Gay adoptions

Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?

  • NO! Never, it's just not right. The kids need normal parents

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Generally no, except for the hard to place kids. It's better than nothing

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Sure, they should have the right to adopt.

    Votes: 36 59.0%
  • I really don't care.

    Votes: 5 8.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Yes but only as a last resort....

Let me explain. The best environment for a child to be rasied in is a moral one where proper values are taught. A normal family environment is the closest they'll get to this. With this being said though, I think anything is better than being raised in an orphanage so if a suitable heterosexual couple is un available to adopt then let the gays adopt - only as a last resort though.

Sorry in advance if my views offend anyone...


Loving My Life...
Alot of children need good homes. So why not let them adopt. As long as the children grow up happy I dont care.


New Member
why shouldn't they be allowed to adopt? Single parents are allowed to adopt, crazy people are allowed to adopt. Look at what happened to those poor girls that were found in the freezer, that was a heterosexual couple. I believe that as long as the adoptive parents are loving, caring, have the best interest of the child in mind, and are mentally and financially capable of taking care of a child they have every right to adopt.

Homosexuality isn't a disease or disability that impairs one's ability to properly love and raise a healthy, happy child.


Well-Known Member
Alot of children need good homes. So why not let them adopt. As long as the children grow up happy I dont care.

Define good home?

It's definition is going to be different for everyone, but the foundation of a good home should be based on morals and values. Because of my personal beliefs it's impossible for a gay couple to teach this. Even of they attend church every Sunday it's impossible for them to teach.
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Loving My Life...
Define good home?

It's definition is going to be different for everyone, but the fopundation of a good home should be based on morals and values. Because of my personal beliefs it's impossible for a gay couple to teach this. Even of they attend church every Sunday it's impossible for the to teach.

Has to be better then living in foster care going from house to house. Pretty sure they have been abused and thats why they're in foster care. So what if his/her parents are gay? At least they will have a warm home, love, attention. A place to call home. Either way just way to many children waiting for a place to call home. Gay or not they deserve to be parents who will provide them with a loving home and bright future.


Well-Known Member
Has to be better then living in foster care going from house to house. Pretty sure they have been abused and thats why they're in foster care. So what if his/her parents are gay? At least they will have a warm home, love, attention. A place to call home. Either way just way to many children waiting for a place to call home. Gay or not they deserve to be parents who will provide them with a loving home and bright future.

We agree on that. Gays should only be considered as a last resort though, I guess this is where we differ.


New Member
Yes, they should be allowed to adopt. All of the gay couples I have met would be better suited to raise children than most hetero couples I know.


In My Opinion
Yes, they should be allowed to adopt. All of the gay couples I have met would be better suited to raise children than most hetero couples I know.
I find that just a bit hard to believe.

gays are better suited to raise children? nope cant buy into the propaganda.


Define good home?

It's definition is going to be different for everyone, but the foundation of a good home should be based on morals and values. Because of my personal beliefs it's impossible for a gay couple to teach this. Even of they attend church every Sunday it's impossible for them to teach.

I totally agree with you here BlueBird. I'd definitely think the best possible scenerio is for a kid to be raised by a father and mother. If you had two couples who were willing to adopt the same child, the decision should always be made to give the kid to the normal heterosexual couple. It's just the morally correct thing to do. I'd say let the gays adopt the kids who may be harder to place. In that case, it may be in the better interest of the child.

You and I will take a beating here from the people who don't understand what morals really are. Oh, well. I guess they are entitled to their opinion just like you and me.


I find that just a bit hard to believe.

gays are better suited to raise children? nope cant buy into the propaganda.

Yeah, I don't buy it either. Just doesn't make sense. Then again, you don't have to have sense to be a member of this forum.


New Member
I find that just a bit hard to believe.

gays are better suited to raise children? nope cant buy into the propaganda.

Take it into perspective. Each of the people from the gay couples I know work 8-5's and pull in good money. They live in houses with nice yards and in great communities. They attend church, abide by the law, and are clean, healthy individuals.

All of the hetero couples I know that do not already have children are around my age, live in ####ty apartments and can't pull together enough money to do anything but live, eat, and sleep.

All in all, yes, the gay couples I know are better suited to raise children than my hetero friends. In 15-20 years, those circumstances may very well change. But, since there are kids on the street now, why would I have any problem with allowing these children to be taken into a good home filled with love, where their parents can raise them correctly?

I understand that you have a problem with gay people. I understand a majority of the people on this board would rather not see a child raised with them.

But I would much rather see a child raised by two men or women than by Tony Two Fingers, the local crime lord, or be forced into prostitution, drugs, or anything else that doesn't end with "degree from college."


In My Opinion
Take it into perspective. Each of the people from the gay couples I know work 8-5's and pull in good money. They live in houses with nice yards and in great communities. They attend church, abide by the law, and are clean, healthy individuals.

All of the hetero couples I know that do not already have children are around my age, live in ####ty apartments and can't pull together enough money to do anything but live, eat, and sleep.

All in all, yes, the gay couples I know are better suited to raise children than my hetero friends. In 15-20 years, those circumstances may very well change. But, since there are kids on the street now, why would I have any problem with allowing these children to be taken into a good home filled with love, where their parents can raise them correctly?

I understand that you have a problem with gay people. I understand a majority of the people on this board would rather not see a child raised with them.

But I would much rather see a child raised by two men or women than by Tony Two Fingers, the local crime lord, or be forced into prostitution, drugs, or anything else that doesn't end with "degree from college."
you must hang around with real scum.
most of the people I know are living in homes that cost over a million, they have great jobs, most of them only the father has to work, the mother does charity and stays home for the kids.
only gays I know of can be found at the adult bookstore in annapolis where they trade aids juice with one another.
and as far as going to church, Im not sure what you mean by that, but if they are going, they are going to a church that either re-wrote the bible, or the congragation is trying to change their evil ways.

but in the end are you suggesting that married people are more likely to be tony two fingers, or that married people force their children into prostitution and drugs? Lets be honest here, did you know that most child molestation cases were Man/Boy? that means what?? you guessed, homosexuals are more likely to molest than straights.


Chin Jiggla!
you must hang around with real scum.
most of the people I know are living in homes that cost over a million, they have great jobs, most of them only the father has to work, the mother does charity and stays home for the kids.
only gays I know of can be found at the adult bookstore in annapolis where they trade aids juice with one another.
and as far as going to church, Im not sure what you mean by that, but if they are going, they are going to a church that either re-wrote the bible, or the congragation is trying to change their evil ways.

but in the end are you suggesting that married people are more likely to be tony two fingers, or that married people force their children into prostitution and drugs? Lets be honest here, did you know that most child molestation cases were Man/Boy? that means what?? you guessed, homosexuals are more likely to molest than straights.
Interesting....What if the boy's got to the Lesbian couples and the girls go to the Gay men couples? Would that mitigate your concern of sexual abuse? Just a question...:shrug:


Well-Known Member
They should absolutely be allowed to adopt. I have not heard one good reason why they shouldn't.


In My Opinion
Interesting....What if the boy's got to the Lesbian couples and the girls go to the Gay men couples? Would that mitigate your concern of sexual abuse? Just a question...:shrug:
no, I just personally do not think that gay couples are suited for properly raising children. I would have run away and joined the circus or something if I had been raised by a couple of homosexuals.
Friends wouldnt be allowed to come over, I would never want them to show up for parent teacher confrences. It just would have been terrible to be raised by non normal parental units.


New Member
you must hang around with real scum.
most of the people I know are living in homes that cost over a million, they have great jobs, most of them only the father has to work, the mother does charity and stays home for the kids.
only gays I know of can be found at the adult bookstore in annapolis where they trade aids juice with one another.
and as far as going to church, Im not sure what you mean by that, but if they are going, they are going to a church that either re-wrote the bible, or the congragation is trying to change their evil ways.

but in the end are you suggesting that married people are more likely to be tony two fingers, or that married people force their children into prostitution and drugs? Lets be honest here, did you know that most child molestation cases were Man/Boy? that means what?? you guessed, homosexuals are more likely to molest than straights.

Nope, you seem to forget I am 23 years old, which means the majority of people I know, my friends, are close to my age and are not well off. Through my participation in GLBT awareness events, I have gotten to know many gay couples that are well off and are interested in adoption. The vast majority of hetero couples I know that -are- well off enough to raise children are not in the slight bit interested in adoption, as they have already had children and are in no need, nor want, of any more.

I would love to see a statistic showing that a majority of child molestation cases are man/boy, and further, take out all the cases that involve priests, pastors, and the like.

As far as churches go, who cares the reasoning behind the motivation of the church to accept people that are currently "condemned to hell"? I am sure you have noted my belief in the church throughout the boards and know that I am a strong advocate of the morale values imprinted in the bible, and as such, any person going to church would instill as much morale as possible in their children and family, irregardless of the actual -faith-.

And to clarify, no I do not believe that the hetero couples are tony two fingers or pimps. What I meant was that having the children in a home, as opposed to orphanages or on the street is a wise choice. I do believe that a child would do equally well in any (hetero or homo) household that has the abilities to raise the child.

Altogether, I doubt that many orphanage children, or children on the street, that still wish to do well in life would care if they were going to a picket fence house inhabited by a straight or gay couple, so long as that couple would be able to supply shelter, food, and love.


New Member
And just for clarification, I am quite aware that there are many gay couples that should never ever be allowed to adopt. The same with hetero couples. I believe that there should be much more involvement with assigning parents for these children.