gall bladder issues



gallbladder attacks

does anyone know of a way to ease a gallbladder attack when having one. I already been to the doctors and she didn't give me any ideas other than to eat low protein low fat diet which i have been doing. I am waiting on my results from the sonagram and xray I had done. I should know some answers in about a week as they have to mail the results to my doctor as she isn't in the network of doctors in the bean bldg.
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Happy Camper
does anyone know of a way to ease a gallbladder attack when having one. I already been to the doctors and she didn't give me any ideas other than to eat low protein low fat diet which i have been doing. I am waiting on my results from the sonagram and xray I had done. I should know some answers in about a week as they have to mail the results to my doctor as she isn't in the network of doctors in the bean bldg.

Don't know if it was coincidence or not, but heat always made mine ease off. Either a heating pad or a kitty draped across you!! Good luck!


thanks for the help ladies. I will try my heating pad here in a little bit as i am nice and toasty on the couch laying down with teh dog with her head on my belly near where it hurts
thanks for the help ladies. I will try my heating pad here in a little bit as i am nice and toasty on the couch laying down with teh dog with her head on my belly near where it hurts

Are you positive it's your gall bladder? Your colon/intestine is in the same vacinity.


my doctor is the one who said she seriously thinks i am having a gallbladder attack. I can't eat without having pain some days and some days are better than others. Today isn't a good day at all.


New Member
The last time I was attacked by a ravenous gall bladder, I just sprayed it with a water hose.


Dream Stealer
my doctor is the one who said she seriously thinks i am having a gallbladder attack. I can't eat without having pain some days and some days are better than others. Today isn't a good day at all.

hmm my mom was having bad attacks too..they took out her gallbladder and she still had them..if your tests dont show any stones have them check your sphincter of odie (sp?) that can spasm and cause the same types of pain..that way you can avoid having unnecessary surgery...

as for the pain..that's tough..some people find leaning over something helps..others heat..and some even I guess you have to try some things.


i am willing to try anything to feel like a normal person again. I don't deal well with being in pain


Well-Known Member

Dont laugh, but situps helped to shift my gallstones, and ease the pain...and it was horrific.

If they say have it out, get it out. Its a relatively easy surgery, and a lot less painful then dealing with the attacks. I fought them for 10 years....


what else could mimic gallbladder issues? I talked to the nurse today and she told me it wasn't my gallbladder but shes going to have the doctor call me back tomorrow when she gets in


never thought that could be an issue kwillia. I bet that is the next thing my doctor looks into. We have to figure this out sooner than later as I am tired of not feeling good.


i had an endoscopy done several years ago and the doctor just told me i have a hiatial hernia. the problem i am having is the pain underneath the breast. I also noticed today when i looked at my stomach i have 2 bruises on me from when the lady did the sonagram (she must have pushed in too hard or something).
i had an endoscopy done several years ago and the doctor just told me i have a hiatial hernia. the problem i am having is the pain underneath the breast. I also noticed today when i looked at my stomach i have 2 bruises on me from when the lady did the sonagram (she must have pushed in too hard or something).
The liver is up under your breast. The pancreas is lower butin that area too. It could be a number of things. You'll just have to wait to hear from the doctor... until then it's just a guessing game.


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