If you really want to do something about gas prices, start a letter/email onslaught on all of the media outlets as they are the primary cause of most of this. We lost 10% of our refining capability in New Orleans, but that's not enough of a drop to cause widespread shortages and price spikes. What's driving that is speculation and panic buying, most of which results from unrealistic reporting of events.
For example, I was at a Sam's Club in Jacksonville yesterday, and there were long lines of cars at the pumps. There was also a WJXT news crew there video taping the lines and interviewing drivers. What wasn't shown was the ten or so other gas stations withing viewing distance that had no lines, or the fact that the idiots at the Sam's Club were sitting idling in line for 15+ minutes to pay $2.72 a gallon for gas when gas was $2.75 across the street at Chevron where there was no line.
Now, turning on the news last night, I see WJXT's reporter talking about the "mad rush" to go out and get gas, and how lines are forming at stations, and there was the video from the Sam's Club, but no video of the empty gas stations nearby. People watching that story get the impression that there are long lines at stations, and shortages are imminent, so they run out and panic buy which causes the shortages and price spikes they were afraid of.
FNC did a story about a gas station in Alabama that ran out of gas, and showed long lines of people trying to get gas, but didn't bother to show all of the other stations within a few miles that did have gas. They also didn't mention the fact that spot shortages are occuring in Alabama and neighboring states because in most cases the trucks that supply these stations got damaged in the storm, which is a highly local problem that's being inferred by the media to be a potential national problem. Once again, we're not getting the whole story, and stupid people react for all the wrong reasons.
I've sent emails to CNN, FNC, NBC, CBS, and ABC asking for more honest reporting, and I wish everyone else would also.