small as I am, could catch and snap your arm like a twig. What do you think someone twice my size could do? So, I hope, you're looking for the first one.

Regardless if its true or not, we need to be vigilant at all times. Can't afford to let your situational awareness falter by distractions. It's easy to get distracted by being in a hurry, kids fussing, phone ringing, where the heck is your wallet,...etc.

Exactly! The best defense is NOT to be in a bad situation to begin with.

You lost me right about there. :bs:

There are a number of things she could've done since she was still in control of the situation.

1) Cut the pump off and walked inside since there's no mention of a weapon on the perp.

Better yet...
2) Doused him with gas and set him on fire. (My favorite) :lol:

#2 was :sarcasm: but even getting a bit of gas on him (he wanted free gas) and then pulling out a lighter would have been better than giving him exactly what he wanted.

1. Weapon or not, two adult males have very good odds against one non-compliant female.

2. I like your thinking. Aside from complying, hosing their faces with gasoline would be your best bet.

Let's hope that Chain isn't behind all this.:lmao:

:lol: I'm a giver not a taker. Not everyone goes down when they get hit there, but I'm one of the ones that does.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
As fast as you can pull the nozzle out they can move equally fast to turn the nozzle around to you or even shoot you. By no means am I saying play helpless in all situations and I personally would have been screaming my head off. Pepper spray is actually not completely effective in all cases. My son-in-law is in the military and has to routinely be sprayed in the face and prove he can still subdue an assailant. I'm not saying don't use Pepper Spray either. I'm saying be aware that you might have to do more than one thing to stop an assault. PCjohnnyb is right about one thing - a wounded but still functional attacker can be twice as dangerous!

The object of self-defence, when you need to defend and firearm law aside, is not to beat them into submission. The object is to distract them and put distance between them and you.


My life is worth far more than a $20 can of gas. They can have their gas with my blessings and karma will get them further down the road.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
My life is worth far more than a $20 can of gas. They can have their gas with my blessings and karma will get them further down the road.

:high5: There's a reason convenience store clerks, banks, et. are instructed to hand over the money.


Well-Known Member
2. I like your thinking. Aside from complying, hosing their faces with gasoline would be your best bet.

Ok, but how fast does gasoline come out of the nozzle? :eyebrow: I doubt it's a gusher like it would need to be in order to drench them. :lmao:

I'll still take my chances with the button. It's right next to the pump.

Why am I debating about something that was made up? :lol:
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Harley Rider
As fast as you can pull the nozzle out they can move equally fast to turn the nozzle around to you or even shoot you. By no means am I saying play helpless in all situations and I personally would have been screaming my head off. Pepper spray is actually not completely effective in all cases. My son-in-law is in the military and has to routinely be sprayed in the face and prove he can still subdue an assailant. I'm not saying don't use Pepper Spray either. I'm saying be aware that you might have to do more than one thing to stop an assault. PCjohnnyb is right about one thing - a wounded but still functional attacker can be twice as dangerous!
Listen to your illogical logic! I wouldn't reach for anything with a gas nozzle in my hand for God's sake! And even if you didn't have the gas nozzle in your hand, you act like you are going to fill up his gas can then you squirt him in the eyes! Then say: "he told me he had a knife or gun". Good grief ladies!!!!!
Here's the 2 scenarios:
1) You scream and he shoots you if he has a gun or stabs you. You lose!
2) You hit him in the eyes with a stream of gas and run. He can't see you for at least 10 minutes and your safe. You call 911 and he is apprehended. Women; I swear! Go ahead, scream. It worked in 1930...:whistle:
Ok, but how fast does gasoline come out of the nozzle? :eyebrow: I doubt it's a gusher like it would need to be in order to drench them. :lmao: I'll still take my chances with the button. It's right next to the pump.
You will STILL be shot if you reach for anything, especially the shut off button! NO SUDDEN MOVES, OK? You have the gas nozzle IN HAND and yet you'd reach for the shut off button??? No wonder it happens to you ladies so much! GEEZZZ!
The gas nozzle will shoot a stream of about 6-10 feet. It's still your best bet!


Well-Known Member
Listen to your illogical logic! I wouldn't reach for anything with a gas nozzle in my hand for God's sake! And even if you didn't have the gas nozzle in your hand, you act like you are going to fill up his gas can then you squirt him in the eyes! Then say: "he told me he had a knife or gun". Good grief ladies!!!!!
Here's the 2 scenarios:
1) You scream and he shoots you if he has a gun or stabs you. You lose!
2) You hit him in the eyes with a stream of gas and run. He can't see you for at least 10 minutes and your safe. You call 911 and he is apprehended. Women; I swear! Go ahead, scream. It worked in 1930...:whistle:

You will STILL be shot if you reach for anything, especially the shut off button! NO SUDDEN MOVES, OK? You have the gas nozzle IN HAND and yet you'd reach for the shut off button??? No wonder it happens to you ladies so much! GEEZZZ!
The gas nozzle will shoot a stream of about 6-10 feet. It's still your best bet!

Did the OP say the guys had a weapon? I don't remember reading that. Plus, there are TWO guys, so you'd have to be pretty quick about getting BOTH of them with the gas. Besides, if they actually had a gun pointed at me, I'm pretty damn sure I'd just give them the freaking gas. :rolleyes:

ETA: I just read the OP, and it said one guy was in front and the other guy was behind her. Soooo, you'd have to get the guy in front and then turn around and hope you still had time to spray the guy behind you....:eyebrow:.
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Just to let everyone know... I received this very same email from friends in Texas(Dallas/Fort Worth area). The gas stations were just changed.(no wawa's in Texas) So I don't really know how true it is. But I still would be on the look out!! There are sick people out there!!!