Gay adoptions

Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?

  • NO! Never, it's just not right. The kids need normal parents

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Generally no, except for the hard to place kids. It's better than nothing

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Sure, they should have the right to adopt.

    Votes: 36 59.0%
  • I really don't care.

    Votes: 5 8.2%

  • Total voters


Football addict
I find that just a bit hard to believe.

gays are better suited to raise children? nope cant buy into the propaganda.
Me either.

I don't think they're better suited just because they're gay.

I think it's great that gay's can adopt though.:yay:

We need more adoption in this country.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
why shouldn't they be allowed to adopt? Single parents are allowed to adopt, crazy people are allowed to adopt. Look at what happened to those poor girls that were found in the freezer, that was a heterosexual couple. I believe that as long as the adoptive parents are loving, caring, have the best interest of the child in mind, and are mentally and financially capable of taking care of a child they have every right to adopt.

Homosexuality isn't a disease or disability that impairs one's ability to properly love and raise a healthy, happy child.

I agree :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
you guessed, homosexuals are more likely to molest than straights.

Uh, that is not true. Yes, homosexual men are more likely to molest a *boy* child than a hetero man, but it is fairly common for girls to have at least one molester in their past, and that molester is almost exclusively a hetero man and not a homosexual.

And a homosexual man is no more likely to be sexually attracted to his son than his hetero counterpart will be attracted to a daughter. I don't even know what makes people say dumb stuff like this, because there is no evidence of it.


New Member
why shouldn't they be allowed to adopt? Single parents are allowed to adopt, crazy people are allowed to adopt. Look at what happened to those poor girls that were found in the freezer, that was a heterosexual couple. I believe that as long as the adoptive parents are loving, caring, have the best interest of the child in mind, and are mentally and financially capable of taking care of a child they have every right to adopt.

Homosexuality isn't a disease or disability that impairs one's ability to properly love and raise a healthy, happy child.

Could not have said it better myself, My mind was TRULY made up after watching that HBO special with the cruise with Rosie O'Donnell, I cant stand her, but the special was a real eye opener, These people(gay couples) showed the most adoration for their kids, and did not care where or what background they came from they just wanted a child to love and share their life with, it really was quite touching!! More power to them


Lets be honest here, did you know that most child molestation cases were Man/Boy? that means what?? you guessed, homosexuals are more likely to molest than straights.

Roughly 33% of girls and 14% of boys are molested before the age of 18, according to the U.S. Justice Department.

Child Molestation Statistics

* Three out of four children who were victimized were female.
* Nearly two-thirds of convicted child molesters and/or offenders were or had been married.

Sex Offender Statistics - Child Molester Statistics


In My Opinion
I didn't realize the numbers were so high for girls. Appauling.
I think its appauling anyway you look at it.
I see no reason to open children up to more chance of molestation just to get them out of the system.
I also dont see why the waiting list and the cost is so high to adopt. You make it easier and less expensive and you would have a whole lot less kids waiting.
Do a background check on the parents to be, and move on.


Regardless of what you or I think- little Johnny/Susie are going to get the snot beat out of them from 3rd grade on because they have a daddy and a daddy/mommy and a mommy vs a mommy and daddy.

So no- but not because of the parental aspect. Kids will be kids and kids can be mean so why subject one to daily beatings.

ps Hi from a newbie! :howdy:

Kids are taught adversity in school. Your family is not going to be the same as little Johnny or Susie's family. Its not the 50s anymore, and the nuclear family is not the norm.


Does my butt look big?
One of my best friends is a gay man in a relationship. He and his partner adopted 2 children from a Russian orphanage..the stories of the orphanage is terrible. 50 degrees in baths for kids or diapers etc..Anyway this kids are HAPPY HAPPY...and I feel they are in the best of hands I say yes.


no, I just personally do not think that gay couples are suited for properly raising children. I would have run away and joined the circus or something if I had been raised by a couple of homosexuals.
Friends wouldnt be allowed to come over, I would never want them to show up for parent teacher confrences. It just would have been terrible to be raised by non normal parental units.

That's where it bothers me. I try to picture myself with two daddies or two mommies. I am thankful that I was not raised in that environment. When I was growing up, none of this would have ever been an issue. Homos were and still are living a perverted unnatural lifestyle. That's not healthy for children to be exposed to. I don't want to hear the argument that it's between two consenting adults. That doesn't make it any less perverted.

I also can't understand how homos are calling themselves christian and are going to church. I can only assume they've edited the bible to suit their needs. The priest in our old church used to preach against the gays on a regular basis. There was never one person in church who did not agree with him.

My kids will only see society deteriorate even more in their lifetimes. Thankfully they have a good foundation and are off to a great start.


In My Opinion
Kids are taught adversity in school. Your family is not going to be the same as little Johnny or Susie's family. Its not the 50s anymore, and the nuclear family is not the norm.
explain this.
are you saying that a good family with mother and father is not the norm anymore?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
That's where it bothers me. I try to picture myself with two daddies or two mommies. I am thankful that I was not raised in that environment. When I was growing up, none of this would have ever been an issue. Homos were and still are living a perverted unnatural lifestyle. That's not healthy for children to be exposed to. I don't want to hear the argument that it's between two consenting adults. That doesn't make it any less perverted.

I also can't understand how homos are calling themselves christian and are going to church. I can only assume they've edited the bible to suit their needs. The priest in our old church used to preach against the gays on a regular basis. There was never one person in church who did not agree with him.

My kids will only see society deteriorate even more in their lifetimes. Thankfully they have a good foundation and are off to a great start.
If you'd grown up in that family it would seem normal. If they're good parents and teach responsibility more than likely the kid will grow up that way, wether it was M/M, F/F, or M/F.


That's not healthy for children to be exposed to. I don't want to hear the argument that it's between two consenting adults. That doesn't make it any less perverted.

Why is it not healthy?
Its what happens behind closed doors. When two people love eachother and express it in a sexual manner they do so in private, why is this an issue? Do you have sexual relations in front of your kids? I sure hope not.

I also can't understand how homos are calling themselves christian and are going to church. I can only assume they've edited the bible to suit their needs. The priest in our old church used to preach against the gays on a regular basis. There was never one person in church who did not agree with him.

What about preists molesting young boys? You know for so long since the begining of recorded history, homosexuality has been documented. Some human lives were also reserved for just that, to be sexual slaves to others, in Persia, Italy as well as Greece and Japan it was young boys to serve as women for men of nobile stature. It was not uncommon in bathhouses in Venice, Florence, Greece and Rome. A large part of many countries militaries throughout history went gay (i.e. close quarters with other men). Homosexualisty is even prevelent in Iran and other middle eastern Muslim dominated countries, they don't admit it because apperently its punishable by death. Lordy Byron, Richard Francis Burton, John Cleland, Thomas Cannon and others wrote about it in Eurpoe.....

Throughout history there have been acceptance and backlash of same sex relations. You're just going to have to get used to it, the gay population is simply not going to go away.
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explain this.
are you saying that a good family with mother and father is not the norm anymore?

Oh, no its normal. What I meant, its just more common to see one mother, one father families, extended families with cousins and aunts/uncles living under one roof, step dads, step moms, even friends living together. The definition of families has been changed to suit certain situations. You may be raised by your aunt and uncle or your brother or sister.


In My Opinion
Throughout history there have been acceptance and backlash of same sex relations. You're just going to have to get used to it, the gay population is simply not going to go away.
and I suggest the gay population get used to being looked down on.
there are a whole bunch of people out there that dont agree with their chosen lifestyle, and basically, not much chance of us going away either.

the harder they try to push to force society to normalize and embrace their choice, the harder some will push back.


and I suggest the gay population get used to being looked down on.
there are a whole bunch of people out there that dont agree with their chosen lifestyle, and basically, not much chance of us going away either.

the harder they try to push to force society to normalize and embrace their choice, the harder some will push back.

but.... you forgot about the acceptance part :ohwell: