Spoiler alert
So, with the exception of the last scene with Hodor I was thinking this season was kind of boring...until I watched episode 9, Battle of the Bastards, last night. (HBO Now was out of service Sunday night, go figure). I watch a lot of Medieval battle-type stuff and this one tops the list. It was FREAKING AMAZING!!! I think Miguel Sapochnik should go down in the director's history books because this was just a different pov from any other battle I've seen.
And, Sansa's smile as she walked away from Ramsey was...I don't even have words for that! At first I'm like, "#### yeah you go girl!", but then I felt kind of sad that she's becoming corrupt. It was her first kill and I have mixed emotions about it.
And, the dragons! They are, to what is in my mind, more realistic than any others I've seen. Usually dragons in movies or shows are somewhat campy or unrealistic, but whomever the VFX is who is responsible for these things deserve a hearty hurrah for making dragons truly ugly and bad ass!
Why are you people not talking about this???