gall bladder issues



yup i know. I just hope we can get this figured out. I had the problem now for 2 months. I had a 2 week break in the middle of the problem thinking it cured itself but I guess I was wrong. :(


well i just got a call back from the doctor. she now wants me to try probiotic(sp) for a week and if that doesn't work then she wants me to go in and have some lab work done to see if we can pinpoint the problem. She said to me it so much sounds like gallbladder but nothing showed up in the area (no stones). I told her i can't live this way nothing like being on constant pain :(


I am going to have to do something. I can't live this way its been 3 weeks and she wants me to wait another week to get more tests done. I might just have my mom take me to urgent care or somewhere else to get this figured out I don't want to be miserable for x-mas this year if you see what I mean.


Dream Stealer
Diseases: Pancreas and Biliary Tree: Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction
Gallstones are the most common cause of gallbladder dysfunction and symptoms such as pain and infection (cholecystitis). However, sometimes the gallbladder can become inflamed and partially obstructed in the absence of stones. The normal gallbladder contracts through muscular activity in response to food, forcing bile through its exit channel (the cystic duct) and into the bile duct for passage into the intestine (through the sphincter of Oddi or the papilla of Vater). If these movements are not appropriately coordinated, the pressure can rise and result in gallbladder type pain.
In this condition, the gallbladder may appear normal on the standard ultrasound scan; abnormalities are only detected when the gallbladder is stimulated to contract, with food or after an injection of a stimulating hormone (cholecystokinin – CCK). Failure of the gallbladder to contract properly, especially if the patient's pain is reproduced, is good evidence of gallbladder dysfunction. This can also be investigated by a special type of isotope scan (HIDA scan) during which the behavior of the bile can be watched and the emptying of the gallbladder measured (the ejection fraction). Patients with clearcut symptoms and positive test results respond well to removal of the gallbladder (laparoscopic cholecystectomy).

Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction | Pancreas and Biliary Tree Diseases| MUSC Digestive Disease Center


thanks for the information liberty even my doctor is baffled and said it has to be gallbladder issues even though nothing showed up as it hurts like hell after i eat and i haven't slept good either due to it.

I wonder how many more tests shes going to put me through before a final decision is made. I also brought up the fact that my bp when i was in her office was 90 over 60 which is very low for me and she didn't seem to worried about it which makes 0 sense as it took the nurse 4x of taking my bp to finally get a reading.


New Member
If you are in that much pain I suggest you go to the ER. Have your doctor call ahead and order the rest of the test or just tell the ER you want the test she told you about. You should not be in pain for this long and be told we are going to try meds and come back in a week. Bull Sh!t I say get results NOW and go to the ER. Just a suggestion tho. ER should not be that busy right now...


i got a call back from teh doctors today (they did blood work and nothing showed up there). Now she wants me to take mylanta and up my previcad. I broke down today and made an apt with the grasto doctor but I told my mom I can't live this way for 3 more weeks and she said well you will have to do what you have to do. If things don't get better i am going to have her take me to the er. I am miserable and not sleeping good at night is killing me :(.


New Member
hmm my mom was having bad attacks too..they took out her gallbladder and she still had them..if your tests dont show any stones have them check your sphincter of odie (sp?) that can spasm and cause the same types of pain..that way you can avoid having unnecessary surgery...

as for the pain..that's tough..some people find leaning over something helps..others heat..and some even I guess you have to try some things.

Same thing with my sister. Gallbladder out. Problems continued.


New Member
i got a call back from teh doctors today (they did blood work and nothing showed up there). Now she wants me to take mylanta and up my previcad. I broke down today and made an apt with the grasto doctor but I told my mom I can't live this way for 3 more weeks and she said well you will have to do what you have to do. If things don't get better i am going to have her take me to the er. I am miserable and not sleeping good at night is killing me :(.

Def go the GI route. Don't expect your GP to figure it out. Sadly your only one of hundreds of patients to him. I hope they figure it out for you soon!


Look my ass glows!

I feel the need to tell you like it could be-
Just a lil horror story for you-my brother (one of 7 siblings) complained of right side pain and heartburn. Having an extensive history of gallbladder problems on both sides of our family he procrastinated and took OTC meds, and listen to a couple of primary care "doc in a box" types...
He was diagnosed w/pancreatic cancer and passed away 12/12/09.
Don't screw around w/doctors-go to a specialist, one who specializes-a Gastroenterologist.
My brother went to Duke then MD Anderson-from the time he was diagnosed until he passed-5 weeks.

Good luck.


i already have an apt with a gastro doctor. I go on the 15th of January. I hope he can figure out the cause as this is getting old.


Luvin Life !!!
yup i know i have to do something can't live life like this. I have had enough. :(

Who is your health insurance through? Mine is Cigna and they have a 1-800 line, a nurse question and answer service available 24 hours a day, referral services and many other great services available to it's members.


I AM an enigma
I feel the need to tell you like it could be-
Just a lil horror story for you-my brother (one of 7 siblings) complained of right side pain and heartburn. Having an extensive history of gallbladder problems on both sides of our family he procrastinated and took OTC meds, and listen to a couple of primary care "doc in a box" types...
He was diagnosed w/pancreatic cancer and passed away 12/12/09.
Don't screw around w/doctors-go to a specialist, one who specializes-a Gastroenterologist.
My brother went to Duke then MD Anderson-from the time he was diagnosed until he passed-5 weeks.

Good luck.

I am so sorry for your loss. This was quite recent. I hope that you and your family are dealing with this the best you can. Please know that you will all be in my nightly prayers.

May I ask your brother's first name? If you are not comfortable "putting it out there" I truly understand. You can PM me, or tell me to go pizz up a tree. I would just like to call him by name in my prayers.

Hugs to you and your family in this time of sorrow.


Look my ass glows!
I am so sorry for your loss. This was quite recent. I hope that you and your family are dealing with this the best you can. Please know that you will all be in my nightly prayers.

May I ask your brother's first name? If you are not comfortable "putting it out there" I truly understand. You can PM me, or tell me to go pizz up a tree. I would just like to call him by name in my prayers.

Hugs to you and your family in this time of sorrow.

Thank you so very much, we're all in a state of shock and disbelief.
We got an email from our SIL on 11/30-we weren't allowed to call or visit. We were led to believe he had maybe six months-at least.
By the time we all decided to mount up and head south; Hospice was contacted and the next morning, he passed at home.
We do not believe anything criminal happened (maybe assisted suicide?) he was immediately cremated, no memorial or service.
I contacted the funeral director who gave me more info than my SIL, that was of some comfort.
SIL on vacation till after first of year, we all deal with grief in our own way I guess.


I AM an enigma
Thank you so very much, we're all in a state of shock and disbelief.
We got an email from our SIL on 11/30-we weren't allowed to call or visit. We were led to believe he had maybe six months-at least.
By the time we all decided to mount up and head south; Hospice was contacted and the next morning, he passed at home.
We do not believe anything criminal happened (maybe assisted suicide?) he was immediately cremated, no memorial or service.
I contacted the funeral director who gave me more info than my SIL, that was of some comfort.
SIL on vacation till after first of year, we all deal with grief in our own way I guess.

That is a worrisome story on many levels. I wish all of you all the best in dealing with this. Thanx for the PM.