gall bladder issues



I have had gall bladder attacks for the last 3 months and see the surgeon on Jan 5th. They keep giving me pain meds and phenagren for nausea/vomiting. I have been on 3 different pain meds, each one a stronger strength. Only masking the pain.

I am having a slight attack as I type this. Getting to be Normal for me. Isn't that sick?

Been to the ER 3 times and always the same thing, follow up with your Dr. in 1 to 3 days. You can clearly see the stones or pylops(not sure which one it is). I just want this out, I have been miserable and am ready to feel like myself.

Hope the 5th brings me a surgery date.

I hope so to for your sake wineo. I am tired of being sick myself. I want to be able to have sweets again and not get sick after i eat them. I also want to get off this rice diet i been on it long enough to say i am sick of rice and i am sick of eating greenbeans and carrots and tomatoes. :(


Well-Known Member
I have had gall bladder attacks for the last 3 months and see the surgeon on Jan 5th. They keep giving me pain meds and phenagren for nausea/vomiting. I have been on 3 different pain meds, each one a stronger strength. Only masking the pain.

I am having a slight attack as I type this. Getting to be Normal for me. Isn't that sick?

Been to the ER 3 times and always the same thing, follow up with your Dr. in 1 to 3 days. You can clearly see the stones or pylops(not sure which one it is). I just want this out, I have been miserable and am ready to feel like myself.

Hope the 5th brings me a surgery date.

Why such the long wait? I had my gallbladder out 2 years ago, and I dealt with the attacks for months because I was waiting to get health insurance through work. I finally had enough, and within a week I had it out.

I finally went to the ER during an attack. They did the ultrasound, gave me the number of the surgeon, I scheduled an appointment with him, and then I had the surgery not even a week later. Why does the ER keep giving the run around? Or why does is your doctor so slow?


loving life
Called and made appointment, they call back office will be closed and that is the date they gave me. Went to one surgeon first, did not like her or her staff, so I will see this one and set the date. When I went to the ER at 2am I was hoping to be considered an Emergency, no, that did not happen. More pills precribed and now I wait. Oh, at least you have insurance, I will be paying out of pocket.

Why such the long wait? I had my gallbladder out 2 years ago, and I dealt with the attacks for months because I was waiting to get health insurance through work. I finally had enough, and within a week I had it out.

I finally went to the ER during an attack. They did the ultrasound, gave me the number of the surgeon, I scheduled an appointment with him, and then I had the surgery not even a week later. Why does the ER keep giving the run around? Or why does is your doctor so slow?


Why such the long wait? I had my gallbladder out 2 years ago, and I dealt with the attacks for months because I was waiting to get health insurance through work. I finally had enough, and within a week I had it out.

I finally went to the ER during an attack. They did the ultrasound, gave me the number of the surgeon, I scheduled an appointment with him, and then I had the surgery not even a week later. Why does the ER keep giving the run around? Or why does is your doctor so slow?

most of the doctors in stmarys county see some medical problems as ones they don't want to deal with so they say lets do this test that test or the other test and see what that shows even if something does show up on one of the tests they want to run hundreds of more tests (there way of making more money off of you).


i already have a call into her today and so far she hasn't returned my call and who knows if she will or will not do so. I will give her til 230 and if i don't get a return by then i will call her office back and see if they can get an answer as to what she wants to try next. the rest of the day its going to be light foods for me (veggies) and a potatoe for dinner. Tomorrow is going to be a clear liquid diet (jello and chicken broth or maybe I will add some rice to it I have to see) as I said before I can only take it hour by hour not day by day right now.

I go see the gastrointerologist on the 15th of january maybe he might be able to pinpoint the problem if my family doctor doesn't want to work with me to figure it out. When i do talk to her today I have to get her to give me something for being nauseous (sp) as after I eat i get feeling as if i am going to u know but so far it hasn't happened but I hate walking around not feeling good.

So far we know its not my gallbladder stones or anything wrong with the gallbladder we also know I don't have any kidney stones and she did blood work and it all came back normal. Last tuesday she had me start taking yuck old maalox (I wouldnt even ask my worst enemy to try the stuff) gag me with a metal spoon and upped my previcad she seems to think i have indigestion but it can't be that because of where the pain is. I guess she thinks I have had this for 2months now whats the big deal if she waits a little longer. Well it is a big deal I am tired of being ill. I want to live a normal life again and not have to worry if I eat now will i end up sick in an hr from what i had.

Over top of all of this I now got a cold due to this weather we have been having.

I think someone mentioned this before and I apologize if you answered but have you considered going to the emergency room?

From where you say it is it sounds like the appendix. I think you are female right? If not sorry :blushing: If so, have they check your ovaries? My ex-wife had a cyst on her ovary and it caused her lots of pain.
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Well-Known Member
Oh, at least you have insurance, I will be paying out of pocket.

That's the sad part. I couldn't wait until I got insurance. I had the surgery 2 months before my benefits started. I'm STILL paying for the surgery. :bawl:


I think someone mentioned this before and I apologize if you answered but have you considered going to the emergency room?

From where you say it is it sounds like the appendix. I think you are female right? If not sorry :blushing: If so, have they check your ovaries? My ex-wife had a cyst on her ovary and it caused her lots of pain.

yes i am a female and no my doctor hasn't checked that yet she is hooked on this being an acid reflux problem when i know for sure it isn't one of the problems because of where the pain is. I am goign to ask her to see if it could be my ovaries or something like that causing the pain.

I am tired of playing games. I have had enough. I want answers but she doesn't seem to want to even try anything right now than thinking oh its acid reflux and that is it. I go to the doctors on thursday and will mention to her could it be my ovaries and see what she says. I still have my appendix that hasn't been taken out and i still have my gallbladder too.
yes i am a female and no my doctor hasn't checked that yet she is hooked on this being an acid reflux problem when i know for sure it isn't one of the problems because of where the pain is. I am goign to ask her to see if it could be my ovaries or something like that causing the pain.

I am tired of playing games. I have had enough. I want answers but she doesn't seem to want to even try anything right now than thinking oh its acid reflux and that is it. I go to the doctors on thursday and will mention to her could it be my ovaries and see what she says. I still have my appendix that hasn't been taken out and i still have my gallbladder too.

A GP family doctor typically isn't specialized and it's quite normal for him/her to send you elsewhere for specialized consultation just as yours had done for you regarding gastro (Jan 15th appt). Do you have an OB/GYN? If so and if you suspect you have female plumbing issues then can't you make an appointment now without having your GP tell you to do so?
Is your pain below the bellly button or above it?

Pelvic Pain:

Pelvic pain is pain that's located in your pelvic area, or your lower abdomen, below your bellybutton. Pelvic pain can sometimes radiate to your lower back and your thighs.

Diseases and conditions of several body systems can cause pelvic pain, often as part of a group of symptoms that may not initially seem related to each other. Pelvic pain may arise from your:

Lower intestinal tract
Reproductive system
Urinary system
Nervous system
Musculoskeletal system
Depending on its source, pelvic pain may be:

Dull or sharp
Mild, moderate or severe
Sudden, steady or gradually increasing
Constant or off and on

Pelvic pain -


i know about going to the obgyn. I haven't made an apt with her yet but will be soon. My pain is below the belly button down near where the stomach meets the leg area but up a little higher on teh right side and when the pain is really intense it makes my lower back hurt bad. :(. the pain is constant it doesnt go and come and nothing eases it :(


i know about going to the obgyn. I haven't made an apt with her yet but will be soon. My pain is below the belly button down near where the stomach meets the leg area but up a little higher on teh right side and when the pain is really intense it makes my lower back hurt bad. :(. the pain is constant it doesnt go and come and nothing eases it :(

Appendicitis - :shrug:

Appendicitis causes pain that typically begins around your navel and then shifts to your lower right abdomen. Appendicitis pain typically increases over a period of 12 to 18 hours and eventually becomes very severe.

Signs and symptoms of appendicitis may include:

Aching pain that begins around your navel and often shifts to your lower right abdomen

Pain that becomes sharper over several hours

Tenderness that occurs when you apply pressure to your lower right abdomen

Sharp pain in your lower right abdomen that occurs when the area is pressed on and then the pressure is quickly released (rebound tenderness)
Pain that worsens if you cough, walk or make other jarring movements



Loss of appetite

Low-grade fever


Inability to pass gas


Abdominal swelling


my gyn seems to think i have an ovarian cyst by the way I have described things to her on the phone. She told me if i get a fever and the pain gets worse to head to the er. even though they hate seeing people with pelvic pain she said. she told me to take mortin 4pills at first then 3 pills every 6hrs after that for pain. she did say if it is an ovarian cyst there is nothing they can do for it other than wait for it to pop and take pain meds. She also said due to me being nauseaous (sp) that it could also be my appendix because they are in the same area (lower right side). I am tired of not sleeping at night and being in pain 24/7 I want a miracle right now if you know what I mean.


my gyn seems to think i have an ovarian cyst by the way I have described things to her on the phone. She told me if i get a fever and the pain gets worse to head to the er. even though they hate seeing people with pelvic pain she said. she told me to take mortin 4pills at first then 3 pills every 6hrs after that for pain. she did say if it is an ovarian cyst there is nothing they can do for it other than wait for it to pop and take pain meds. She also said due to me being nauseaous (sp) that it could also be my appendix because they are in the same area (lower right side). I am tired of not sleeping at night and being in pain 24/7 I want a miracle right now if you know what I mean.

Okay here's a story that I hope doesn't scare you, but only to inform you of the possibilities.

My ex-wife had an ovarian cyst. It did eventually burst. She forgot about it over time since it didn’t seem to be an issue. Then she and I got married. After a few years we decided to try to have a baby. After months of no success, we decided to get tests done on both of us. My swimmers were good and her hormones were fine. They decided to do some other scans on my wife and notice scar tissue around her fallopian tubes. They did some exploratory surgery and determined that scar tissue was the result of a burst cyst and the scarring had wrapped around her fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes float and move down to the ovaries when you ovulate to catch the egg cell. The scarring was preventing this from happening. So the egg cell never made it into the fallopian tubes. She had to have surgery to remove scarring. After that she was able to get pregnant (but unfortunately had a miscarriage). She did eventually have a baby in her next marriage.

This is just to let you know what you could expect if a cyst gets big enough and bursts. I disagree that a cyst can’t be removed.

Surgery for ovarian cysts

During surgery, a noncancerous cyst that is causing symptoms can be removed (cystectomy), leaving the ovary intact. In some cases, the entire ovary or both ovaries are removed, particularly when cancer is found.

One good clue about appendicitis is if you start running a fever due to infection.
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my gyn seems to think i have an ovarian cyst by the way I have described things to her on the phone. She told me if i get a fever and the pain gets worse to head to the er. even though they hate seeing people with pelvic pain she said. she told me to take mortin 4pills at first then 3 pills every 6hrs after that for pain. she did say if it is an ovarian cyst there is nothing they can do for it other than wait for it to pop and take pain meds. She also said due to me being nauseaous (sp) that it could also be my appendix because they are in the same area (lower right side). I am tired of not sleeping at night and being in pain 24/7 I want a miracle right now if you know what I mean.
You sure are getting an awful lot of over the phone diagnoses without getting any doctor's appointments. Maybe you should just dial 1-800-MIR-ACLE since you don't want to actually see a doctor or actually go get any tests... :doh:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
You sure are getting an awful lot of over the phone diagnoses without getting any doctor's appointments. Maybe you should just dial 1-800-MIR-ACLE since you don't want to actually see a doctor or actually go get any tests... :doh:

It's too bad that Madam Cleo retired...


Look my ass glows!
my gyn seems to think i have an ovarian cyst by the way I have described things to her on the phone. She told me if i get a fever and the pain gets worse to head to the er. even though they hate seeing people with pelvic pain she said. she told me to take mortin 4pills at first then 3 pills every 6hrs after that for pain. she did say if it is an ovarian cyst there is nothing they can do for it other than wait for it to pop and take pain meds. She also said due to me being nauseaous (sp) that it could also be my appendix because they are in the same area (lower right side). I am tired of not sleeping at night and being in pain 24/7 I want a miracle right now if you know what I mean.

Do you have insurance? Cause if you do; you need to get your young butt to an ER and stop dicking around with the Internet and forumites. If you don't have insurance you still need to get to an ER.
First the pain is below your navel; then it's under your breast-first you think it's your gallbladder now your OB/GYN thinks it might be a cyst?
Why anyone would tolerate severe pain for more than an hour is beyond my scope. :cds:
Appendix issues are LIFE THREATNING-you gonna wait till that pops too? WTH??
I'm d-u-n, buh bye.:smack:
Do you have insurance? Cause if you do; you need to get your young butt to an ER and stop dicking around with the Internet and forumites. If you don't have insurance you still need to get to an ER.
First the pain is below your navel; then it's under your breast-first you think it's your gallbladder now your OB/GYN thinks it might be a cyst?
Why anyone would tolerate severe pain for more than an hour is beyond my scope. :cds:
Appendix issues are LIFE THREATNING-you gonna wait till that pops too? WTH??
I'm d-u-n, buh bye.:smack:

Psst... this has been going on for months. I believe she stated she did go to the ER and they said it wasn't life threatening and that she needs to follow up with her doctor. Her doctor did some test and ruled out appendicitis and gall bladder and recommended she get a gastro work-up. She as an appointment on Jan 15th for that... meanwhile the pain moved from below her right breast bone to now below her navel so now she's called her GYN and received an over the phone diagnosis and it doesn't sound like she made an appointment. So... correct me if I'm wrong but acute appendicitis would have put her out of our misery by now... wouldn't it...:confused:


Look my ass glows!
Psst... this has been going on for months. I believe she stated she did go to the ER and they said it wasn't life threatening and that she needs to follow up with her doctor. Her doctor did some test and ruled out appendicitis and gall bladder and recommended she get a gastro work-up. She as an appointment on Jan 15th for that... meanwhile the pain moved from below her right breast bone to now below her navel so now she's called her GYN and received an over the phone diagnosis and it doesn't sound like she made an appointment. So... correct me if I'm wrong but acute appendicitis would have put her out of our misery by now... wouldn't it...:confused:

She'd be DEAD by now...thanx for the chronology! :buddies:


Do you have insurance? Cause if you do; you need to get your young butt to an ER and stop dicking around with the Internet and forumites. If you don't have insurance you still need to get to an ER.
First the pain is below your navel; then it's under your breast-first you think it's your gallbladder now your OB/GYN thinks it might be a cyst?
Why anyone would tolerate severe pain for more than an hour is beyond my scope. :cds:
Appendix issues are LIFE THREATNING-you gonna wait till that pops too? WTH??
I'm d-u-n, buh bye.:smack:
